252nd G-View Controversial Edition: Cross Ange

My initial disdain for the following anime’s first 5 episodes are well known amongst my fans and foes. Cross Trash was the title I gave the show for a while and I was convinced it would be a long time before I even considered showing mercy. However, the Yuri Spirits sent me many signs telling me to give this show a second chance…MANY SIGNS! Eventually I got the message and decided to give the show a second chance by finishing it. Question is was it worth it? Let’s find out as we take a look at Cross Ange.

Cross Ange cover

Alternate Titles:

  • Cross Ange, Tenshi to Ryu no Rondo
  • Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons

Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy

Themes: Dragons, dystopia, ecchi, girls with guns, gore, mecha, Racism, Yuri

Number of episodes: 25

G-Rating: N/A

Plot Summary: Humanity has advanced to great heights since it obtained the information technology known as “Mana.” With that nearly magical power, problems like war, food shortages, and pollution have been eliminated. This age of peace and freedom, the Empress Angelese of the Misurugi Empire is a privileged girl with no disabilities. She learns, however, that she is a “Norma,” a kind of human who cannot use Mana and are outcasts of society. Having lost everything, she is sent to an isolated island. There she meets other Normas who ride in humanoid weapons called Para-mails, protecting the world from dragons invaders from another dimension.


This show…I stand by my word that the first five episodes were some of the most infuriating I had seen when I first saw it. The out of nowhere surprise during the OP was a bad sign but as it progressed more and more stuff happened that made my blood boil until I could no longer take it after the end of the 5th episode. Upon continuing with the 6th episode all the way to the 25th, this show…






…this show is not as bad as thought it would be. Oh there were still parts that made me cringe but the overall experience was a positive one for the most part…provided the viewer is VERY open-minded. Viewers, especially hardcore feminists who thought Kill La Kill‘s content was too racy and its depiction of women questionable then they would have a field day with CA. When the show gets violent it gets violent. No spilled organs or anything but there are many bloody battles and it is not only the ones against the DRAGONs.

Mild message

This being a mecha anime and based on the ones I have seen I expected there to be both politics and a heavy dose of drama in the plot. I was right. As the themes and plot summary make clear there is a strong emphasis on racism and class division to the point that it brings up the age old topic of whether or not world peace could truly be achieved amongst the world of the living. This show when it is not focusing on its few lighthearted moments and questionable attempts at humor does not sugarcoat anything for the most part. There is discrimination, harsh words are exchanged, a utopia this anime’s world is not.  Keeping this fact in mind while watching makes the character’s trials and tribulations more understandable, especially Ange’s. More on that later.

The show’s overall plot is insane and will require some viewers to have a “just roll with it” mentality. While I do fancy crazy storylines that are cohesive I once again repeat that the show’s first 5 episodes were infuriating. First time viewers be careful. The show is somewhat less strenuous from episode 6 and onward.


Before I turned away from this show for a while I gave credit where credit was due. The girls on the show are hot, the young ones are cute, the mechs look awesome, the dragons kick ass and both the mecha and human fights deliver. Viewers expecting cool fight scenes will certainly get them here. The OST is fine. Nothing I would write home about but it gets the job done.

Cross-Ange-hot springs

As mentioned above this show does not sugarcoat anything. It also does not hold back on its fanservice and raunchiness. Once more I bring up KLK and its ecchi content. I would say CA’s is between KLK and the Monogatari Saga with a pinch of Mnemosyne. The more sexual scenes are somewhat short but they get the steaminess across. At first it may look like the sexual content is there solely for titillation but it KINDA fits with the plot but I will let viewers see for themselves.

As far as the characters go let’s talk about the romance first. Initially what upset me about the introduction of Tusk and the other initial episodes was that I thought the writers included him for the otaku mainstream to cheer solely for him to win Ange’s heart as he would her white knight compared to the other meanie girls, especially the lesbians. I was wrong about the lesbians being disgraced. They were actually taken seriously despite what I saw at first. In fact my initial prediction of everyone else being more interesting than Ange and Tusk was 90% accurate though I can understand others who saw the show seeing Ange as their favorite character.

