YMC #85: Some Non-Japanese Asian Yuri Comic Recommendations

So yes. Recently other Asian countries besides Japan such as China, South Korea and Thailand have shown us that they too can write appealing stories about women falling in love with other women. The West is getting plenty of pie thanks in due part to Lezhin. I figured why not share some of the ones I have been enjoying quite a bit. Now I could go into detail and write YMC reviews for each one but since none of these are finished yet as of this writing, consider this post a semi-recommendation of what other peeps can check out if they so choose.

While most of these can be found on Lezhin there are a few that are not included. Also obvious choices like Lily Love, What Does the Fox Say, Their Story and some other well known ones will not be included because I imagine many are up to date with those stories.

Pulse, Mel X Lynn.jpg


Pulse: Let us start with an easy recommendation. From the creator of Lily Love comes a tale about a romance between a renowned heart surgeon, Mel, and a patient who is in dire need of a heart transplant, Lynn. Mel spent most of her free time “eating” her sexy co-workers and other hotties but that all changed when she got stuck with Lynn. Imagine Pulse as Lily Love with far fewer restrictions: Featuring a more dramatic storyline, more sexy time, the only thing being covered is the “sacred garden”, all in the alluring art style Ratana Satis is known for. Plus this time it is in full color!

The Love Doctor.jpg

The Love Doctor

The Love Doctor: This one is about Jung Erae, a college student who does not notice when men are hitting on her or want to start a relationship with her. After a recent misunderstanding got her unfairly fired from her part-time job she sought the help of a so-called “Love Doctor”, Cha Yoon. The doctor agreed to do what she could to help Jung Erae get a better idea about dating but as time passes Jung slowly begins to realize that her problem was never her lack of understanding men or not getting when she is being courted by them…Of course the good doctor is also someone who is not devoid of personal problems.

Daily Witch Cover.jpg

Daily Witch

Daily Witch:  The tale of witches and other supernatural beings (mostly witches) and their misadventures throughout space, time and other realms. Without giving too much away its narrative feels like a blend of One-Punch Man, Spinnerette and Stray Little Devil, meaning that threats are not faced or overcome like one would expect. As for yuri, similarly to Stray Little Devil one must be patient but best believe the patience will pay off big time.

White Angels Have no Wings.jpg

White Angels Have no Wings.

White Angels Have no Wings: This is an…acquired taste kind of story. Think of it as something like Scum’s Wish where the cast (for the most part) are not meant to be likable or written as such. At least that is how I see it because I do not like a single character in this manhwa…and yet I cannot look away, a feeling I imagine is familiar to everyone who watched Scum’s Wish while it aired. The ONLY thing I will give away about the story is in regards to the above brunette. She is a side-character. It can be said the albino girl is not the main character either. Big star, yes but not the top star. Also the approach to the bullying thing is different than one would initially expect.

Right about now readers will tell me, “What about the other yuri stories on Lezhin?” to which I respond, I have not read them yet.

Here are a few stories not found on Lezhin as far as I know:

Jaeliu's Beloved

Jaeliu’s Beloved.

Jaeliu’s Beloved.: Not to be confused with Jin Takemiya’s My Beloved. Jaeliu’s “Beloved.” is the tale of Dr Wei who one night at a bar met a lovely lady she fancied and…you know. Unfortunately for her she later found out the lady in question was a high school student. A familiar age-gap yuri setup between “medic X student” but an intriguing one nonetheless. It also helps that the art style is REALLY GOOD.

Another story with a “medic X student” setup that I would also recommend to people who do not mind is Dear My Teacher.

It has been a while since I read this one but there is also this one comic I read about a girl who is in love with her aunt, while said aunt already has a lover yet struggles with her romantic feelings for her niece. That is also a good one.

