489th G-View: I’m in Love With The Villainess

We start to wrap up the 2023 G-Views starting with one for one of the most anticipated anime adaptations of the year not only in Yuridom but even among Yuri mangaka and artists alike. This one was a long time coming for many. Question is whether it was worth the wait. Let us find out as we take a look at I’m in Love With The Villainess.

I'm In Love With the Villainess Cover

Alternate Title: Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou (Japanese)

Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Isekai, Romance, Yuri.

Themes: Magic, Social Class

Number of Episodes: 12

G-Rating: 8/10

Plot summary: An overworked woman found comfort from her stressful life playing an otome game, specifically in the main villainess, Claire Francois, whom she was infatuated with. One day as if in the blink of an eye she woke up and found herself in front of the girl of her dreams who called her by the name Rae Taylor, the same name she gave the female avatar protagonist from her favorite game. After accepting the situation she was in and not overthinking it she immediately took the opportunity to confess to the love of her life to an unsurprising result. Thus began the always eventful life of the reborn fangirl and her one true love. Would their relationship become more than that of a rich girl and the annoying pest who refused to go away?

Claire tries to outsmart RaeRae and Claire’s relationship summed up in one screen grab.

My quick description of this show would be “a great start”. Besides our heroines’ relationship, which I will get to later, the show lays the foundation for the setting, introduces its key players and important side-characters, throws some history every now and then and treats viewers to some pretty cool magic battles once in a while. Throw in some classic threats found in similar fantasy settings and we have a familiar yet still enjoyable setup. However, the show made clear early on that the setting and its issues were a side-dish compared to the character interactions, which was perfectly fine for me as I am usually more interested in how the characters react to or are affected by events rather than the worldbuilding. Basically solid setting but the cast of characters are where it is at.

Misha annoyed by Rae's panickingFavorite side-character, Misha.

Continuing with the characters they range from doing a good job at playing their given role to wonderful such as Misha and Lene. Misha is Rae’s best friend and despite not being the “Harumin” of the show like I hoped she is still an excellent ally, counselor and has several great moments.

Claire and LeneMy second favorite side-character was Lene, Claire’s fateful maid and sort of older sister figure. She has the sass to manage Claire’s attitude and is dependable most of the time. She also has one of the more interesting backstories of the show. Ohhhh yes indeed.

Before I move on to the next part let us briefly address the elephants in the room. The Brothers Prince, or Dookie, Mayo and Frosty Balls as I like to call them. I had a feeling going into the show they would not be a serious threat to our heroines and was relieved to find out I was right. Actually as the show progressed they were amusing lads to an extent. Sure them having the bare minimum of their stories related to viewers was one of a few “Go read the source to learn more” baits but since I mainly came here for the ladies was left with a bad taste in my mouth from a certain other otome isekai anime with Yuri in it I am in no hurry to find out more about Dookie Prince’s shenanigans. That or their time to shine would come in later volumes.

Also to fans of theirs, specifically source readers, calm yourselves. I have nothing against them. Their silly nicknames was just me having some fun.

On a more serious note major props to the show for one scene in particular. I will not mention which one but those who have seen or read it, know what I am referring to. I am certain other anime had scenes similar to this about other topics at some point but to my memory I do not recall many anime tackling “this” as openly as this show did. Brief but powerful. Very cool. I am certain several manga and Light Novels did this but it left a strong impression on me because not only was this moment adapted with little to no changes, but the English dub stayed true to its importance, not changing any of the important lines.

Speaking of the English dub, it is excellent. No surprise the Japanese dub is top notch but the Western cast did a praiseworthy job as well. Major brownie points go to Rae and Claire’s voice actors, Hannah Alyea and Lindsay Sheppard respectively.

Rae intentionally challenges Claire's egoMight as well briefly talk about the presentation. Pretty good stuff. As always I am not the best judge of animation quality but it all looked very nice to me. The soundtrack fit the mood in every scene but not is not much to write home about. The OP and ED are quite fun to listen to though.

Rae determined to prove her love for ClaireAnd finally it is time to talk about our main girls and the reason most were excited for this show, Rae Taylor and Claire Francois. On the surface their relationship has the classic genki x tsundere dynamic but like any engaging love story between girls there is much more to it than their character stereotypes. Interactions and past relationships with other characters, how they personally feel about themselves and each other as they spend more time together, their sexuality and preferences and as an exclusive to Rae her knowledge of the game world from her past life. All these things come to play to create an entertaining and engaging relationship in both comedy and romance. Would love to see more.

As mentioned near the start the I’m in Love With The Villainess anime is a pretty good start to what promises to be a potential Yuri classic. The main heroines obviously carry the show but the side-characters do a good enough job to not fall behind. The presentation is very nice along with a special mention to the excellent English voice cast. There are parts not delved into too deeply as an obvious “source lure” but most of the stuff people came to see was present and accounted for delivering a jolly good time. Highly recommended to most Yuri aficionados.

I will now add this to the ever growing pile of “Yuri anime that deserve a 2nd season but most likely will not get one no matter how much support is behind it”. I would love to be proven wrong and have this be the one to break the losing streak.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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21 Responses to 489th G-View: I’m in Love With The Villainess

  1. I wasn’t familiar at all with the source material, but after seeing so many mutuals and otherwise on Twitter constantly hyping it up and praising it once it began, I wanted to see what it was all about. I’m happy to say I wasn’t disappointed. It was what I expected, but also had several things I didn’t which was nice.

    Misha was also my favorite side character, for sure. However, the entire cast was pretty great too for the most part. I also really loved a certain baby slime. It seems like they covered all the big and important points, but there were definitely clear source lure moments too.