Ange bikini

Ange herself is not a bad “pampered yet benevolent beauty” turned “hotheaded badass babe”. After all she goes through it is understandable why she can be a pain in the neck and take a while to trust others. This woman went through A LOT, especially a certain rescue mission…She is basically a “rough character who eventually lightens up”. I do not know what the term for that character trope is…if there even is one. As for her developing relationship with Tusk…it is what it is. Tusk is okay. At least he served a purpose and was not a FRI (Forced Romantic Interest) though their relationship is nothing to write home about.

As for the controversial methods used to achieve her transformation, I can understand why some would be turned off by it at first. Unfortunately some of the methods used are commonplace in storylines that have a female protagonist become badass. I too find it crude but as a certain reviewer said “How is it worse than what happened to certain people on Attack on Titan?”. Not saying the trope is justified but it’s the one the writers chose to use.

Everyone else though, as mentioned, all have interesting character developing routes, each jam packed with joy and sorrow…though for some mostly sorrow.

Hilda, Rozalie and Chris menage a trois

Two of my favorite characters are in this one pic. Before that though, the yuri is strong in this one. It is brought up several times throughout the show, is steamy as expected and surprisingly handled well. So yeah the yuri characters are taken seriously for the most part. Now on to my fav characters. #1 is the redhead in the middle Hilda. Her route is without question the one I was most invested in. #2 was a surprise. I did not expect to like Rosalie “Bulk” Bulkmeier (orange hair) more than Chris “Skull” Skullovitch (blue-silver hair). Their love story is also the most interesting. The one hint I will give for #3 is that her name is long, not her full name, just her name.

Overall CA was better than I thought. It is flawless in the slightest and some of its content can be off putting for some viewers meaning it is not for everyone. I would say it is mainly for the brave of heart and open-minded yuri fans. For everyone else I am not certain.

PS: To verify something, when I said “not as bad” or “better than I thought” does not mean I said the show’s really good. If I were to give it a rating it would be around a 5 at worst or 7 at best. 8 or 9 is pushing it.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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44 Responses to 252nd G-View Controversial Edition: Cross Ange

  1. Denny Sinnoh says:

    I think that it is pretty good. I am on ep #6. Those themes you mentioned are difficult ones, but are fleshed out well.

    I will paraphrase the great one line from ep 4 “While you were getting drunk on peace, we Norma have to fight and die so you can have your peace”.

    But, Dang it, they killed off Coco too soon.


    • OG-Man says:

      There’s one more major obstacle to overcome I’d say. If you can handle that one the rest (I think) will be less difficult to sit through.


  2. Trans Homura says:

    I’m too lesbian and feminist for this series and I like KLK

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Fipse says:

    CA gets lot of shit. To be fair, it can be a bad show if you take it too serious. If you are going to accept some really bad writing and just laugh about it…yeah it can be fun.
    But I can’t get my mind around why so many yuri fans hate it. Is it because Ange is straight (or maybe bi)? The moment we saw the Opening it was obvious she is going to have a hetero love interest. But CA still goes beyond a lot of other shows. The yuri is not just subtext, the girls are literally eating each other out on screen AND get into a serious relationship. It is not just some fanservice (well in a way it is) for the male harem lead. It is all about them and no males involved.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      I do not blame those people for I too scoffed this show for a while as you may know because I thought Tusk’s inclusion would mean the lesbians were badly written or ridiculed. They weren’t. Not an amazing show but far from horrible as I initially thought.


      • Fipse says:

        It is not like i didn’t feel any danger coming from him. It could have been easily turned into a harem show with the girls suddenly turning straight for the Tusk D. It was kinda refreshing to see lesbians not used as a joke in this kind of show and giving us some honest homosexual relationships.
        I only feel a bit bad for Hilda but judging from the material released after the anime was done it seems like she gets a bit of Ange while Tusk is just the ‘housewife’.


    • OG-Man says:

      Better than nothing I suppose.


  4. makotachi says:

    I just couldn’t make it through this show. I even got half way through, but I really couldn’t get past how deplorable it could be to the female characters sometimes and for the sake of fanservice. It got better, we didn’t get another disgusting sexual assault scene that was projected to objectify the characters, but we got some other nasty stuff. The lesbian characters being treated as real relationships were probably the only thing this show did right, imo.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      I said it wasn’t for everyone for a reason and that you needed a strong gut to get through it all. But yeah, well written lesbian characters was a welcome surprise.


