Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Episode 4: The Date-ish Day

People who primarily watch this show for the FCT battles will be saddened there wasn’t one in this episode. People watching it for the yuri though, read on.

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Not using the joke vid yet. Just wanted to share Banana’s sexiness. The girls are all hot in their own way.

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Maya being gorgeous shocks no one.

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BaKaren looking for Hikari…again.

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Main reason I shared this pic was to confirm how short Futaba is.

So yes. Once again Hikari woke up first and BaKaren frantically searched for her because she’s a genki protagonist.


Oh! “Bananice”. Here we go again!

Yeah no more DK and Diddy drooling over the banana. The sound clip is enough for the joke.

Moving along the rest of the first half was Hikari leading BaKaren on a wild goose chase looking for her because that’s how “Fire and Ice” couples do things, intentionally cumbersome till they finally hook up for realzies.

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Kaoruko snuggling on Futaba’s lap.

Here we are yet again with Kaoruko using Futaba as her love slave, which of course the latter doesn’t mind. That was until Kaoruko suggested that should the day come when they faced each other for Futaba to throw the match. Remember that conversation she had with Claudine? Yeah, Futaba quietly disapproved her mistress’ selfishness. Also I like the fansubbers having Kaoruko sound like a Southern Belle. It fits her.

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Mahiru. Guardian of the hallway and defender of justice.

Suddenly Kaoruko had an idea and was heading to the teacher’s office. Luckily Mahiru, Guardian of the Hallway could sense her wicked intent thanks to their previous encounter and stopped her. She then proceeded to envy Hikari some more. Poor dear.

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More Maya X Claudine.

Before we get back to our clumsy heroines we were blessed with more Maya X Claudine. Similar to Kaoruko it’s clear Maya enjoyed playing with Claudine. The thrill of her blonde rival obsessed with surpassing her made her all the tingle. Claudine asked why she competed in the FCT despite already being the best in the class to which she responded “Because I don’t wanna share the Top Spot”.

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BaKaren having a “And you’re supposed to be the smart one” moment with Hikari.

I’m not going to go into detail on their conversation. Short summary is they talked about their promise to become Top Stars together, BaKaren losing against Maya, Hikari pointing out that losing again would eliminate her from the FCT because of her currently low rank and then BaKaren pointing out the huge flaw in Hikari’s recent “Lock her up in the storage house” plan.

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BaKaRi having a moment.

I’ll go into more detail on this when I write my “Yuri Talk” post on “Fire and Ice” couples but the reason this kind of yuri pairing is used time and again in anime, manga and visual/kinetic novels is because both girls compliment each other with the genki’s fiery passion and the ice princess’ levelheadedness/calmness. Both sides have their flaws that the other makes up for.

The episode ended in amusing fashion. No epic battle this week but even so it was a good episode with several gaytastic moments as usual, yes.

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PS: Claudine speaking random French was GLORIOUS!

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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35 Responses to Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Episode 4: The Date-ish Day

  1. cirno9fan says:

    I absolutely loved it~
    The music playing in the background complimented everything so well too! Not every episode needs a battle, or it becomes a “battle of the week” sort of show, and that’s an easy way to start seeing the fights as filler. It’s important to have a reason when doing these.

    As I thought, Karen is deciding that she’s going to do things her way no matter what. I do believe she’s right in it being possible, but I imagine it’s going to be a true tempest getting through all of this.

    Karen and Hikari are super adorable~

    If anyone can do it, it’s those two. While the others still have a “I’ll become the top even if it means beating you” attitude, only Hikari and Karen have never once had that sort of attitude. They’ve always wanted to do it together, or in Hikari’s case, do it in a way that doesn’t screw over the other. You can bet their love will be tested though.

    Again, I must point out how much I loved the sound direction of this episode! Everything is so on point, like we’re watching a musical play out. And I don’t just mean the background music, but also how everyone talks. There’s this rhythm to everything they say. It’s just so….<3


    Liked by 4 people

    • cirno9fan says:

      Ah, and the choreography as well, that includes into the feeling of it being like we’re watching a musical play out.

      Liked by 1 person

    • cirno9fan says:

      Oh yeah, and I REALLY wonder if there’s reason for the girls shown in the “Starlight” that Hikari and Karen saw were literally their class.

      Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Didn’t think about the many clever details of the presentation as much as you did but I see your point and commend you for it.

      Karen deciding she’ll defy the system is so what a “genki MC” would do. With Hikari by her side I’m sure they’ll find a way to rally the troops against the demon.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. LuzeriP says:

    No Giraffe audition this week but it was a blessing for yuri fans. Hikari x Karen is a cute couple, they really love each other. I just can’t help but feel bad for Mahiru. I felt the same thing with Yayaka.

    Watching Maya and Claudine dancing around is why I love this show. Just a little bit more before they start smooching. And Claudine speaking French was so hot.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. x says:

    It’s hard to call it a date when one is chasing the other one all day, but i’m glad they made up.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Alexis says:

    “Desesperadamente buscando a Hikari-Chan” este nombre me gusta para doujin yuri R18.

    Maya y Claudine, creo que ellas son el mejor ejemplo de porque las parejas tachi son tan raras, por lo menos yo no recuerdo alguna. El nivel de competencia es tan fuerte qué hay fricciones continuas que no podrían ponerse de acuerdo. En contraparte Karouko deja que Futaba lleve la relación y sólo cuando la ocasión lo amerita la “convence” gentilmente.

    Me gusta la malicia inocente de Kaoruko y la obsesión de Claudine, God, no es normal el grado de persecución, pero tampoco es normal que Maya lo tolere, coincidencia… no lo creo.

