The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio Episode 7: Radio Gauntlet

Last time our heroines once again found themselves in quite the pickle courtesy of Chika’s sexy lawyer mom being overprotective and not thinking rationally.

Yumiko and Chika enjoy crepes

Before judgment day came Yumiko invited Chika to hang out on a not date to help calm their nerves…until they spotted Mekuru nearby. After a reminder of her bitchiness the girls were about to part ways when Chika shared her worries over the upcoming challenge. Like Yumiko last episode the fear of possibly losing her dream job took ahold of her and she couldn’t stop shaking. Yumiko briefly thought (Now you know how it feels) but immediately regretted it after Chika thanked her for hanging out with her. Yumiko repented for her wicked thoughts by assuring Chika they’d find a way to overcome the challenge.

Radio Girls at a meet and greet

The next day our heroines joined Otome at a meet and greet. The first one in a while for them. Despite Otome being there to chase away self-entitled ass clowns from lashing out at YumiChi Yumiko worried how other fans would react. She again wondered if their new worked shoot personas was the right call as it became tough to pull that off at the event. Suddenly a mystery girl approached them and to Yumiko’s surprise she went hardcore fangirl not only for Otome but Chika and herself too.

Yumiko stops the mystery fan from running away

During her fangirling for Chika our clever gyaru sensed something familiar about her. This after the fangirl said she missed “Yasumi Utatane”. Yumiko detected a familiar bitch under the disguise.

Mekuru misses Yasumi and Yuhi

It was Mekuru all along. They “convinced” her to meet them after the event to discuss the situation. Basically Mekuru’s a huge fangirl of our heroines (and Otome) and at some point became a seiyuu because of them. However, after the big stream where they denounced their old personas this felt like a betrayal to her. She used the careers of herself and fellow voice actors “becoming harder” as an excuse to bitch at them for taking away the characters she loved. I’ve seen and heard enough about celebrity worship to understand how this mentality works. I still think Mekuru’s behavior up till now sucked and I still don’t like her but I kind of get where she came from. To her credit at least she’s aware she’s a bitch.

Yumiko and Chika face the challenge

After hearing what Mekuru had to say the girls decided to add a twist to the challenge. They basically told everyone the truth about it, not mentioning sexy mom of course, about why they’re doing it and that their careers were on the line. Finally on the big day the girls, with mom as the referee, were greeted by a gauntlet of YasuYuhi fans.

Yumiko pumped up by Chika's support

At first Yumiko felt overwhelmed by the intense stares but Chika remembered her gyaru partner showing her support in the past and wanted to repay the sexy babe. Yumiko’s pumped up and we’re treated to Chika’s tsundere catchphrase that by now we knew translated to “Stop making me fall deeper in love with you!”

Yumiko and Chika survive

It was a tough challenge. The support was strong but there were some self-entitled dickweeds ready to follow in the footsteps of the shit stain “fanboy” who harassed Chika. Maybe they wouldn’t stoop as low as he did but them wanting to lash out at our heroines for “betraying” them was obvious. Thankfully the real fans who wanted to see them continue kicking ass for years to come outnumbered the weenies. In the end they survived the challenge.

After the ED we joined Mekuru listening to the Radio Rivals Show. it looked like our heroines came to a compromise. They’d keep their worked shoot personas but would revert to Yuhi and Yasumi from time to time. Sounds reasonable. Wrestlers do it all the time.

Good stuff as always.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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12 Responses to The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio Episode 7: Radio Gauntlet

  1. cirno9fan says:

    This really has been a surprise of a show~

    I’m glad the mom gave up on her unreasonable and altogether useless wager (if she actually only cared about the rules, they were out quite a while back), because it was pointless to try and keep them safe by quitting, as they were already long ago doxxed. Quitting could have just as easily stoked more fires given why they were so angry.

    The development of the relationship between Chika and Yumiko has been just as surprising in how it’s been handled. Going to be sad when this is over, and hoping they at least find a good stopping point.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kotori_sonoda says:

    Mekuru going into the meet and greet with the time honored disguise of facemask, glasses and cap is the funniest thing ever. Turns out she’s a real fangirl!

    the climax of this episode was narmy dramatic but I love it so much. The fans throwing themselves on the bad eggs to protect our heroines was really heartwarming and makes you believe there’s still good in this world…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I figured they’d pass the challenge, because plot, so no surprise there. But it was still heartwarming to see the real fans stand up for them against those few jerks who tried to go in on them and ruin it. Good thing Mom didn’t seem to be too much of a stickler for the rules though, because they probably would’ve failed tbh. I think she finally realized by the end that they may have haters, but far more fans, and that she couldn’t force them to turn away from them for her own selfish desires to protect her daughter (understandable as a parent, but not the best for her child).

    I was also happy to see them still being so supportive and loving towards each other, even if neither will admit their feelings yet. That was such a lewd moment for real. I feel like in reality, that would’ve given fans a whole new topic to talk about.

    The most surprising thing in this episode was definitely Mekuru. I didn’t expect she’d be a secret fangirl at all, but I suppose it does put her behavior into more perspective. Still kind of shity though, but she knows it at least. She also made valid points. Their actions were somewhat of a betrayal to their loyal fans, and they had a right to be a bit upset. So I’m glad the two were able to come up with the modified plan and try making up for it. I think their compromise of being both themselves and their personas interchangeably in the end was fair and the best outcome to have.

    This show has been consistently enjoyable every week. Like, no bells and whistles or epic developments like some others, but still good Yuri. Looking forward to more.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Yup. Good to see the true fans support their idols against the weenies. Based on mom’s reaction it was enough to convince her despite them technically losing the challenge.

      Top 3 couple of Spring for me.

      Yup. We understood her motivation but she still has a ways to go to fully redeem herself.

      Quite right.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. K says:

    To be honest, with D-day’s arrival, under normal circumstances, YumiChi’s seiyuu days were numbered but if that actually happened, the show would’ve been over. what happened instead was funny and heartwarming. Fans of their characters were disappointed in them but most of them didn’t want to end their careers. They probably would’ve regretted it if they had done that. It was nice to see that Chika’s mom relented on this issue after seeing all this play out.

    As for Mekuru, I saw her as a jerk last episode with points about VA work that would be hard to refute but this episode surprised me. She was actually one of their mega-fans, maybe even THE mega-fan. After listening to her reasons as to why she acted the way she did towards the both of them, I can understand her aggressive tone. Heck, seeing how YumiChi brought back their YasuYuhi personas in the radio show, she might ease up on them. Speaking of that last segment, this seems like the best way to appease fans of both their real selves and their characters.

    Will there be more curve balls thrown their way? I hope not.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. chikorita157 says:

    Funny to see Mekurun to fangirl about Chika and Yumiko despite acting like she hates them. At least we know the reason why she was upset, although it does make her somewhat a tsundere. Nice to see the fans fight back against the Antis that want to end their careers. I guess Yumiko’s mother is right that her daughter and Chika will pull through.

    At least there is some redemption arc for Mekurun, but probably happy with Chika and Yumiko reverting to their personas they original personas. Hopefully, she will act less cold towards them now?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. yurimylove says:

    true fans do not just support a persona, but the real person behind it.

    Liked by 1 person

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