Train to the End of the World Episode 1: Twisted Future

Going into this show I got Girls’ Last Tour vibes from the trailers/PVs. Was I proven right by the premiere?

Yoka made to push the 7G button

We joined one of our main heroines Yoka arriving at Ikebukuro and was surprised to find out she was the 77777th citizen to enter the city. Therefore the token corporate douchebag president, Poison Pontaro, announced she would push the button to activate the 7G Wave across Japan. Long spiel short he refused to listen to reason and went against the warnings of going 7G long before the technology was proven safe all for the sake of Japan becoming the lead tech gods on Earth, aka profits. Yoka naturally had no clue what was going on but Poison pressured her to push it.

Ikebukuro after the 7G activated

It went as well as one would expect.

Reimi and Akira

Fingers crossed these two, Reimi and Akira, become a bickering couple.


Nadeko appears to be the voice of reason of the group, or at least the big sis figure.
Shizuru smacks bear man

Back to the plot. 2 years had passed since the 7G Wave completely screwed up Japan. We joined the rest of our heroines in the countryside where all but one of the adults older than 21 and 1/3 years were turned into animals past and present such as a spectacled bear or a triceratops. Only our heroines remained human but as seen in this screen shot and Shizuru (the real main girl of the show) narrated it was highly likely the animal folk would eventually lose their humanity and turn full beast.

Blood stained truck

As the bloodstained armored supply truck showed Japan (perhaps even the rest of the world) sank into utter chaos the past 2 years. Some parts of Japan were surely worse off than the animal village. One of the boxes had newspaper wrapping. It caught Shizuru’s eye because not only was it a recent article but Yoka was in the photo alongside Mr Poison and other corporate bastards.

Shizuru, Yoka, Akira, Reimi and Nadeko

Every time the supply trucks came Shizuru hoped there was news on Yoka’s whereabouts since “that day”. Shizuru and her had a falling out wanting to talk things through and make up ever since. She never stopped thinking about her, I assume, bestie. Readers know what I’m hoping for between these two. Me being me I hope their argument had something to do with “more than friends” feelings. Wishful thinking but it’s what I do.

Shizuru disappointed her biggest clue was temporary

One night Shizuru spotted Yoka’s pet dog who she’s surprised didn’t become human. The good doggy spent her time following a strange man who acted like a train. That was until she sniffed a collar that led Shizuru and the Train Man to an actual train where they found a hat. She was again surprised when the train man seemingly turned back to normal and declared his vow to take down Mr Poison and stop the 7G madness. Unfortunately for Shizuru he reverted back to Train Man just as he was getting to the important part, turning on the real train. On the bright side she kept trying and a few times he turned back to normal and taught her how to work the train.

The train journey begins

Thus began Shizuru and the gang’s journey to Ikebukuro in hopes of finding Yoka.
So right now it’s a mix of various things but I’m sticking with GLT and Ange Vierge. Those who saw the latter know what I mean. Intriguing premiere and I’m excited for more!

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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17 Responses to Train to the End of the World Episode 1: Twisted Future

  1. This seems like it’s going to be an interesting one, I’m definitely eager to see where this journey will take us. I also agree with all of your assumptions and hopes regarding the potential pairings we could see develop. I especially want to know more details about their falling out ‘that day’. Clearly it was something big enough that caused Shizuru so much regret that she’s tirelessly sought out her ‘friend’ for 2 years; to the point it became her career plan. We can hope for the best. Either way, I’m down for the ride.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Nick says:

    Wild opening ep! I didn’t watch a PV before jumping into this one so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but wow that was something. It’s got a lot of interesting elements in play and I’m hoping the story will flesh them out and end up being something enjoyable. Looking forward to your weekly coverage!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pingback: Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku? - Episode 1 - When 7G Goes Terribly Wrong and Shizuru and Friends Starts an Adventure - Chikorita157's Anime Blog

  4. Kotori_sonoda says:

    i has no real idea what this show would be about aside from some train journey so needless to say, it definitely grabbed my attention.

    the setting is very interesting and the characters look fun. Here’s hoping the shows sticks the landing and that this train keeps smooth sailing til the end!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. jacob jim says:

    this first episode has got me so hype it’s unique, funny, art/animation is great. What little of the setting we’ve seen is super interesting! it’s also hinted at possible darker tones in the future, tho I’d be fine with a chill exploration of this wacky world. ah man ngl I’ll be completely crushed by disappointment if this goes tits up like 3 episodes in haha

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Little Viktoria says:

    Reimi and Akira are cute! I like how Reimi keeps hugging Akira when they’re looking at the newspaper, and how the first thing Akira does after catching up to the rest of the girls is to cling to Reimi.

    Certainly hoping that something is going on between Shizuru and Yoka too.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. cirno9fan says:

    I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, but I very much liked it~ I hope this one keeps everything up, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who was thinking the “You’re that type of person” statement meant exaclty that. I have a feeling that Yoka was running away from herself, rather than Shizuru. We’ll see as it goes on though!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. chikorita157 says:

    7G! (G stands for generation, which refers to generation of the cellular network). Obviously, something that Space Karen will come up with.

    I shared my thoughts about the first episode, but it was interesting. Surely, it should be interesting to see the different environment the girls will discover.

    Obviously, Reimi and Akira is getting alone well.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. yurimylove says:

    interesting 1st episode, was not expecting that. looking forward to a fun train ride.


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