Non Non Biyori Nonstop Episode 9: The Adventures of Komari

A Komari episode. Lovely.

Komari not believing in ghosts again

9A: Komari tried becoming a Ghostbuster. Natsumi invited her to go shopping with the family but Komari felt like staying home. Natsumi warned her about ghosts, particularly the zasshiki warashi that wasn’t affected by daylight. Komari once again denied the existence of the paranormal. What followed was a kind of homage to Paranormal Activity or whatever was the Japanese equivalent.

Terrified KomariOnce again Komari’s denial of spooks was put into question.

Komari's dilemma9B: Komari and The Champ agreed to knit gifts for each other but Komari wasn’t very good at it and the deadline had arrived.

Natsumi tries to think up a description for Komari's creationNatsumi did her best to hype up Komari as a knitting pro until Komari couldn’t take anymore and told the truth. She tried to save face like a proper senpai by hiding her lack of knitting prowess as much as possible but couldn’t life any longer.

Hotaru happily gifting Komari a sweaterOf course The Champ didn’t think less of her beloved senpai and offered to help knit something together next time. After all, it meant more time with the senpai she loved.

Komari upset with Natsumi insulting her cooking skills9C: Komari wanted to cook for everyone. Natsumi and Best Boy of all Anime remembered what happened last time she cooked and begged Goddess Mom to show mercy but she supported Komari’s endeavors.

Komari has an existential crisisKomari had an existential crisis while trying to cook but fortunately she’s able to achieve victory…with help from Goddess Mom of course. Very sweet moment seeing them cook together. As someone who cooks for the family himself this hit me in the kokoro. Never hurts to ask for help. Good stuff as usual.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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10 Responses to Non Non Biyori Nonstop Episode 9: The Adventures of Komari

  1. cirno9fan says:

    Komari Is ā¤

    I really don’t need to say much more. But it’s always great how much it shows that Hotaru is in love with the actual Komari, and not some idealized version of her. The cooking with her mom scene was the best~

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Little Viktoria says:

    Yay, an entire episode of Komari! She’s so cute. In a series full of adorable girls, I can understand why Hotaru nevertheless fell in love with her and her only.

    Komari works so hard to become a perfect girlfriend/wife (with just a tiny bit of help, she would have already made a whole wardrobe of pretty clothes for Hotaru… such dedication!) Lucky Hotaru ^^

    Besides, that one thing is clearly a sweater for a cactus.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Nick says:

    Good and fun Komari ep this week!

    Komari home alone was a hilarious sequence of events.

    Never done any knitting myself, but it does look pretty challenging to do. Nice to see Hotaru offering her services next time Komari is up for it.

    Komari cooking was a nice end to the ep. That was a heartwarming moment seeing Komari and her mom cooking together.

    Good stuff this week!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. yurimylove says:

    poor Komari would not survive an otherside picnic…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. highonlullabies says:

    Wonderful episode. Komari home alone was the most hilarious part of the season so far. The way the series of coincidental events built up was brilliant.
    So much wanted Hotaru to give Komari the biggest hug when she broke down and told her the truth about the knitting. Also, how adorable was the stuff Hotaru knitted?!

    Liked by 2 people

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