Well for now those are the Non-Japanese Asian comics I have been enjoying recently and when able I will check out the others on Lezhin I am missing such as Her Pet.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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26 Responses to YMC #85: Some Non-Japanese Asian Yuri Comic Recommendations

  1. Pingback: YMC #85: Some Yuri Manhwa Recommendations – Yuri.media

  2. philipbaxton says:

    Pulse is one of my all time favorites. As much as I love Lily Love Pulse is a bit better in my opinion. I’m gonna check out the others because they all sound interesting. Of them all I’m most curious in Love Doctor.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: YMC #85: Some Non-Japanese Asian Yuri Comic Recommendations – Yuri.media

  4. appbeza says:

    Cross Heart is my favourite yet. I’m also reading its sequel, Melody of Sorrow. Very happy tingly feelings from this Author’s works.

    I’m also enjoying Always Human, Princess x Pistolier, and Smile. The two latter being on Tapastic.


  5. YukariSakura says:

    Have u ever heard of Tamen de gushi A.K.A Their Story? Its really good.


  6. Zuneko says:

    This will be a fun list to go through, I am still surprised that there are so many yuri stories I haven’t read/watched/plread yet!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Cannibal says:

    The aunt one you are talking about is called 15Y+ by Rui Yuri. It’s not really my cup of tea but I keep reading it hoping it gets better.

    For others on Lezhin, I have been keeping up on every single one except for Vengeance. Everyday Lily is about a closeted lesbian falling in love with an experienced lesbian, enjoyable but due to the chapters being short it has been a very slow burner. Maison de Maid is a historical romance story between a maid and her mistress, so far very sweet with little drama. The Third Party is about a woman who just had an arranged marriage, she starts working at the same company as her estranged husband but seems to have far more interest in her female manager. It’s been pretty romantic so far but you can see the drama clearly rising on the horizon. The Chain of Youth seems to be about a naive schoolgirl falling for a complete sociopath, melodramatic but I can’t stop reading every release. Also seems to have Yaoi drama creeping up. Serenade is about a college girl x music teacher, closest thing to a soap opera on the site, complete with bizarre twists that makes you wonder why one of the characters hasn’t been brutally dismembered in her sleep. My Girlfriend’s Ex-Boyfriend is unique because the couple is together before the story starts, it’s mainly about working through the insecurities in their relationship. Drama is fueled mainly by people not being able to tell others to screw off properly. Her Pet is about a girl falling in love with the girl that saved her from a bully and the only way she can repay her is to replace her lost dog, pretty depressing all the way through. I was dissatisfied with the ending, needed a longer in-depth epilogue, but the side couple was satisfying enough to make the trip worth it. My Joy, by the same author as Her Pet, is about a schoolgirl love triangle and is only meant for people who love depressing stories with even more depressing endings.

    Hopefully I helped you figure out which ones you want to spend your coins on first.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Jacome91 says:

    Other manhwas are Miss Angel and Miss Devil, It would be great if you didn’t exist and Ouji-sama nante iranai (japanese manhwa un Lezhin)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. LiteraryOtakuGamerGirlT says:

    All good stuff I’m really enjoying. And yes, White Angels Have No Wings is very much a similar sentiment as Scums Wish, so as you might expect, I’m enjoying it. Great comparison. I hope you’ll be able to read up on the ones you haven’t read yet and will enjoy.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. yurimylove says:

    thanks for recommendations. I didn’t even know Lezhin exists before reading this post. It looks like most titles are still ongoing, but I saw “My Joy” is complete and art style pretty good, so I read it.

    wow the ending was bittersweet, emphasis on the “bitter” part… but at least Hye-Yeon x Joy have their happy ending so i’m glad. was a good read. will be reading more of the titles here…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. axelnoritz says:

    Thanks OG-Sama for this post! I always found new ways to nurture myself… btw as a crititc coul you start putting the name of the mangas on their own languaje or something? Like Their Story is Tamen De Gushi or Bloom Into You is Yagate Kimi Ni Naru… It would help a lot, and once again thanks for allyour work!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. yurimylove says:

    Now that‘s a girl who knows how to serve her mistress XD

    Liked by 1 person

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