  5. kracen says:

    Okay, I got to episode 4 like I said before, and I stopped there because Tusk in the space of 5 minutes managed to hit every single aspect of why I hate male characters in anime… So… Taking what you know about my hatred of male characters…. Do you think I should steer clear of this or do you think I could make it through? Baring in mind that I did manage to watch and enjoy the entirety of Code Geass…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. x says:

    I agree with the whole review and for the anime, very impressive and I though you were never going to watch it.


    • OG-Man says:

      I said it was better than expected. I never said it was amazing. I did it because I had to get it off my back once and for all otherwise more people would show up telling me to finish it.


  7. the_elevator_man says:

    You made it. Congrats. I’m sure it took a lot of commitment, so kudos.

    Man, this was supposed to be the hyped up anime of…I can’t even remember the season it aired, that’s how far the hype died!

    It had hype, a talented cast, showed glimpses of brilliance (Arc 2 eps 6-9 almost redeemed 1-5). It brought in the Nanofate couple, a quasi-KnM storyline and Gundam fame on purpose. It didn’t deliver, was inconsistent in some key areas (feminine respect, yuribaiting, and my pet peeve: ya have to treat serious issues like death consistently to be taken seriously yo!), but it was a ride that we watch, smirk, perhaps sometimes enjoy at parts…and never again admit that it happened!

    I do recommend Cross Ange Gakuen, a funny 4koma high school AU which corresponds to each episode. I read it alongside the main story to keep things light. That’s the moral I guess: if you treat it not as the Gundam/Nanofate/Kanna show you wanted, but the lighter more offensive KLK/Mnemosyne/ecchi show, I think that’s the best approach.


    • OG-Man says:

      Ange X Hilda (or Salako) being considered the next NanoFate was one of the most ridiculous things I had ever heard! I somehow felt insulted. Seriously internet!? SERIOUSLY!?
      Long before the plot went crazy I did not picture this show potentially being something big in yuridom at all.
      I’m not a Gundam fan so the Gundam references passed me by.


  8. axion101 says:

    I finished it. I actually wanted to like this show but I couldn’t. Too much nonsense. I hated Tusk. I hated his introduction. I hated their phony forced romance. I hated everything about it. I did like the dragons. They were boss. And the singing. And Salaman….(can’t finish it)-sama.

    I understand that anime occasionally has its quirks, but I feel like they took a decent story and screwed it up. It’s like someone attempted to write a story, left the script unattended and a bunch of horny teens added a bunch of junk because… Idk.

    I was hoping Ange and dragon warrior-princess would hook up. Ah, well. Hopefully someone will see fit to write some doujins and kill Tusk so that MY fantasies can come true.


    • OG-Man says:

      Sounds like you thought about it too much and it caused you to get upset.


    • OG-Man says:

      Let me put it this way, what it made it less sad was accepting the inevitability of Ange and Tusk hooking up. We knew it was coming so there was no point fighting it. At least that’s what made it less sad when it did happen.
      As for the writing, I’ve seen much worse.


  9. Kai says:

    Whether it’s good or bad, I think I will be shipping Ange x Hilda somewhere else…


  10. The Otaku Judge says:

    Glad to hear that you stuck with it and appreciated it more after seeing the whole thing.

    Whoever said “How is it worse than what happened to certain people on Attack on Titan?” is a wise man indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. ct366 says:

    Despite the amount of headaches this show gave me, I have to stay that overall I enjoyed (I didn’t think I would). Shame there wasn’t more Ange girl on girl action though hmm…


  12. mikotohimemiya says:

