Whisper Me a Love Song Episode 7: The Violet Fiend

With the main heroines’ story pretty much finished it’s time for Best Girl to begin a journey to find her own happiness. Kumaria-sama knows she deserves it.

Aki teases Himari

Having said that, I will ALWAYS crave more fluffy wuffy goodness from our sweet new couple. Thankfully the show continued to deliver on that front as seen here with Aki congratulating her worthy opponent on a well deserved victory but teasing her with a “But I’m still her best frieeeeend”. Told you Aki’s the best.

Himari clinging onto YoriJelly Himari is everything.

Himari and Yori hold handsLike I said last episode. Himari oozes TOP energy. So good! Look at how lewd she is. Dang girl.

Hajime bonks ShihoThe awesome purple giant and the less awesome violet emo, both love interests of femme goddesses.

Himari brags about her awesome girlfriendI haven’t seen a lesbian brag about having or being an awesome girlfriend this much since Amity Blight.

We need more open and proud lesbians like this in Yuri media please.

Shiho's dilemmaBack to the drama plot. Momoka convinced Shiho to stay behind and attend a cooking club meeting to discuss plans for the school festival. As they did so Himari learned Shiho was the infamous “invisible” 3rd member of the club and that Momoka, Hajime and Shiho were part of a trio band. Having seen how much fun Hiyori had in her new band Himari thought it was the same for Shiho. However, she’s more focused on proving herself as a great performer or something like that. Himari of course didn’t know all the details but commended Shiho for having a goal. Shiho also discovered the awesome power of Himari’s cuteness. The girl is incredibly hard to deny. Her purity hides the power of a shrewd businesswoman.

After more HimaYori bliss we continued the story with Yori inviting Aki over to her place. Poor dear’s heart bounced all over the place but had enough control to accept the invite. The reason Yori asked was because she noticed Aki feeling down ever since the encounter with Shiho. She wanted to know the full story.

Aki approaches ShihoBack in her pre-gyaru days Aki had heard of Shiho’s infamy as a drifting musician unable to stay in one group for long due to falling off with every single one. The reason was Shiho’s desire to become a serious musician and the need for her bandmates to have the same drive for success. Naturally this mindset rubbed most off the wrong way but Aki felt like giving the poor girl a chance and invited her to join the SSGIRLS. Although the girls weren’t mega stars they at least enjoyed playing together. At least, that’s how Aki felt about playing with Shiho.

Aki confronts ShihoHowever, one day Shiho up and decided the band sucked because they weren’t getting any better. Aki countered with a “Well if that’s how you want to play it your singing isn’t good either!” When asked what’s wrong with her singing Aki gave a constructive criticism but Shiho interpreted it as her sucking and instantly declared her departure from the “crappy band who refused to take music seriously”. Aki was offended and smacked the girl. Instead of walking away quietly she threw another verbal jab to rattle her. Had the big girl not stopped her there could have been a street fight but alas there wasn’t.

Back in the present Yori felt a little relieved that her joining the band didn’t cause a fracture. Shiho left on her own volition. She cheered Aki up by saying she enjoyed being part of SSGIRLS.

The next scene were the auditions. Of course the only ones featured were our main heroine band and the antagonists, meaning Team Shiho.

Shiho on stageAs for their song…eh. They had an appropriate “we are the antagonist band” beat…but the lyrics were so “K-ON! SUCKS!” I couldn’t take it seriously. I said before in my GIRLS BAND CRY coverage that the mainstream enjoy songs that can be best described as “whining with style” but this was way too whiny for me. Like an emo kid saying “Look how cool I am because I wanna be a badass loner and screw friendship”. Again good beat, lame lyrics.

Shiho teases AkiAnyway the song was whatever. Typical “loner villain” or “future member of the hero team who needs to be taught a lesson before joining” stuff. The real meat and potatoes came when Shiho asked Aki what she thought about her song.

Aki: Why do you care about my opinion?

Shiho: Just curious.

Aki: It was good (Hah). Really good.

Shiho: That’s not what I meant. I wanna I know if I was better than the girl you love.

Aki: W-what are you talking about?

Shiho: Don’t play dumb. I knoooow.

The reason I wasn’t upset by Shiho’s actions last time or this episode was because I knew she hid something a “bitch wall”. Maybe her motives are partially related to becoming a serious musician but my best guess was she learned about Aki’s crush on Yori and went on a lone wolf warpath. Also ever since that criticism by Aki I think Shiho has made it her goal to prove to her how amazing she can be and regret her criticism. That explains why Shiho got triggered after seeing Yori “take her old spot”. Again there may be more to it but this is my best guess. Deep down Shiho wants Aki’s taco.

Good stuff as always.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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15 Responses to Whisper Me a Love Song Episode 7: The Violet Fiend

  1. You and I share the same thoughts here regarding Shiho and Aki. I 100% believe Shiho liked Aki, but eventually realized that she was in love with Yori. That turned her into a bitter bandmate, and I think she was just waiting for a chance to bail without making it about herself. Being criticized by Aki (despite being valid criticism) gave her a ‘legitimate’ reason to say she was out. I don’t think Aki realized her feelings.

    Now Shiho is on a warpath to become ‘the best’, so that she can prove all her doubters wrong, but most of all, prove herself ‘worthy’ of Aki and show her she’s better than Yori, in the hopes it’ll win her over. As you said, deep down she wants her love more than validation of her skill. So she’s in her bitter rival phase as a result.

    As for our main girls, I really love seeing them be all lovey dovey and do couple things. I also love seeing a jelly Himari. She definitely has top potential, no doubt. I also really like Momoka, and while she may have some feelings for both, my vote is for Hajime because she’s great and hot. Will be the likely conclusion anyway, since I suspect once the drama is cleared, Shiho and Aki will end up mutual in their feelings.