    If there were ever a Yuri anime that needed a S2, I honestly think it’s this one. I think it was a great adaptation for what we got, but I also really want to see more, as they teased some briefly intriguing moments I’d like to see happen in anime form. Of course I know I can go read the source (which is the point), but I’d really prefer seeing it animated. Time will tell.

    But overall, it was a really great series and I may check out the source one day.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Claire’s Evil Laugh Count:

    Chapter 1: 11 Ahahaha 4 Aara
    Chapter 2: 1 Ahahaha 1 Aara
    Chapter 3: 1 Ahahaha 1 Aara
    Chapter 4: 2 Ahahaha 1 Aara
    Chapter 5: 1 Ahahaha 0 Aara
    Chapter 6: 1 Ahahaha 0 Aara
    Chapter 7: 0 Ahahaha 0 Aara
    Chapter 8: 0 Ahahaha 0 Aara
    Chapter 9: 0 Ahahaha 0 Aara
    Chapter 10: 0 Ahahaha 2 Aara
    Chapter 11: 0 Ahahaha 1 Aara
    Chapter 12: 0 Ahahaha 0 Aara

    TOTAL 1st Season: 17 Ahahaha 10 Aara

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ineedyuri says:

    We are lucky enough to even get this a year after the LN finished.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ArcaJ says:

    If there has ever been a show that NEEDS a season two, it’s this one. There is so much more that we have only scratched the surface of. While I’m happy with what we got: Rae and Claire are the best! THe story feels very unfinished. That tease of future events, at the end, would be too cruel without the follow-up.

    I just loved the final resolution of the Manaria arc. Rae was being a coward about her feelings for Claire. Saying “I want my beloved to be happy,” was a smokescreen to keep Rae from getting hurt. It showed that she didn’t believe that she could be the one to make Claire happy, AND it that she didn’t believe in Claire.

    Claire also didn’t believe in herself. SHe also didn’t believe in Rae, who kept telling her that she loved her. She didn’t believe that someone could love her like that. While it’s a well-used trope, it’s still just the most adorable thing when a Tsundere type’s switch gets flipped, and she has to be honest about her feelings.

    When Rae realized that in order to express her feelings properly, she needed to be brave, and a little selfish. She had to practically break the game to get her feelings across (this was after handicapping herself the entire time).

    The story was all about having the courage to be your authentic self. Even in the middle of an isekai, fantasy, Otome game.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. tbiscut74 says:

    A great series!

    Ralaire is Love! Claire is Love!


    The dub cast was Fantastic! Very Entertaining!

    On the The Brothers Prince, I like’em. They are good supportive boys.

    That last scene was cute and heart warming!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. yurimylove says:

    Very good series for yuri fans. Highlight of the season for me. There’s some kind of foreshadowing about guillotine in Claire’s future?! 😧 Please we need continuation to learn the whole story!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    This one was a lot of fun.
    Best thing about this for me, is the supporting cast seems really supportive of Rae and Claire!
    Like in the end the princes, misha and even Claire’s lackeys are like “yeah go get married” lol

    Liked by 2 people

  8. cirno9fan says:

    I really do hope it gets another season. One, so I can finally discuss freely what I think about things once it surpasses LN 2 without worrying about spoiling anything XD But two, because it’s just such an enjoyable story, and the stuff that happens after this not getting animated is a veritable crime 😦

    Maybe manaria even gets a real redemption arc (I get what she was going for, but as was said in the show and by many “could have went about it better”). Plus, she’s done some pretty terrible things and went through her own trauma. So, I’m sure she’ll show up again. I’m more than good with reading the LNs to get the “rest of the story”, but would very much like to see it animated. Hopefully maybe actually going more like the LNs this time though, and less manga leaning…especially considering what is coming up next…..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. K says:

    An enjoyable watch this was and, like you, I hope it continues. The Raelaire ship just took off and it would be fun to watch Rae and Claire’s interactions now that they are a couple. Speaking of, I love how virtually everybody is supportive of those two. In Claire’s case, she seems a lot cuter to me after she accepted Rae’s feelings. I can imagine Misha being annoyed by their lovey-dovey antics 😉 .

    Manaria was on Rae’s side, as expected, but her methods can be interpreted as extreme. Seeing her backstory, it made sense to me why she took such actions. I hope things get better for her and at the same time, if she has the fortune of running into that maid somewhere, she does everything she can to atone for what she did to her.

    Just an observation but I find it funny that MagiRevo was the most anticipated show in the Winter and this was it for the Fall (by yuri fans). It just feels like a book-ending of hypeness, is all.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. chikorita157 says:

    I have read four volumes of the WataOshi manga before the anime came out, which is basically close to what the Anime covered as I haven’t gotten to the fifth volume that focuses on Manaria.

    Overall, it’s a great adaptation, and hopefully it does well enough for a 2nd season. It’s too often that Yuri adaptations get a sequel… Despite how popular Yagate Kimi ni Naru is, it never got a second season, but hopefully this one will break the curse, hopefully.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Nick says:

    Good show overall but it feels like the story only just started. Especially when Rae mentioned some guillotine thing happening to Claire later on, like man you can’t leave us hanging with that! Also I’m assuming that’s what Rae meant when she kept telling Claire not to give up. I was waiting for that to come into play, but it never happened. Hopefully we’ll get another season of this to continue the story. It seems like a popular enough series to merit a second season.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: I'm in Love with the Villainess Spoiler-Filled Review - Pop Culture Maniacs

  13. Kitsu260 says:

    The serie was the starts of the monday, it make very happy the author
    Also, maybe is a consolation prize but the serie will get audiobooks so at last in part we will had listen them

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: I’m in Love with the Villainess Spoiler-Filled Review – Burkely Hermann's Official Website

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