416th G-View: Controversial Edition. Ishuzoku Reviewers (NSFW)

WARNING! Review features images not suitable for younger readers or public areas. Viewer discretion is advised.

To visitors who take the time to read my reviews and not go directly to the comments, there is ONE IMPORTANT THING you all need to know before deciding whether to proceed or not: This is a borderline hentai anime about two male adventurers, their non-binary/futanari angel buddy and their fellow adventurers going to different monster girl brothels for some hardcore action. If this setup upsets you, no need to continue or saying in the comments how much it sucks AFTER I WARNED YOU, dear reader. For those curious on why I would review a show like this in a yuri blog join me as we take a look at Ishuzoku Reviewers.

Ishuzoku-Interspecies Reviewers

Alternate Title: Interspecies Reviewers (English)

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Monster Girls

Themes: Brothel, Culture, Fetish, Futanari, Sex, Sexuality, Yuri

Objectionable content: High (Many scenes of the girls “getting jiggy”, especially with Crim)

Number of episodes: 12

G-Rating: 10/10

Plot Summary: In a world where various species besides humans cohabit society, two professional adventurers, Stunk the human and Zel the elf, enjoy frequenting succu-girl brothels. They write reviews of their experiences, which are posted at the local tavern, and others find them quite informative in helping decide what species to have sex with, making the duo a lot of money. With their newfound source of income, Stunk, Zel and Crim, a fallen angel the pair rescued, endeavor to have sex with women of every species in the world.

Stunk, Zel and Crim

Left to right: Zel, Stunk and Crim.

Like the summary says the main plot revolves around two guys, an angel and their sexual escapades at brothels across the land. They are occasionally joined by other adventurers, usually either Brooz the beastman or Kanchal the halfling. There are other companions but the two mentioned are the most recurring allies. Other side-characters spend most of their time at the tavern owned by a mandragora and their top waitress Meidri the birdmaid. Most of the show is spent visiting the aforementioned brothels and meeting the various excellent monster girls which I will get to in a bit.

In my years consuming ecchi animated/digital Japanese media many of them have had interesting stories to tell and were not just “ecchiservice”. Granted the sexiness is one of the main draws of this show, certainly. What I am getting at is besides the show having quality ecchi goodness as one would expect there are other things happening on the side. See, before preparing their chimichangas for takeoff both heroes and viewers learn a thing or two about the cultural influences of the various species. Things like: their worldview, norms, values, laws each species follow (even its prostitutes) and of course how to best have with each girl. Want more? How about the politics explored in an election between the parties led by a pig orc vs a giant petite demon overlord. Discrimination between races and within communities (People of the same species judging each other). The last episode has discussions about a world with magic vs one without and even the perception of the role of reviewers and the people who read or watch their reviews. There are other topics brought up but the most famous one has to be in Episode 3.

Episode 3 mini-preview

The gender-swap episode.

Quick summary. Our heroes visit a gender-swap brothel after listening to a conversation involving a virgin dragon mage talking about understanding women better. They were like “Cool. Let’s find out what it feels like having sex as women to know what it feels like on their end”. Without giving much else away before taking their temporary gates of Valhalla and WMDs for a test drive the heroes and the receptionist delve into the subject of sexual intercourse in the LGBT community. Nothing super deep of course but they brought up enough to make the discussion interesting.


The more I thought about it watching this show reminded me A Centaur’s Life wherein the main story is usually straightforward but the world building going on in the background via discussions or visible events is quite fascinating. Granted Reviewers is more, shall we say, “action packed” than Centaur, yes.

Ishuzoku Reviewers Will o' the Wisp Girls

Will o’ the Wisp Girls. The is from the uncensored broadcast. The censorship here is intentional. They are a species of flaming gaseous light after all.

Besides the broad range of topics covered the show naturally goes over sexual topics. Specifically various fetishes and kinks from gangbangs, BDSM, roleplay, liquid pleasure and much more. Most episodes have our heroes visit two brothels per episode though some brothels are split in two parts. What I found pretty cool about the show is that not only did it celebrate as many fetishes as possible but the characters, despite them personally not enjoying some of the fs or ks, did not question or critique other people who did. They were like “This is not my thing but if you like it, have at it” each time they were not fully on board. Well, except the debate of how old the person you would bang is between a middle-aged human woman and a centuries old elf babe.

I talked so much about the content of the show I have yet to compliment its surprisingly excellent comedy. A good friend of mine and I briefly asked ourselves whether the best part of the show are the ladies or the humor. The latter is THAT GOOD…Naturally it depends on the person’s sense of humor. After all, I can sit here typing about how I busted my gut several times while some curious who sat through the show will wonder “why?”

Ishuzoku Reviewers Puppet Receptionist

Puppet receptionist.

Ishuzoku Reviewers Monster Girl examples

These are random beauties. The important and recurring ones are much more special, yes.

