Sisterly Bliss Review (NSFW)

(Note: Review Code Provided by Mangagamer)

I am a sucker for love stories about sisters/twins. Having already reviewed some centered around this plot or featuring it I was delighted to see another one waiting to be explored. Question is whether or not it would be another interesting tale of “forbidden love”. Let us find out as we take a look at Sisterly Bliss ~Don’t Let Mom Find Out~ by Eye Phon.

WARNING: Review features images not safe for work!

Sisterly Bliss.png

Alternate Title: Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni Naisho wa da yo~ (Japanese)

Genres: Drama, Incest, Romance, Yuri

Themes: Sisters, Twins

Length: 7-12 hours (Depends on reading speed)

G-Rating: Good

Sisterly Bliss Plot Summary and Content.jpg

Of all the tales of “sisterly love” I have indulged in so far Sisterly Bliss is the most straightforward. There are no other complex matters to face alongside the main obstacle of “We’re sisters who secretly love each other as much more than just family”. It is more about how the sisters deal with their feelings for each other. On one hand we have the older brunette twin Ichika who struggles with holding back her feelings because she feels like such thoughts are dirty and would hurt Futaba.,,even if denying it hurts her own heart. On the other side there is the younger twin Futaba who has no problem embracing her romantic love for Ichika but despite her genki nature does her best to better understand Ichika’s struggle. Thus we have a tale of two sisters trying to come to terms with their love for each other and end up either finding a way to make their dream come true or…ummmmmm…yeah…

Sisterly Bliss Ichika, Futaba, Saki and Yuri.jpg

From left to right: Saki, Futaba, Ichika and Yuri.

To briefly describe the sisters we have Ichika the more smarter of the two who, her difficult to control desires aside, is a studious and responsible beauty caring and helping her (unintentionally inept) younger sister for the most part. Futaba, while not as smart as most, is capable of doing well. She is the “just needs the right motivation and person to lead her on the right track” kind of girl. Besides the Sakura Twins’ parents, invisible classmates and teachers the two important side-characters are the “calm maiden” Saki (short blue hair) and the “cool girl” Yuri (tall pink hair). They serve the role of “supportive best friend(s) of lesbian protagonist(s)”. I think it is a good thing there are two “besties” instead of one for obvious reasons. They are both fun and helpful friends.

Next up is the presentation. I would have to say it looks neat. The character designs are solid and the art style/CGs look nice. The soundtrack is not great but it gets the job done. Personal favorite tune is the very first one that plays at the start of the story. Its sweet and melancholic mixture is somehow soothing. Also as shown in the above plot summary image compilation the love scenes are quite nice. Oh yes indeed.

Sisterly Bliss Status Screen.PNG


Here is how the gameplay works. First of all is the standard multiple choice where Ichika and Futaba get opportunities to make choices that will affect their relationship. To see how it is progressing “plreaders” (play-read) right click on the mouse and then left click on Status, which takes them to the screen shown above. The gimmick of the game is what I like to refer to as the “Hunger Meter”. This refers to how much each sister wants to “eat” the other. The goal is to find the right balance for each sister, which involves not only getting the Hunger Meter at a specific position but also answering the right choices at a specific point, Ichika’s route having the most specific balance to obtain her Good Route. Doing so will lead to one of four routes. Two of them have “pleaders” follow the perspective of one sister as they work together to find a way to work things out and make their dream come true. In a way these endings kind of determine which sister becomes the, shall we say, “Top”. The other two routes follow one of the sisters but instead of finding a reasonable solution to their dilemma their became consumed by their hunger and…weeeeeeeeeeelllllllll…Hmm.

Overall Sisterly Bliss is an interesting Yuri Wincest title. The setup may be straightforward but it has its fair share of moments with their believable struggles. The main cast are likable, the presentation is solid and the H-scenes quite steamy. Not for everyone but whoever found this review interesting enough to consider giving the game a buy can go for it.

Pick the game up HERE (NSFW Warning).

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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7 Responses to Sisterly Bliss Review (NSFW)

  1. exqalph03 says:

    This finally appeared!
    Seeing this again made me want more!! Whew.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Arin Yaroslav says:

    Honestly this VN is awesomly great. I love yuri incest relationship too… But in my view, the NSFW ruined it… 😦 Literally I don’t like NSFW genre tho… Too vulgar 😦


  3. Wanderer says:

    This game is nice, so long as you stick to the good ends. The bad ends… well… are not my cup of tea.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now that I read this.. It seems I reached only one of two good ends then? Seems I need to revisit Sisterly Bliss! I definitely wanna the see the other one, too.

    And a word of warning… beware of the bad ends, seriously. Those are probably the most nasty and ugly (also: a bit exaggerated) I’ve ever seen in any Yuri VN before. At least one of the two even managed to upset my stomach a little…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. yurimylove says:

    Finally 100%ed this, as i played it off and on for several months.

    Of the 4 endings, Futaba’s good end is my favorite. The date in the park and the swan boat ride is so cute!

    Next is Ichika’s good end. It’s sensible and even somewhat realistic. Then it’s Ichika’s bad end. While it’s kinda far-fetched, i like that it’s quite well presented.

    My least favorite is Futaba’s bad end. Unlike, say, nurse love syndrom where the bad ends are way out there they actually made me chuckle despite their “shock value”. But Futaba’s bad end is actually quite realistic, like something like this could actually happen in the real world, so this tragic consequence managed to make me quite sad.

    Next up on my plreading list is either nurse love addiction, or lilical rainbow stage, haven’t quite decided which to go first yet…


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