Love Live! Nijigasaki 2.3: QU4RTZ Unity

The last episode hinted at the anime telling stories about the formation of the NijiGaku sub-groups/units. The first one was QU4RTZ. Peeps in the comments last time brought them up so no point avoiding their names throughout my coverage.

Rina's performance idea simulation

We began with the four girls in question training and discussing their performance. Problem was they couldn’t agree on an idea. Rina suggested they hold four training camps. It’s actually four sleepovers at each girl’s house where the host shared her idea and the group discussed it.

Kasumi's cute outfits ideaFirst night was at Kasumin’s who, as always, focused on cuteness and prepared outfits for everyone. They appreciated the thought but no good. As a bonus we got to see Kid Kasu-Kasu. Very cute indeed.

Kanata, Haruka and their momNext night was at Kanata’s. Her idea featured a sleeping theme. Makes sense with her being the sleepy beauty of the group. As a bonus we were not only treated to the return of Haruka but learned where they got their good looks from. And add another member to the growing elite super group that is Mama Live.

Yu asks Mia for adviceWe resumed Yu’s side-quest. Her next assignment was to compose a song. She had trouble thinking one up but got some advice from the still socially awkward Mia who said to think about who the the song was for. For example, if the song was for the teacher’s assignment then focus on composing one she’d want her to hear. More on this in a bit.

Back to QU4RTZ. Night 3 was at Rina’s. Her idea was to find a common interest among the four. One of Emma’s answers was lovely. However, that too was a bust. Kasumin made a good point when she said the focus shouldn’t be just on impressing Lanzhu but creating a song they and fans could enjoy.

Yu's hair downFelt like mentioning how beautiful Yu looks with her hair down.

So clearly QU4RTZ weren’t the only ones in a slump. Ayumu noticed Yu feeling down too and it’s nice seeing everyone IMMEDIATELY stop what they’re doing to help their queen. She told them about Mia’s tip and they said to instead focus on composing a song she herself would be proud of. Whether it was good or not if the passion in the song could be felt that’s more than enough. She said it might be a bit tough because compared to her wonderful harem she thought there wasn’t anything special about herself. They were like “Babe. There’s a reason why we approve a certain Twitter page dedicated to drawing art of your making love to each of us multiple times. You’re plenty special.” While surprised she thanked her sweeties for their undying love.

The girls find their answerLet’s wrap up QU4RTZ’ origin story. Night 4 was at Emma’s. They thought about Queen Yu’s dilemma and could relate. They could understand others but maybe not so much themselves. Thus they shared observations of each other. Behind Kasumin’s love of cuteness was someone who wanted everyone to shine as brightly as herself. The sleepy beauty Kanata was quite the mature woman and motherly figure to the point they thought Haruka had two moms. Emma looked chill and cheerful but was very proactive in her actions. Karin certainly knew that. Lastly was Rina who had leadership potential. The meetings were her idea after all. It is through this experience they learned to better understand each other and strengthen their bond.

QU4RTZ on stageHuh. Most QU4RTZ art had them wearing white. Nice twist of them debuting in red.

Shioriko and Lanzhu watching QU4RTZ' performanceI mentioned Mia earlier but Shioriko and Lanzhu had interesting scenes too. When asked her thoughts about school idols during a student council meeting Shioriko didn’t really answer it. Later Lanzhu approached her to discuss her own performances and SIF 2. Lanzhu hoped she’d come to her next show. After QU4RTZ’ performance she admitted they’re good but they didn’t change her mind (yet). She had her own goal. We’ll learn what it is sooner or later.

Yu's testDuring the credits we got to see Yu take the test. I didn’t recognize what it was an instrumental of but I’m sure it’ll come up again later in the show. It had a lovely beat. Even Mia gave her a “Huh. Not bad.” reaction.

Karin asks Ai a favorBefore we end another great episode I of course must bring up Emma, Karin and Miss Ai’s scene. Emma told Karin about her 4 night sleepover and that she wouldn’t be able to wake her up for a while. Karin was like “It’s cool honey. Go practice with the team. I’ll be alright”. Emma left and Miss Ai showed up doing her thing. Karin’s like “Ai. Please be my alarm clock for a few days”. Next time looks like we’re getting Diver Diva’s origin. Based on the preview it’ll be most interesting.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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15 Responses to Love Live! Nijigasaki 2.3: QU4RTZ Unity

  1. Alexis says:

    Pocas cosas que discutir, me quedo con la foto de kasumin preescolar, su cara no tiene reparo, van bien, a esperar la próxima semana para ver a Diver Diva. El título del capítulo (Love Triangle) es también el nombre de una canción de Diver Diva, por lo que es bastante sugerente. Hay algo, en estos primeros capítulos nos han estado enviando mucho EmmaKari, me pregunto si habrá algo de esto en el siguiente capítulo, no puedo esperar.