    Mahiru es una niña super tierna su único error fue fijarse en BaKaren, lo peor es que tanto el OT3 o el cambio de interés de Hikari por Mahiru se están cancelando. De verdad quisiera que al final del show también encuentre el amor con alguien que la valore.


    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Seria gracioso.

      Aun siguen siendo mi 2da pareja favorita del verano, Maya X Claudine.

      Kaoruko X Futaba tambien son una pareja interesante.

      Maya en su corazon disfruta muchisimo de la atencion que la da Claudine.

      Esperemos que Mahiru tambien encuentre una novia propia.


  5. Eu espero que a Mahiru fica com alguém,gosto muito dela!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ObssesedNuker says:

    The teacher was pretty casual about handing out the punishment at the end there. You have to wonder if she’s bunking it with any of the other teaches…

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Bayuro says:

    It’s kinda funny since episode one BaKaren is still looking for Hikari on the deepest nooks and crannies, even on a bath tub while Maya is bathing.

    There’s another reason why Nana was called banana, because of her hairstyle. Bananice!

    I just saw Mahiru on her coolest side. She’s so cool with a baton. I called her “Best Lesb”.

    Near the end of the episode, I still wonder where Karen and Hikari slept before they got home that morning, most of us yuri fan might imagine maybe on a love hotel, oops! Mahiru might get mad!

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      She’s a silly genki so it’s not surprising she still looked for her in nonsensical places. But yeah it got a chuckle from me too.

      I thought you knew from episode 1 that that’s why she got her nickname.

      Guardian of the Hallway Mahiru was pretty cool.

      Hikari’s a clever girl. I’m sure she figured something out.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bayuro says:

        Nah! I only think why Nana was called banana because of her pun name and her desserts with banana ingredients. I just noticed recently about her hairstyle is indeed look like two bananas when she touch her hair and said “Bananice”.

        Liked by 2 people

      • OG-Man says:

        Now you know the real origin of her nickname.

        Liked by 1 person

    • cirno9fan says:

      I mean, what I got was that they walked the full way. Hence why they didn’t make it till 6 am. And Karen looked like she had rings under her eyes. But I could be wrong on that.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. tbiscut74 says:

    Another good episode. Banananice. Great!

    I really like the Futaba-Kaoruko ship. One of my favorite ships in this show.

    And Team Rival Ship are so gay for each other. They so should just kiss and be official already! ;p

    And more Glorious random french please!

    All praise the Guardian/Goddess of the Hallway!

    A very cute date!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. DLZ says:

    Unfortunely it seems like Mahiru will really be a third wheel instead of part of a threesome Love Live style. Sad, the Guardian deserves some love.
    Really fun episode, glad to see that it will not be fights every single week.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. FantasyGirlKanna says:

    I actually want MayaxClaudine to be the MCs now rather than Karen and Hikari, that’s just me though 😛 They’ve become one of my favourite ships just after DiAkko which is my number 1. If Karen and Hikari are a tag team then I want to see Maya and Claudine be their opponent. I like Maya’s “Because I don’t wanna share the Top Spot” statement, definitely something a top star would say.

    I think Hikari’s the hard to get type not because she has high standards but because she likes being chased, especially by Karen 😀 I nice date (sorta) and talk with a loved one is a great way to bring back motivation that was lost – or at least be reminded.

    I’m interested to see the fight between Kaoruko and Futaba. Will futaba end up throwing the match or will Kaoruko realise that Futaba won’t always spoil her? Another thing I’m interested to see is Mahiru’s turn to fight. I feel like she’ll be Karen’s next opponent.

    I really love how they all help and cover for each other in the time of need despite all of them being rivals, then later all get in trouble for what they did – that’s nice story for them to talk about when they grow up. They really waited for Karen Hikari to come back, so sweet. They were out all night and they said they ran out of money…or did they? 😉 If they did, they probably spent it on a place to spend the night because they probably missed the last train 😛

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      They are the best couple for sure.

      It’s all part of being a “Fire and Ice” couple.

      We;ll see when the time comes.

      Pretty sure Mahiru will fight Hikari. Makes more sense.

      They’re still friends at the end of the day despite them all wanting to be the Top Star.

      Liked by 3 people

  11. Mauron says:

    All this banana stuff is making me want to play DK64 again, and listen to the DK Rap.

    Time to visit all the aquariums! Too bad the one was closed.

    Guardian of the Hallway, Mahiro to the rescue! And Guardians of the Beds, Futaba and Kaoroku!

    Getting in trouble even though they made it back by six. How rude. At least they get to try the legendary training course! 😀

    Liked by 3 people

  12. yurimylove says:

    umm, why is Hikari visiting aquariums with suitcase in tow? at first I thought she’s dropping out of the acting school…

    Liked by 2 people

  13. A very bananice (and gay) episode indeed!

    Claudine was indeed being her glorious self once again. Though her VA’s French pronunciation was a bit off, it did seems like she really was trying to get it right, and her “Bienvenue” towards the end actually sounded pretty natural, so more random French Claudine yes please!

    Guardian of the Hallway Mahiru, keep at it! And hopefully, one day, your efforts will be rewarded with love and attention like you deserve.

    I too like the idea the fansubbers have for Kaoruko’s voice/dialogue.

    All in all, very nice indeed! …Too bad the teacher found out. I guess next episode we might see the punishment, or at least the aftermath of it…

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Ioni says:

    Is Claudine really half-french ??

    when Karen ask her about Hikari she says:
    Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? chai pas !

    “chai pas” isn’t correct french in this sentence she speak like a thug in Seine – Saint-Denis (worst department of France, with Saint-Denis, the most violent city in Europe)


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