Love Live! Superstar!! 2.2: Difficulty

I mentioned this to someone who said they were on the fence with Liella getting more members because the “5 members” thing made them fresh and unique. The problem with that argument was:

1: Gen 3, aka Nijigasaki already reign supreme as the unique group in the franchise.

2: Despite the members bringing their own flavor to the franchise they’re still a group whose main goal are to win the Love Live Championship, just like Gens 1 and 2.

Point being the direction they chose to follow last episode and this one make Liella feel much more fresh than being a former five member group.

Kinako struggling with training

We joined our trial member Kinako ready to “hit the dance floor” for training but as expected it was tough. Kinako admitted she’d always been poor at physical activity. Naturally our heroines knew this and did their best to motivate her with Kanon saying it’s tough at first but keep at it and she’d eventually get the hang of it.

Shiki following KinakoAs Kinako raced home Dr Shiki spotted and followed her with her sweet goggles and wheels. She sat her down to ask how the “school idol thing” was going. As I suspected she’s asking for Mei without the redhead knowing. Kinako said it’s tough but fun so far. The delightful doctor had a request.

Mei on alertInvite NicoMaki’s lovechild Mei to join Liella. Poor Kinako’s understandably afraid to do it after her first encounter with the redhead but went for it. Mei knew Dr Shiki made her ask and told Kinako to drop it because she “wasn’t interested”. Like her moms she did a poor job denying her love of school idols, specifically Liella as we saw last time.

Mei helps a tired KinakoAlso like her moms she’s not a bad kid as seen here supporting a tired Kinako from her school idol training (she’s following Keke’s schedule) nearly arriving late for P.E. The other first years knew she joined Liella and saw their tough schedule as more proof to not join them.

Keke and Sumire waiting in vain for new membersKeke STILL blamed Sumire for no new members joining…just because. It got so bad Sumire agreed with Keke when Kinako blamed herself.

Liella discuss the First Years dilemmaAfter Kinako explained what happened Liella again debated the First Years dilemma. They wanted to win Love Live but also wanted to share their love of school idols with everyone interested. Ren reminded them of her mother’s wish of making school idols and integral part of the school. In the end they decided to tone down their training to come off less intimidating. Kinako disagreed but that’s what her senpai begrudgingly decided. During their new toned down training it’s evident our heroines were forcing themselves to slow down. As Kinako again felt guilty a certain redhead called to her.

Kinako again begs Mei for mercyAfter Kinako again begged for her life Dr Shiki teleported to the scene saying “She’s a tsundere. Don’t worry about it”. The reason she called her was to encourage her not let the other first years stop her. If she wanted to help Liella go for gold then give it everything she had.

Shiki's proud of Mei smileDr Shiki’s “I’m proud of you darling” smirk.

Kanon comforts KinakoThe next day Kanon’s bummed about not training hard as usual and felt the need to jog. To her surprise Kinako and the others joined in. Of course Liella still wanted to give it their all. Kinako then opened up to everyone in a very passionate speech that almost had me tearing up. She was like “I know the training is tough and I’m not at your level yet but please don’t slow down for my sake. The Liella who inspired me were the pinnacle of excellence and I want to prove myself worthy by doing my best too at Regular difficulty. No “Easy Mode”!” Liella realized the best way to show how awesome school idols were and that they were open to every cutie/hottie was to keep doing their thing. Kinako herself would be an example of “anyone can do it if they are passionate and serious”.

Mystery idolSpeaking of beauties we met a new mystery babe who had beef with Kanon. Could she be a new raivaru? I’m excited because we’re getting new raivarus besides Sunny Passion again. They’re great but there can never be enough sexy school idols.

Great stuff as always.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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10 Responses to Love Live! Superstar!! 2.2: Difficulty

  1. Nick says:

    Kinako struggled a lot this week, she’s not physically on the same level as the rest of the girls but she’s putting in the work! She’ll be there in no time!

    More excellent Mei moments to relish. So happy a redhead is finally in Superstar!

    Dr. Shiki continues to impress. Never a dull moment with her. Excited to learn more about her in the coming weeks.

    Not a whole lot of Natsumi this week, but her time to shine in coming. That should be quite the ep.

    Overall it’s a big change going from Nijigasaki S2, where their goal wasn’t to win Love Live! but to enjoy their time as school idols, to the rigorous training and pursuit of winning Love Live! in Superstar S2. Like you mentioned, Nijigasaki is definitely the most unique group in that way and especially in S2 you could see how much more laid back they were compared to Liella, along with Aqours and Muse before them. The outside of Love Live perspective for Nijigasaki was an interesting take and one that you notice more with Superstar S2 airing right after it. Liella has their sights set of winning it all on the biggest school idol stage out there, and with their new additions this season, I’m very certain they’ll reach that goal.

    Oh and before I forget, interested to learn more about this mysterious new girl at the end. So many questions arise! Excited to see where things go from here!

    Excellent second ep and I’m looking forward to next Sunday!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Like Kanon and Keke when they started it’s an uphill battle but she’s determined. Loved her speech so much.

      The good doctor delivered yet again. Can’t get enough and it’s only two episodes!

      Your love of Mei is strong and I look forward to more of you gushing over NicoMaki’s lovechild.

      Exactly. It’s all pretty awesome. Love Live rules bro!

      We know she has her eyes on Kanon. We don’t know why yet but pumped to find out.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. chikorita157 says:

    I knew that Kinako is going to struggle here, but it’s good that she stick to her guns. After all, Keke and Kanon was in her position before struggling with the training Chisato came up with.I can understand that they want more first years joining, but maybe just one is good enough, although I doubt it’s just Kinako.

    Also, can’t get enough of the antics between Sumire and Keke.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Alexis says:

    Tengo un problema con los subtitulos pero puedo verla y comentar. Yo creo que están llevando bien el programa y tiene sentido que las nuevas les cueste alcanzar a las Liellas fundadoras pero Madokami las guiará por el buen camino.

    Solo queda esperar quien es la misteriosa chica del final del capĂ­tulo, probablemente una nueva “raivaru”, mientras juegue limpio no hay objecciones.



  4. tbiscut74 says:

    Sorry I’m late everyone! By the time I got around to watching the 1st episode, it was already the weekend.

    Anyway, these were a great first 2 episodes! Loving all of the new girls!

    Shiki is definitely my favorite of the new girls! Her and Mei are already giving off fantastic chemistry! Have you seen them in the ED? Amazing.

    Though Ren is still my best girl!

    Very intrigued about the mystery beauty!

    Excited for more!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      There’s always time to get hyped for Love Live.

      Yup. Very excited to learn more about their relationship.

      Ren is love.

      Wonder what her beef is with Kanon? We’ll find out next time most likely.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. yurimylove says:

    Shiki’s yuri goggles are way more high tech looking than Tsumugi’s!

    Liked by 1 person

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