    I just wanted to share with you their own opinion about Cross Ange. I personally have not yet started watching this anime, but all I will say. I am otaku yuri 8 years, and I liked the one hand, this anime, and on the other, and disappointed. I was very pleased that at the beginning was a real harem yuri (Zola, Rosalie, Chris and Hilda), but Zola bit spoiled everything and I was glad that she had died (although I have my suspicions that she is still alive). Now about Ange and Hilda, they initially did not really get along with each other, as Ange had to lose his own family and the love of the people, not realizing it was just blinded by concern for their commander Zola. Only after meeting with his mother, who also had forgotten her, Hilda began to understand what was Ange, when she had to leave our home and deprived of their family whom she loved very much. So it began to awaken romantic feelings Hilda to Ange, but at that moment she realized that she did not get to win the heart of Princess as Ange loves Tusk, but despite this she confessed her feelings for what is unexpected for most Hilda (me especially), the princess gave her a long, tender kiss, and expressed a desire to see her (Hilda) in the new world. (Perhaps it will give a reason to the fact that Hilda and Ange will pair). I would sincerely hope that the second season will Cross Ange and it Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi and Hildagard Schlievogt finally start dating.


    • OG-Man says:

      I dunno if Ange and Hilda can get together. Maybe they can but I doubt the writers will have that happen, unless Ange works something out with Tusk or Tusk gets killed. We’ll have to wait and see.


      • Grace says:

        It seems Tusk cant be killed so….. I think he would not really mind if she would also donit with Hilda. But thats my opinion.


      • OG-Man says:

        It’s not like I want Tusk dead, just that he was added to to the cast for one purpose and little else, give Ange a male love interest.


  13. Pingback: Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars Anime Coming This Summer | The Yuri Nation

  14. Pingback: Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars Episode 1: Another Cool Mech Show Starring Cute Girls | The Yuri Nation

  15. R_F says:

    There is a cross ange yuri game on PSV(s**** Tusk!), though only in Japanese…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Grace says:

    I just tought the show was to short. I’m a big yuri and shoujo ai fan. This show took me in completly. It trully shows some hard stuff, thing that also happen in real life. What made it a good show for me was because they went deeper into some of the characters. For example, it showed why Hilda had become the way she was and how she grew and changed for the better. In the beginning I found Sallia annoying, even a bit arrogant. The way I thought about her changed troughout the episodes. She just wanted to be recognized and accepted for who she is by the one she cherished the most, Alektra ak Jill. From personal experiance I know how it is to fight all the time to be seen and accepted for who you are. They showed her fight, pain and frustration really good. Overal I found she show pretty good and it was for me way to short!

    I am really open minded about stuff, totally gay and I seem to have a nose for picking anime with weird stuff in it (plots, twists etc. that are not common to me). Anime is not big in my country The Netherlands, just because it is different from what the people here are used to. They just do not get the Japanese culture in it, the story lines, most of all the way it is made and the way of thinking.

    I give Cross Ange an 8+


    • OG-Man says:

      Yup. The ladies’ character development was the best part of the show followed by the mech stuff.

      I don’t know that many anime fans from the Netherlands but it’s cool to meet one. Also glad to hear you enjoyed the show.


      • Grace says:

        I kinda got a soft spot for Hilda falling in love with Ange. The show is deffinetly in my top 10 yuri (related). With my love for the genre yuri and shoujo ai I really feel like I am the only one in my country. I am totaly crazy for the anime Strawberry Panic. I also make paintings which are anime related. You can look my work up at DeviantArt under GLMoes.


      • OG-Man says:

        Hilda is one of, if note the best character on the show.
        I feel ya. I have HEARD that there are more yuri fans in Aruba but if that is true they are very well hidden


      • Grace says:

        Aruba isnt really around the corner.

        Liked by 1 person

      • OG-Man says:

        We speak Dutch here as well. The point I was making is I can relate with you that I do not think there are many people who like yuri as much as we do, that we are aware of, in our respective homelands.


    • Grace says:

      I get the point you are trying to make. I do know people who like anime, but they do not watch yuri or shoujo ai.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Duncan Atkinson says:

    The Attack on Titan rape-violence equivalency line is bunk. On-screen violence doesn’t really harm or kill, but human dignity is an idea, which the demeaning ideas in rape-sploitation shows really attack. If I’m correct in understanding you that a woman is raped to make her stronger (To come back from rape, don’t you need to be strong already?), nothing else in the show could permit me to accept that, apart from the rapist’s death/abject repentance.


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