    Hoy fue un gran día además de ver Love Live, vimos el debut y compromiso de Yor con Loid dandole el mejor anillo que se ha visto, la filtración de que van animar Yuri is my Job y mañana es el cumpleaños de You-chan… sep son buenos días



  2. tbiscut74 says:

    Another Fantastic Episode!

    Adding another beautiful Anime Mom to my List!😍

    Kid Kasu-Kasu was so Adorable!

    This Season is spoiling me with a precious Karin x Emma moments 2 weeks in a row!

    The QU4RTZ’ song was fantastic. But that’s par the course for this series.

    That song Yu played at the end was the Instrumental for Season 1’s ED wasn’t it? I should know, I loved Season 1’s ED.

    Looking forward to more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      She’s already cute but wants to become cuter.

      Oh yes. Hope they kerp up the KariEmma.

      Ah. Makes sense. I don’t pay attention to the music titles and meaning unless super relevant to discussion. Nice touch.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. chikorita157 says:

    I can’t get enough of Kanata can’t stop thinking about sleep. But still, at least the outfits Kasumi had Rina Emma and Kanata try out are cute. Still, it’s good that they gave a great performance, although it doesn’t seem that Lanzhu is convinced. It’s only a matter of time.

    IT’s nice that Yuu managed to overcome her difficulties. Still, I don’t know if Mia calling Yuu a Baby is an insult or not. I think it is given how Lanzhu is.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. K says:

    It was neat seeing how QU4RTZ came together(also nice seeing Haruka and HaruKana’s mom). Their song was performance was pretty good but Lanzhu isn’t quite convinced yet though she did acknowledge their talent.

    Kasumi’s embarrassment is understandable, Kid Kasu looked bratty to me.

    How sweet of Karin to support Emma’s efforts even if it meant oversleeping.

    Yu’s worries are everyone’s worries. They’ll always be there to lend her a hand even if it seems like she doesn’t want to burden them with her issues.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nick says:

    It started last week but it was nice to see the QU4RTZ origin story come to completion with a wonderful performance. So good! Gotta admit I haven’t listened to any of the sub unit songs before, so hearing theirs was a treat.

    Looks like my dream of seeing DiverDiva might actually happen, especially with that preview for next week! All that’s left is A・ZU・NA and we’ll have all the sub units in the anime!

    “Babe. There’s a reason why we approve a certain Twitter page dedicated to drawing art of your making love to each of us multiple times. You’re plenty special.” If you know, you know.

    I liked the Yu side story this week too, also nice to finally see some more of Mia. Still not her time to shine yet, but we’re slowly getting more of her. Same with Shoriko, her time will come soon!

    Excited for next week!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Great performance as expected from Love Live. They always deliver every generation.

      Yup. Excited to see those units come together.


      We learn a little more about the three each episode.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Ioni says:

    I just realized. QU4RTZ is the first sub-group officially introduced and named on a Love Live series.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yurimylove says:

    yay, we’re getting Love To-LIE-Angle next week?!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. skydragonx8 says:

    Yet another great episode! I really loved the focus on QU4RTZ and their performance was absolutely beautiful! I love their new song so much!

    I also loved the many funny moments like when Emma was like worried about Karin wake up on time but Karin is like don’t worry about me then when Ai comes in Karin is like hey mind calling me at 7am lol.

    Also little Kasumi was so funny lol!

    Ofc the Yu moments are great as well, Yu-chan growing her harem as always lol, I hope she does her best with her assignments as well, my guess is it will eventually lead to her getting her own song which would make me fall in love! Despite Yu-chan being a stand in for the player character of SIFAS, she deserves a song!

    I also loved piano version of Neo Sky Neo Map at the end! Absolutely was so beautiful!

    Overall I loved the episode and can’t wait for more! Next week is DiverDiva, LETS GOOOOO!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      As Ioni mentioned it’s neat to see units incorporated into the anime story.

      Another excellent episode, yes.

      You know the invisible avatar in both mobile games is confirmed female regardless of who is playing.

      DiverDiva hype indeed.

      Liked by 2 people

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