On to the presentation. In my humble opinion the anime monster girls of this series are some of the very best I have ever seen. Not since the works of Lupiesoft have I been enthralled by the menagerie of sexy creatures. When I first saw the above cover image I was not sold on the ladies but upon seeing them in motion I was convinced. I mentioned before how big a fan I am of Japanese media that present a cast of ladies of all shapes and sizes, not just their height and heavy artillery. Petite, massive, chubby, thicc, thin and more. So many to ogle at and admire. I was personally surprised by who ended up becoming my best girl. If I told my past self that I would find THAT GIRL the sexiest of all…in a show featuring the below beauty, the definition of a perfect anime busty blonde, I would spank my rear end. But it is true. This show awakened feelings inside me I never knew I had…and possibly will not have again unless this SOMEHOW gets a second season. Not to mention the surprisingly fluid animation of everything else from how the girls move while “working” and the various symbolic imagery of eruptions (figurative and literal) and chorizos. I think the best animation can be seen in the review portions narrated, of course, by the reviewers. The soundtrack is to be expected of an erotic comedy. The OP and ED are fun.

Back to the content I could go over our heroes and mention how viewers get to learn more about them than the ladies. Not to say the bodacious creatures are one-dimensional but they are “What you see is what you get”. Even the recurring beauties. What I mean is throughout the show viewers learn tidbits about the heroes’ pasts, interests, skills, how they were raised and of course their sexual preferences (The halfling initially comes off like a mini Roger Ebert but give him time and his true nature will be revealed).

Ishuzoku Reviewers Crimvael-Crim

Crimvael, Crim for short.


Instead I will talk about the main reason I reviewed this show on this blog, Crim. As mentioned above Crim is a non-binary futanari angel. Angels in this world are born with both “bulges”. While mistaken for a cute boy, until ladies learn the truth the “hard” way, they do not identify themselves as such but choose not to make a big deal of it. I talked about futanari in this Yuri Talk post but in short, yes I do count futa X female or futa x futa sex as yuri. Like I said above, people who disagree with this, NEED. NOT. WATCH. THIS. SHOW!

As I was saying Crim’s journey is the most interesting of the adventurers. They go from a timid adorable novice to a timid lustful little sneak, to the point of craving some action themselves when Stunk or Zel are not around. Even so they manage to somehow assert control. They get hungry but are not so crazy to act rashly as shown in a moment where they stood their ground when their buddies insisted they come along for another “trip”. Their reviews and experiences are also the most interesting. Speaking of experiences…

Ishuzoku Reviewers Crim and Cyclops girl

This is one of Crim’s, shall we say, tamer nights. Thankfully the guys are rarely seen strutting their shotguns. Crim on the other hand is shown getting up close and personal every time. Them being innocent (though they have times of “being on top”), they are usually on the receiving end of magical evenings sending them further down a path of somewhat controlled debauchery. Hint: My best girl is also their best.

Reason why I am not bothered by the het content on this show compared to a het harem? The girls are paid to get jiggy. They do not mindlessly throw themselves at the feet of USUALLY undeserving jackass guys. They are half succubus prostitutes who crave sexual intercourse but are not stupid.

Overall Ishuzoku Reviewers is obviously not for everyone. It is another one of those borderline hentai anime akin to Valkyrie Drive Mermaid (Which I liked quite a bit) or Seikon no Qwaser (The yuri was good, het stuff not). The humor is top notch for ecchi shows, the presentation is superb featuring some of the best anime monster girls I have ever seen, the guys are cool but the top star is Crim. The Crim sex scenes along with a special yuri scene featuring my best girl are lovely. The additional world building along with the sex friendly presentation are much appreciated. Yuri fans reading this who can handle het stuff and are okay with futanari yuri might give this a try. Emphasis on might.

Special thanks to Other Joe for being a great pal and a person of culture. That and opening my eyes to some of the extra layers. My sister too of course.

PS: The, for the most part, safest episodes for yuri fans to check out are Episode 3 (Naturally there is futanari) and the second half of Episode 9 (No futanari surprisingly). There is another good one in the second half of Episode 12 but it is sandwiched between the usual het. As mentioned the guys are barely visible in most sex scenes anyway. So 3 and the second half of 9.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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18 Responses to 416th G-View: Controversial Edition. Ishuzoku Reviewers (NSFW)

  1. elkat4 says:

    I gave this anime a chance and wasn’t disappointed. My only complaint is that I couldn’t find a solid five star “best girl”, the closest I think would be the vampress. Now if only this anime could get a female lead, yuri-fueled spinoff. I’d say a man could dream, but given how often this anime seemed like to tip its toe into yuri with the sex-change shop, about every scene with Crim and the wonderful lesson about the fantasy AV industry, I can only wait with baited breath. Regardless, I’ll happily watch a second season.


  2. YuriX. says:

    Ok, leet me see…
    Are this show kind Of like VD:mermaid.
    With main Character Being 2 Male and One Girl?
    Before I give this a “Try” are the guy have a “Sexual” Scene or no..
    I’m kind of hate when guy get some “Action” in “Yuri” Anime Expecially.. But I’m still cool wit it though, I’m just little hate it xD


    • OG-Man says:

      That’s because this is not a full on yuri anime. There are yuri scenes but they aren’t the main focus.

      The good thing is you barely see the sex scenes with the guys. Crim though, their sex scenes are shown in great detail.

