399th G-View: Laidbackers

I have no witty introduction for this movie so instead let us get right to talking about Laidbackers.


Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Supernatural

Themes: Reverse-Isekai

Running Time: 58 minutes and 30 seconds (Reason for the specific time is because there are additional scenes midway during the end credits)

G-Rating: 7/10

Plot Summary: In a land under constant siege and turmoil a brave knight and her group of misfits ventured forth to take down the malevolent Demon Lord Valvaran. To avoid defeat the Demon Lord resurrected herself in another world. The knight and her allies chased her down and they too were sort of reborn in the new world. There the heroines from an alliance with the former Demon Lord to gather dark fragments by defeating corrupted monsters. The new world? Modern day Japan.

Harami and K vs Monster.jpg

Harami and K vs Monster.

On the one hand we have a story about lady warriors transported to “our world”, a Reverse-Isekai situation, and doing battle against rogue monsters.

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Going clockwise, Kei, Harami, Arnelia and Kumi.


On the other hand we have a college girl (Bless the writers for breaking the mold) having a bunch of powerful weirdos rooming with her. Fortunately unlike other isekai and reverse-isekai stories the writers skipped the “fish out of water” stuff and began the story with the warriors accustomed to life in modern suburbia compared to their home world where every day was a battle for survival. Here they spend most of their spare time either slacking off and enjoying their new life, going to work and relishing the benefits of this world (manga for example), finding a new purpose or stressing over the former Demon Lord potentially reverting to her old ways. I just mentioned the character arcs for the four legendary heroines. I leave viewers to see for themselves which is which.



Valvaran and Teacher.jpg

Left to right, Valvaran and Patient Oneloli-Sensei.

On the other end we have the new and (to some) improved Valvaran living with a teacher who took her in and is waiting patiently for her to come of age. Valvaran struggles with who she was then and who she is now.

Kumi has her own personal struggle but it takes a back seat to her dealing with everyone else, which she does not really mind.

And that is it. This may be mistaken for a Yuri Quickie but that really is all there is to the movie. My best guess is the movie is a pilot for a potential TV anime and if that is true then sure, I would not mind watching a Laidbackers anime. I am not clamoring for one but if one gets greenlit, cool.

The animation reminds me of Flip Flappers, especially Harami who looks a lot like Papika. There are two battles in the movie which is where the animation shines brightest. The soundtrack fits the movie but little else.

Overall Laidbackers is a solid pilot for a potential anime should it ever happen. It has a solid cast with a solid premise and solid presentation. If we ever get more, cool.

Feel free to add in the comments whether you are on Team Valvaran or Team Mao (ENDRO~!) when it comes to moe demon lords.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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14 Responses to 399th G-View: Laidbackers

  1. Gurrenprime says:

    Where can I watch this online?

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Unless the usual legal sites have it then it is somewhere out there on the internet. There are some movies and series that do not get picked up by the big sites so you will have to do some extra digging.


  2. rlranft says:

    Indeed, it would be sweet to have some information about legitimate streaming sites where the reviewed titles are available.


    • Platon says:

      My guess is that if it is available through the usual legal channel there is no problem to mention it but if not, that posting it might be a problem for OG.

      Also, it takes a few clicks to find an anime site on google.


  3. cirno9fan says:

    I personally really loved it and want it made into an actual series bad ;_;
    I think there’s a lot of potential for more, and found Valvaran’s inner conflict quite fascinating~ A very enjoyable journey, and I want more so bad!

    Also, I think you’re being too rough towards potential ships. Mai and Kumi had quite the chemistry I would say 😉 Especially with the lines they had towards each other throughout. And of course the Onerori ship ❤

    But I also seem to have enjoyed it much more, and I find that people are more receptive to ships when they’re having fun and are invested in what they’re watching. The same is true of me too of course. If I’m not very invested, I don’t really see ships very much and miss out on that stuff. But when I’m invested, the ships are in my laser sights 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. x says:

    I sooo wish this was a series it would be so cool!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Robert Blumenberg says:

    I went to the main website of this anime and the teacher does love the loli but she will wait.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. LuzeP says:

    Pretty decent stuff. Maybe because it’s a movie I feel the pace was too fast. It needs regular anime so we can get to know them more. The battles are good.
    Yup, the Teacher is in love with Valvaran. And she’s willing to wait. Looking at Valvaran demon lord form, they’re gonna make a beautiful couple. Kei doesn’t like guys but she likes Yaoi stuff, that happens a lot actually.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      It most certainly will benefit from an anime to expand the characters and lore.

      The teacher’s patience will be worth it.

      Yaoi/BL fangirls are usually amusing characters. Kei is another example of such.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. yurimylove says:

    Poor Arnelia looks like she got reincarnated with below average abilities 😁


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