Stardust Telepath Episode 11: Find Your Soul

Last time one found her truth. This time one seemingly abandoned her self.

Umika's resolve

We joined Umika watching her painful speech video again but this time she paid close attention to Matataki telling Haruno to keep recording because she believed in Umi-Kaichou. Deeply touched by this our heroine knew the time had come to act. She had a master plan.

Haruno's spoils from the Matataki raidUpon meeting with the team she quickly noticed Haruno with the legendary goggles. She said it was the spoils of her Matataki raid after the UmiYu powerup but confessed they had a lovers’ quarrel.

Michiru and NeonThe first part of Umika’s plan was to meet up with Kei and learn from rocket pros. We’re properly introduced to her teammates, Michiru (purple) and Neon (funky). Michiru’s the tsundere kouhai and Neon the spunky senpai. They reminded me of a certain duo in Release the Spyce. Most of the visit featured our heroines, especially Umika learning valuable lessons on building and launching model rockets. The most important was to learn from her successes and failures and not give up after one loss. Kei revealed the obvious, which was she too stumbled many times before becoming a pro. Very few people “get it right” the first time. This felt like a repeat from last time but it was important to put into context so that Umika could learn and grow.

Kei's jealous loversMORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT though was the fantastic discovery of Michiru and Neon both caring deeply for their beloved clumsy leader who despite having a big brain got lost a lot and quickly forgot the basic life necessities. Both were about to proudly proclaim themselves her loving protectors but stopped to give each other a “She’s mine, bitch!” glare. As one of my dear friends Chloe-chan said “Kei and the two girls in her team have gotta be in a threesome relationship. I believe.” My homies and home girls are the best.

Umika tries to say SimulationsUmika tried to say “simulations”. Most of you have no idea how much I am going to miss this show when it ends next episode. You have no idea how many times this anime saved me from succumbing to rage. With their minds and bodies ready to give their all to build a stronger rocket there was one more thing left to do before getting started.

Soulless MatatakiGood grief. It was as though we saw a girl on autopilot. An empty husk that was once a tsundere full of grumpy energy. Poor girl needed saving, fast. The rematch was hard to watch as Matataki “gloated” to the girls without an ounce of energy to her words. She had “let’s get this over with” written from the moment Umika challenged her to a rematch in hopes of beating her for real and get her to take their words seriously. Matataki’s like “That again huh? Yeah yeah. Come on. I’m gonna whoop ya or whatever so we can end this already”.

To the surprise of two their rocket launched more than twice as far as Matataki’s. Actually they’re more baffled than shocked. As Matataki’s all “Wow. You beat me good. Guess that’s it then. Goodb-”

Haruno calls out Matataki's weak-willed effortAs all that was going on Haruno couldn’t stop looking at Matataki with great sadness. Her heart ached seeing what her beloved had become. After their “dominant” win she knew something was off and grabbed her rocket revealing it’s rigged to fail. After Haruno again scolded her (not pitied) for being a weenie Matataki cowered behind “I thought I only needed half my strength to beat you” but as her soulmate she could tell it’s an “usoda”. Matataki’s like “Come on girls. Get a clue. You’ve surpassed my capabilities. You don’t need me anymore”.

Umika tries to heal Matataki's heartMy OG-style narration cannot do the Matataki soul healing scene justice. Instead I will quote ArcaJ’s deduction of our tsundere’s emotional struggle.

She puts EVERYTHING on herself, including everyone’s hopes and dreams. Since she’s usually the smartest one in the room, she only trusts herself with solving every problem. Mainly, because she’s deathly afraid of disappointing others. I don’t know what happened in her past, but I’m guessing performance based TRAUMA.

She’s close about the cause but the summary of her struggle was spot on.

I’ve seen more annoying tsundere than Matataki and I called her out for the almost unforgivable sin of making Umika cry, twice. The ONLY reason I let it slide was because Umika needed it if she wanted to grow stronger, culminating in this powerful scene as she led the team in recovering Matataki’s lost soul. In fact, our heroine almost lost her own soul exerting so much energy. Bless you Umika. Matataki can at last use her grumpiness for justice without worrying about being betrayed or abandoned for taking things too seriously.

Of all the Fall 2023 anime I enjoyed I will miss this one most of all. The last episode pulling the classic “name of the show” hurt me because it most likely means we won’t get a 2nd season. The G-View next time is going to hurt me personally. I think most of you can guess my overall thoughts on this show before I even post it.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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10 Responses to Stardust Telepath Episode 11: Find Your Soul

  1. I’m not ready for this to end either tbh. It’s just so soul healing and the main cast is honestly so comforting. Looking forward to seeing your final thought next week.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. cirno9fan says:

    I’m going to really miss it too ;_; They really just did things right with this show, from start to finish. One of the better “girls club” shows out there.
    Anime are generally made with the assumption there will never be a second season, so I wouldn’t let the title drop for the finale be a sure indicator that it’s out of the running for a s2 just yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ArcaJ says:

    I thought this was a Girls’ Club show about building model rockets. Turns out it was a show about MAKING ME CRYYYYY!!!!!!

    It turns out every girl in the club needed this lesson. Umika was so caught up in her own failure loop, that she didn’t realize how much Matataki was hurting herself. They both made the same mistake, by putting the club’s failures all on themselves.

    The reason to have a club is to share that burden, as well as the lessons learned from each challenge.

    Seeing Matatak, ooking dead inside, really shook me. I’m glad her friends were able to pull her back from the brink.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nick says:

    Always happy to see more Kei, and it’s nice to finally meet her club mates too. They’re just as fun as she is. Could easily have a show with just the three of them and I’d be so down to watch that.

    I feel like every time Umika watches that recording, she gets stronger. Love to see it.

    I had a feeling Matataki wouldn’t play fair in this rematch, but I expected her to make some crazy powerful rocket, not one that would under perform. Either way Haruno saw right through that ploy.

    Umika going all out to bring Matataki back was a touching moment. She’s grown so much since this show started and it’s wonderful to see.

    Monday’s won’t be the same when this show ends next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. K says:

    Umika and pals had a nice training session at Kei’s school. It was nice getting to know Kei’s mates, even funnier to know that Michiru and Neon are fighting over the top spot of being Kei’s caretaker. She’s one lucky girl 😉 .

    When Umika went to challenge Matataki again, I got chills looking into her cold eyes. She had the look of someone who had given up, one who just wanted to disappear from Umika, Haruno and Yu’s lives forever. They proved they can build even greater rockets without her. She was no longer needed. Well, to hell with that! Even if they are capable of doing that now, it wouldn’t be the same if Matataki wasn’t on board. Umika bringing her back from the brink was a very beautiful moment and a excellent display of her growth. Furthermore, what better way to show that Matataki’s stuck with them than a forehead sandwich ;).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. chikorita157 says:

    Nice to see Kei help her, and seeing her other members Michiru and Neon. Sure they will make a nice pairing. Also, nice to see Kei teach Umika and her friends how to make better rockets.

    It’s interesting that Matataki deliberately sabotaged herself so that she loses. I would have thought she want to win so that they won’t bother her. It’s good that Umika finally brought her back to her senses.

    Yes, I’m going to miss this show, although I did read the manga and surprised by how close the anime is. Of course, we can’t predict the future whether or not it will get a second season, but we’ll have to wait to find out.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yurimylove says:

    Poor Matataki could surely use a hug, which Umika thankfully provided her in the nick of time. Glad things worked out for everyone in the end. I hope we find out about Yui true alien nature and what happened before her amnesia next episode.


  8. Makoto Itoshi says:

    Even without S2, you can read the manga. This is the manga that is the most worth reading from the whole year.


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