Alice Gear Aegis Expansion Episode 0+1: My Heroine

This was on my schedule as a curiosity as I didn’t know what to expect from it. Let’s just say I hope it keeps up the pace it set in the TV premiere. I said TV premiere because there was an Episode 0. Don’t worry. It’s not depressing.

Shitara fawns over Anna

Alice Gear saviorsEpisode 0 blessed cultured people right away with a swimsuit episode that served to introduce newcomers to the important ladies in the series and their personalities. It’s a fun and sexy introduction that felt like a mesh of mecha musume and Kandagawa Jet Girls. Both good. Hopefully they squeeze in another excuse to get the hotties into swimsuits again.

On to the meat of this post. Episode 1.

Yotsuyu in battleWe got a brief glimpse of the heroines in their gear particularly Yotsuyu here. As Anna reported their battle against the alien invaders called the VICE a girl watched with glee before running to her destination. It was some kind of company. What they did at said company wasn’t important to the episode.

Shitara and FumikaThere she met Shitara (tan genki and my hype girl) and Fumika (calm megane). The adorable newcomer introduced herself. She said she would take whatever job she could at the company so long as she could work there with the Actresses (name of the warrior maidens) she admired. When Shitara asked if there’s a particular favorite among them the girl became super bashful. That’s when her favorite entered the scene.

Nodoka meets YotsuyuThe girl, Nodoka, couldn’t contain herself at all in the presence of her idol Yotsuyu (classic do-gooder and defender of justice). Nodoka going horny gay fangirl for the pink beauty cannot be done justice in a plot summary. It must be seen to be believed. Seeing as she wanted to work there Yotsuyu asked if she had an Actress license. She didn’t because she failed a test before. Yotsuyu wanted to see for herself and had her take a test there. She failed but was briefly able to cross the required line to pass so she had potential.

Yotsuyu gives Nodoka a kabedonThat was enough to convince Yotsuyu Nodoka could live the dream as long as she kept fighting. While trying to motivate Nodoka she inadvertently set her up in the kabedon position and said she had a “special training” planned. Again words cannot do Nodoka’s reaction justice.

Shitara ready to train NodokaThe training montage was glorious as Fumika and Shitara volunteered to train Nodoka because they thought she couldn’t focus under Yotsuyu’s tutelage. After a long and arduous session Nodoka again took the test but it’s another failure. However, Yotsuyu noticed the results were better than last time so the training worked. Thus her special training was…

Idol trainingDo everything she just did 100 more times…because of course that would be a main character’s idea of special training.

Nodoka's Yotsuyu shrineBy the way before Nodoka heard what Yotsuyu’s special training was she went home to prepare by enhancing her endurance around Yotsuyu, as in control her lust for her heroine. It went as well as one would expect. Anyway Nodoka passed the test after more rigorous training.

Nodoka explodes after hugging YotsuyuPoor dear was so happy she rushed over to hug Yotsuyu before realizing how close she was to her beloved and exploded. Unfortunately before she could start work with her new colleagues and beloved the company got a cease and desist order for violating Actress power laws or something like that. Point was their operations were suspended indefinitely. Looks like next time they’ll find work elsewhere.

Yotsuyu discusses Nodoka's nosebleedsWe got a fun post-OP (I think that’s the OP at the end) scene of Yotsuyu discussing the cause of Nodoka’s nosebleeds when near her. The waitress probably knew but was intentionally vague.

Good premiere. Hope the show keeps up the pace. Episode 0 hinted at Shitara having her own inner gay fangirl for a lovely celebrity.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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15 Responses to Alice Gear Aegis Expansion Episode 0+1: My Heroine

  1. cirno9fan says:

    It’s been a while since I saw the episode, so my thoughts are not as solid as they were, but I really enjoyed it! Laughed so much, and the cast are all great so far~ I really look forward to see where this goes!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tayumayu says:

    the art style need time to get used to in my case at least. but i love how straightforward and goofy it is sometimes XD. nodoka is adorable dork. excited for more~

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This anime looks promising. Also, the preview of the next episode has Nodoka addressing to the “Captain”. Who is the Captain? Nobody knows.

    Btw, there’s a video game version of this anime for PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    Really good start!
    As a mech fan the battle at the start was really cool.
    The main episode was really fun too. Nodoka is gay as hell, like wow. She even has pictures of Yotsuyu all over her place!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Looks like this could be a fun series to follow this season. I thought the premiere was decent, so I also hope it’ll keep it up. Time will tell.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. yurimylove says:

    a winning combination of action and comedy!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Nick says:

    Okay the sexy tan cutie has my attention. Maybe I’ll have to look into this show after all.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. K says:

    These two episodes were quite interesting. The hilarity that ensued in both episodes made me think of anime from the 2000s actually.

    Nodoka’s career as an Actress ended before it began. How unfortunate. At least she won’t have to start from scratch when she finds another company 😉 .

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: Alice Gear Aegis Expansion Review - Pop Culture Maniacs

  10. Pingback: Alice Gear Aegis Expansion Review – Burkely Hermann's Official Website

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