Machikado Mazoku 2.12: Citrus Panic

We’re at the home stretch and it looks like we’ll wrap things continuing the deep dive into Mikan’s character arc.

Mikan's nervous class introduction

As we recall last time Mikan said she’d transfer to ShamiMomo’s school. The time had come. Her biggest worry was about her curse affecting her new classmates as she insisted on discussing it during her introduction. Everyone at school being used to our main duo’s shenanigans they welcomed her with open arms.

Momo jealous of the mikan fanMomo hiding her jealousy of the mikan fan by claiming Shamiko’s misusing the W Rod again.

Sion gives Momo a new potionSpeaking of Momo Sion gave her a new potion from the gem Shamiko “graciously gifted her”. It’s basically to help balance Momo’s qi making it safer to transform into Darkness Peach. Shamiko’s grateful she’d soon be blessed by her favorite yummy tummy once more.

Anri welcomes Mikan to the sports day committeeBack to the plot. It’s time for everyone to focus on committee duties. Mikan being the new kid wasn’t in one yet. Lots of amusing ones were suggested. She could even petition one of her own provided it was ethical. Hers wasn’t so no go but she recalled Anri inviting her to join the sports day committee so she did. At first she’s concerned about the unfair advantage magical girls like Momo and her had over other cuties but Anri and the others were just happy to have her around.

Momo's surrounded by cats committeeSpeaking of committees that weren’t ethical here’s Momo’s “surrounded by cats” committee. Used it as a poor excuse to not get involved with others because she’s Momo. They roped her into joining. Shamiko was part of her own committee but because she finished early and she saw her “minions” join Anri’s she graciously offered a helping hand.

Shamiko jealous and worriedShamiko felt jealous and worried seeing how popular Mikan quickly became. She’s happy for her but sad she wasn’t one of the few who noticed her “specialness” anymore. Anri’s like “Mikan sure has a lot of eyes on her already but you’re already on Team Momo, right?”. Shamiko not really denying it was delightful.

Mikan about to lose control of her curseThings were going well until her teammates accidentally botched the tower thing (forgot the name. Not important) and she fell on her head. The curse was about to be unleashed were it not for Momo’s quick thinking. Everyone’s still cool with Mikan but the emotional damage had been done. Now that there were more people besides ShamiMomo she cared for the real possibility of the curse hurting others when Momo wasn’t around scared her.

Shamiko and Momo came to help MikanShamiko felt bad for not keeping her promise to repay Mikan for helping her before, ashamed her magic outside dreams wasn’t strong enough yet. That’s when she remembered her mention the demon inside. Her plan was to once again employ “Operation Inception” and dive into Mikan’s mind to come to some sort of agreement with the so-called “Ugallu”. Momo came along because “soul mate mental link” and in case Shamiko got in trouble she’d unleash her love rage on the guilty party. I mean as her bodyguard.

Shamiko enthralled by Momo's dark katanaOnce inside Mikan’s dream and after Momo barely drank the potion Shamiko’s turned on by her kickass dark katana. As if her heart didn’t already have enough reason to fawn over Darkness Peach. It’s off to find Ugallu!

Tune in next time for the G-View.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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9 Responses to Machikado Mazoku 2.12: Citrus Panic

  1. chikorita157 says:

    It’s funny how Shamiko bought back the idol fan, although it’s apparently not a rod-shaped item. Also, not too surprising to see Momo spend her free time with cats.

    It’s not too surprising to see Mikan suffer from her curse again at the worst possible time. Hopefully Momo and Shamiko will solve her curse.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. tbiscut74 says:

    Another Fantastic Episode!

    We got spoiled with a lot of the lovely Ms. Teacher this episode! Very nice.

    Momo’s “surrounded by cats” committee was adorable!

    The School segment this episode was great, a lot of cute and funny moments!

    Anri: “Yeah, but despite her lack of charm you’re totally on Team Momo, aren’t you?”
    Shamiko: “But, personally, I think Momo has her own unique charms.”
    Anri still knows what’s up. This scene was fantastic.

    Shamiko can’t control her thirst for “Dark Peach” Momo and her kickass black katana! And I love Momo’s new Dark Peach Transformation sequence! So cool!

    So Excited for everyone to meet Ugallu next week!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. cirno9fan says:

    Really fun episode as usual! Darkness Peach is getting upgrades! Ogura really knows her stuff! Let’s hope they can fix Mikan’s curse

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nick says:

    My hopes and dreams for a swimsuit ep have all but drown at this point. I don’t think we’re getting one now that summer has ended and Shamiko is back at school. Sad.

    Mikan’s first day at school was quite the roller coaster. Nice to see how supportive her classmates are though.

    I want to be in Momo’s club. Looks very chill.

    I love how excited Shamiko got when Dark Momo pulled out the katana. I mean honestly it just made Dark Momo even more badass. Wish we got to see her use it more than in the final ep.

    Sad this is nearly over, it’s been a good ride!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      The only nitpick this season when I review it. The perfect opportunity to have a swimsuit episode yet it never happened. Shame.

      Excited to see how our heroines save Mikan from the curse.

      No wonder Shamiko’s heart is one step ahead of her brain. Darkness Peach is cool and sexy.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. K says:

    I never noticed that that ponytail of Mikan’s could move around like that. Other than that, it was funny how the questions were not about her magical qualities. Goes to show that extraordinary things are not that surprising in that world.

    Anri’s a really helpful person and she did her best to get Mikan involved in school life as much as is possible for MGs. Too bad they can’t partake in Sports Day due to being superpowered.

    Momo put a lot of effort into helping the Sports Day committee for someone who totally wanted to not be there. Also, her committee is very helpful, she swears! 😉

    The things Momo goes through to aid Shamiko…Due to that, just when you thought Darkness Peach couldn’t get any cooler, she now has a jet-black katana. Sweet.

    So the last episodes are finally gonna deal with that curse of Mikan’s, eh? The reasons why her curse activates the way it does are about to come to light with a lot of hilarity. Seriously, a resolution must be reached, for the sake of Mikan’s happy school life.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      They’re used to ShamiMomo’s antics after all.

      Many peeps would happily join her committee.

      You can see why Shamiko’s heart is one step ahead of her brain when it comes to Momo.

      Excited to see how Mikan is finally freed of the curse or it stops messing with her.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. yurimylove says:

    i was a little sad when I saw Mikan with her luggage packed. Good thing Shamiko and Mom came just in time…

    Liked by 3 people

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