      The safest episodes for yuri fans are all of Episode 3 and the second half of Episode 9.


      • YuriX. says:

        Maybe I’ll give it a try…. Though, why When u say Crime/Sexual Scene in Great Detail, make me remember Mnemosyne Lol
        I hate my mind, why u make me remember that??
        My mind : it’s Your Problem! Not mine.
        Me :….


  3. Little Viktoria says:

    I ended up not watching that much past the yuri episode, but that was one wonderful yuri episode. So funny how a “het” show like this one provides, in many ways, much more satisfying yuri than the actual yuri shows. Oh the japanese.

    I cannot even remember the last time there was a purely attraction-motivated kiss, much less love making, in a yuri anime. Or real full nudity in any non-H anime. (Softenni comes to mind once again. That was nine years ago, haha ^^) Let’s hope Ishuzoku Reviewers paves the way for more good things!


  4. Mauron says:

    Crim might be watchable, but the rest of the show sounds like it has too much.in the way of guys overall. I might dig up some fanart though.


    • OG-Man says:

      If it’s any consolation you barely see the guys in their sex scenes. At best you get the aftermath (In bed with the girl). Crim’s scenes though are shown in great detail.

      Like I said the show is mainly for people who can handle it. The safest episodes for yuri fans are all of Episode 3 and the second half of Episode 9.


  5. LuzeP says:

    I enjoyed it a lot. I’m so glad I decided to watch this show after finding a gif of Crim and Elza from Ep 3. And I thought this show might be a gem after all. I remember DMed you after that, I was so excited for many reasons lol. Crim is the best, of course, but my best side character would be Salamander. She is hot literally and figuratively. And also Elza. The lewd and comedy blend in very well I laughed a lot. The sex scene pretty much the girls in action and Crim. I don’t even remember the guys’ are in there. That’s how limited the guys are. 9/10 too for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      I think I know which gif you’re referring to, yeeeeeeeessssss.

      Salamander is a pretty good choice.

      Crim is awesome.

      Elza is love.

      Yeah. The sex scenes focusing on the girls and Crim made them easier to watch.

      Very good.


  6. rnalonto says:

    plays “Y.M.C.A” in the background


  7. Nick says:

    Man what a show! I can finally talk with you about this now that I’ve finished it.

    Honestly as much as I want to say I picked this up for the obvious reason, I actually enjoyed the humor quite a bit and even through the middle half where a few of the eps had some fetishes that didn’t jive with me, like the egg laying (especially the egg laying), I still enjoyed watching the ep. Of course at the end of the day I’d be lying if I didn’t say I really enjoyed all the sexy parts, I mean it’s practically hentai without any on screen penetration, but needless to say it was a great viewing experience.

    Our main duo was hilarious, Zel and Stunk. Loved their banter throughout the show, their personal tastes and such conflicting at times but at the end of the day they both love what they do. Crim was fun to watch as well, certainly being a big surprise to everyone they ran into.

    Hard to pick which girl I liked the most as there were so many and they each brought something unique to the show. Not really into super weird fetishes, but I will say my appreciation for some types of monster girls has gone up quite a bit. But if I were to pick just one girl out of the whole show I’d say would be best, I’ll go with Meidri. She was always fun to see and you know how much I like maid/waitress outfits, so she’s a good pick.

    For the brothel ladies, I think I’d have to go with the Salamander girl in ep 4 when they visited the volcano, seeing as she’s a hot redhead (no pun intended). And my other picks would be slime wielding witch in ep 9 and the 10/10 Archmage Demia from ep 10. Honestly she was amazing, totally worth that 10/10 score. As Other Joe put it nicely in his review, “Demia gives her clients the fully devoted girlfriend experience”. I’ll save my personal comments about wanting a girlfriend and experiencing some kind of romance like that for another time and place.

    All in all though Ishuzoku Reviewers was so much more than just a sex comedy as it really had some solid points to make along the way too. Sadly Funi didn’t realize that and tried to believe they had “standards” to abide by. Honestly a bunch of idiots. Ishuzoku Reviewers may not be for everyone initially, but really it’s got something for everyone once you get into it. After watching anime for the better part of 10 years, it takes a lot to surprise me, but Ishuzoku Reviewers did in ways I didn’t think a show like this could ever do. I really hope we get enough season of this in the future as it hit a surprising about of high notes and I think it’s a show that I’ll be coming back to at the end of the year when it’s time to pick out some favorites. I gotta give Ishuzoku Reviewers a well earned 9.5/10.

    Oh and the OP is amazing. The remix is even better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Sexy and hilarious. Oh yes,

      The guys were cool and Crim was delightful. As I told everyone their sex scenes were the best. Liked seeing how everyone reacted to their “secret”.

      Not surprised Salamander is your fav. Excellent choice. As I said Demia is a perfect blonde in every way. Meidri was indeed a great birdmaid.

      I feel ya dood. Girlfriend discussions are best saved for another time.

      Funi dropped the ball with this one. They should not have given in to weenies nor worry about standards.

      It’s in my Top 10 of 2020 no doubt.


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