    Really good stuff this week. Can’t wait to see how this conflict plays out.

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Poor Aki has a cute brat who sucks at socialising pining for her. Aki doesn’t deserve to suffer to find true happiness but alas the Yuri goddesses are sometimes mean.

      Himari’s dormant TOP energy wax unleashed last episode and she hasn’t looked back since. Yori’s doing her best to keep up. Love them so much!

      Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Also I NEED more Momoka X Himeji development.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Little Viktoria says:

    Shiho must have her reasons for her behaviour. We’ve seen many examples of initially awful girls recently. Let’s hope she can change. She’s beautiful. Maybe there’s something special here for Aki (and slaps have recently meant something passionate). Also yay for dark-haired Aki (I like this trend) ^^

    Cuddly, protective, and proud Himari is so loveable. If the rest of the drama of the show is about other couples getting together, I hope that means we see a lot of the main couple being more and more deeply in love (kissing, lovemaking, umm, perhaps it’s not that kind of show but one can dream, and imagine it happening while tastefully covered from direct view) ^^

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Most anime gyaru had dark hair initially or were brunettes.

      I know there’s more to her story. It’s just that I’m currently more interested in her bandmates.

      Himari’s TOP energy is not to be underestimated.


  3. chikorita157 says:

    Nice to se Aki handle Himari becoming Yori’s girlfriend and even going out her way to congratulating Himari. Also nice to see Miki and Momoka congratulate her too. Also, seeing Himari hold hands with Yori along with her jealous moments are cute though.

    Interesting to learn more about Shiho’s past with Aki. Still, interesting that she points out Aki’s crush when she lost, but maybe it’s because Shiho is jealous that Yori took her spot, but then again, there is probably more to this.

    Momoka and Hajime might make a good pairing, though.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ArcaJ says:

    I had a feeling that Shiho’s whole deal had to do with Aki. She must have found out about Aki’s crush and decided to ditch the band before she got found out.

    In other words, Shiho is a coward. Her VERY EMO audition song proves it. She would rather burn bridges and make Aki hate her, rather than take the chance that she doesn’t like her back.

    AAt least her band mates are nice. They seem to be playing because they enjoy music. There is nothing joyful about Shiho’s music.

    Momoka has very good taste. 👍🏿

    Himari’s cuteness is a weapon to surpass Metal Gear! Her and Yori were so cute together, it was kinda hard to watch. I love how the band couldn’t resist teasing them. I hope Shiho figures out how to properly express her feelings, or she’s going to end up alone.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Good theory about Shiho’s actions at the time you experienced the story.

      Hope we get more of Momoka and Hajime. Can’t be all about Shiho and Aki.

      HimaYori’s love gives me strength, as does Himari’s omega level kawaii power.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. yurimylove says:

    wow, looks like we’re not getting just one, or two yuri couples, but a whopping *four* yuri couples from this one anime. For Momoka, I think it’s quite obvious that her love is for Hajime because she seems the happiest when watching Hajime enjoy her cooking.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. K says:

    More HimaYori goodness. It was hilarious when they were ribbing each other for being dense. Also, even if Aki claims the spot of bestest friend, Himari still won’t lose to her! Hence the lewd hand holding to assert her dominance 😉 .

    You could say her jealously of Yori, her love for Aki as well as her desire to show Aki(and the other SS girls to a lesser extent) how serious she was with her music resulted in a energizing performance with a healthy dose of edge 😉 . Seriously, her band’s good, as to be expected of the rival band. It’ll be interesting to see how Shiho ended up getting to know Momoka and Hajime and why she found them worthy enough to take her to the top.

    I get what’s going between Shiho and Aki but darn it, why must Aki suffer so!? She lost the Yori Bowl and now she’s gonna be put through the wringer by a bratty girl who can’t be upfront with how she really feels. Right now, being Aki is suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Himari again asserted her dominance with lots of TOP energy.

      I’m very intrigued in Momoka and Hajime for sure. We’ll see where Shiho and Aki’s story goes.

      Absolutely. Aki does NOT deserve to suffer in order to find happiness.


  7. Nick says:

    Might have skipped a couple reviews……. but I’ll try to keep up from here.

    Great to see Himari and Yori finally starting their time together as a couple, been a long time coming but we’re only half way through this show, so that means it’s right into the drama for them and everyone else.

    Gotta say though, the scenes with Himari and Yori together are just too cute. They finally made it and now we get to watch them be all cute together, it’s just such a joy to see. Warms my heart.

    It felt like Himari and Shiho were getting along pretty well in the cooking class room, I just feel bad for when the other shoe drops and the truth comes out. I can’t see Himari taking it well.

    I still like Momoka. She’s just there to cook, bake, and play music. She’s so adorable and I hope she doesn’t turn into a villain down the line.

    The backstory sequence finally clears up some questions, but we’re still left with more by the end of the ep.

    Aki is catching a lot of strays here lately, I feel bad for her. She needs to find her happiness.

    Shiho just decided to go full villain mode with her band’s audition I guess. Seems like that ended up being the popular choice, although we won’t know the official results until the next ep.

    Another cliffhanger ending. They really are going to crank up the drama going into the final eps. Hopefully someone gets their happy ending when this is over.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      HimaYori’s love heals souls. Love to see it!

      Yeah. Himari won’t appreciate Shiho’s actions when she finds out.

      Yeah. Hopefully Momoka and Himeji stick to their own story and not become accomplices to Shiho.

      Yeah. Still a few questions left unsolved.

      Poor dear doesn’t deserve a difficult road to happiness. Hopefully the end is worth it for her.

      Might as well be the bad girl. We’ll see how it goes for her too.

      Fingers crossed.


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