Yuri Quickie: Happy Go Lucky Days

This was a similar situation as Our Seven Days of War where I learned of this movie via random tweet. Even more random as I was not recommended it by a passerby. That out of the way let us briefly take a look at a small collection of love stories compiled into a 50 minute movie. This is Happy Go Lucky Days.

Happy Go Lucky Days Cover

Japanese title: Dounika Naru Hibi

As mentioned in the introduction the movie is a compilation of four short love stories, each related to the verb, adjectives and noun in the title. They have direct sexual depictions but in a lighthearted tone. There is one Yuri, one BL and two connected het stories. For the purpose of this post we will only look at the yuri one.

Happy Go Lucky Days Yuri PairWithout giving away too much the two ladies were invited to an event and happened to meet each other in the bathroom. Learning they shared a common woe they threw caution to the wind only to realize their first road to happiness was a red herring. The rest I leave up to viewers to discover. I will say that of the four stories this is the one viewers must ensure no one else is around while watching unless, shall we say, a common worldview is shared.

For the interested my brief thoughts on the other stories.

BL: Depends on what the viewer gets from it. I cannot guarantee a satisfactory conclusion.

Het Part 1: Amusing. I have a feeling some youngsters might be able to relate with this one.

Het Part 2: Delightful.

In the end I enjoyed the yuri story most but the other three had their own enjoyable charm so I say give them all a watch if readers so wish.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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13 Responses to Yuri Quickie: Happy Go Lucky Days

  1. Nick says:

    Sounds interesting

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Now Playing says:

    Hmm. Is each story told in blocks? Like: x minutes to y minutes is the yuri story or something like that?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Peppah says:

    I only watched the yuri part, which was pretty sweet and I’ll probably watch it again.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. yurimylove says:

    that yuri story is excellent! i only wish it were much longer…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. LuzeP says:

    The yuri is good and relatable. It’s obviously too short but they seem happy at the end so no need to add more drama. And I’m enjoying the rest of it. One hour of watching time is definitely worth it.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I watched this anime about year ago and I liked all of it. I don’t know why it have such a low score (5.42) on myanimelist. Also, it’s based on a 2002-2004 manga by Takako Shimura, the Aoi Hana author. I like her writing, it’s more on the realist side.


  7. Pingback: Yuri Quickie: Artiswitch | The Yuri Empire

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