Yuri is My Job! Episode 5: Steps Taken and Not

After the bombshell of a flashback last time it’s time to find out if steps would be taken to patch things up or not at all.

Why Hime didn't recognize Mitsuki

Some of you didn’t take my comment about Hime not recognizing Mitsuki because of her “cannons” seriously and here she is pretty much saying just that. Once again some of you refused to learn the important life lesson to not question me. Newcomers are not exempt from this either. I usually know what I’m talking about. Anyway as Hime told Kanoko Mitsuki was the girl who betrayed her “that day” the Beast within took over and was like “Seeeeeee? No need to get her to acknowledge you anymore. There are plenty of others to woo with your charms (like me)”.

Mitsuki surprised to see Hime again that dayWe cut back to Mitsuki recalling meeting Hime (again) in Episode 1. It appears since “that day’ she occasionally (or often) thought about “what if” scenarios between her and Hime that can be summed up with “What if we’re still together?”. As she probably thought this for the umpteenth time she’s surprised to see a familiar short blonde girl enter Cafe Liebe. Her heart skipped a beat. Although we didn’t hear a classic “badump” her reaction clearly called for it. More important was the reason for her grumpiness at the end of the episode. It’s a mix of her established seriousness/being a stickler for the rules regardless of Hime being a newcomer and being upset that Hime didn’t recognize her.

Mai lays down the lawSumika tried to use her gyaru onee-sama charm to calm them down to no avail. Miss Mai stepped in and basically told them to keep the drama in the back and stick to the script on stage.

Sumika workingDespite the dark cloud hanging over the cafe we bore witness to a miracle. SUMIKA DID MORE THAN SECELIA BEFORE THE HALFWAY POINT OF THE SHOW! For non-Gundam readers Sumika working was the highlight of the episode.

Hime tries to make it workBack to the plot. Our heroines did everything to ignore each other and just work but Sumika reminded Hime that playing Soeurs was also part of the job. To her credit Hime tried to make it work but Mitsuki seemed to not want to play ball. Hime’s like “This girl clearly has a vendetta against me!” as fans tried to assure them they’d eventually make up. Hime disagreed and went to the cart.

Mitsuki messed upSumika tried having Mitsuki “in character” patch things up with her petite soeur but it didn’t work. Next she tried “You know. Some fans ship the two of uuus-and she’s not listening”. Lastly she went “I get it now. You just can’t keep your eyes off of her”. Fans noticed too and were more convinced they’d make up but this is what finally broke Mitsuki’s composure as she adamantly denied it.

We’ll come back to this later.

Backstage Mitsuki tried telling Sumika that it’s about Hime’s lack of professionalism but then, because she’s bad at lying, said it’s because she’s annoyed at Hime “messing with her head”. Sumika warned her to do something about the situation because she couldn’t rely on her or Miss Mai to bail her out forever.

After work the two were called to the office. Mitsuki apologized for her mistake but Sumika and Miss Mai knew the real issue was their sudden refusal to get along. Miss Mai told Mitsuki to either work things out with Hime or end their Schwestern relationship. Mitsuki being the serious girl she was couldn’t bare the “public humiliation” (and prematurely ending something she put a lot of effort into), especially before a major upcoming event. However, before Miss Mai’s ultimatum Mitsuki did consider ending it. That’s what Hime paid attention to and said if she wanted to then just end it. Sumika’s like “Why do you want to end it!? You’re the one who wanted to become soeurs!”. As Hime thought “That was before I knew who Mitsuki really was” the big babe suggested they participate in Miss Mai’s soeur practice after the two had a private discussion.

Hime hurt by Mitsuki's 'hate'Mitsuki: You started it. Why do you want to end our Schwestern bond? We have a job to do.

Hime: Can it! You’re the one who hates working with me so let’s end it already!

Mitsuki:…Figures you’d say something like that. You want to quit. Just like you quit piano and left me. TRAITOR! LIAR!

Hime: You gotta be kidding me. That’s what this is all about? I. AM. A. LIAR! I did it for you! I told you. I would never betray you!

Mitsuki remembered Hime saying she lied to the quartet for the duo’s sake.

Mitsuki: But you suddenly quit piano.

Hime: I DID IT FOR YOU! Then you went and exposed me and betrayed me! Why? Why did you come to hate me?

Mitsuki: No. You’re lying again. You must be.

Seeing Hime tear up for real hit Mitsuki in the kokoro. Again not classic “badump” but it had an effect on her. What kind we’re not sure. Unfortunately because we’re not at the halfway point yet we got a vintage “interruption that prematurely kills the mood and ends important moments for no good reason instead of the two parties continuing where they left off”.

After Mitsuki had her hide as she tended to a customer Hime wondered if anything was accomplished.

Hime's true desireMitsuki told Miss Mai the two were ready to practice their sisterhood. The first attempt didn’t go well. Miss Mai suggested they both recall their first meeting and what they thought of each other then. Hime remembered thinking Mitsuki’s a cool and sexy big sister figure but after the “Onee-Sama” thing it’s one mostly unreasonable bitching after another. She thought “I’m adorable. Why won’t she acknowledge me? I have to charm her at all costs”. Remembering that along with Mitsuki taking deep breathes made their second attempt a better one. They still had work to do but were on the right track.

Hime admits her true goal was differentAfter what’s happened Hime had a moment where she both changed her tone and admitted her real goal wasn’t for Mitsuki to acknowledge her but to legit like her. Problem was she still thought Mitsuki hated her. The next day Miss Mai and Sumika showed her a blog post. It appeared Mitsuki’s actions the day prior divided SumiHime shippers with half the fans labeling the big babe a villain forcing Hime to be her soeur. I know how dangerous the world of yuri shipping can be. #ShipWars ring a bell? Nasty stuff that.

So this episode served to remind people who totally sided with Mitsuki last episode that she wasn’t devoid of blame either. Both were right and wrong. That’s the point of this drama.

Good stuff as usual.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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20 Responses to Yuri is My Job! Episode 5: Steps Taken and Not

  1. They certainly made small steps towards reconciliation, but they still have a ways to go. Though it’s nice that we get insight into their inner thoughts, so we know that they ultimately want the same thing, for the other to genuinely like them. It’s just they can’t trust each other yet because they haven’t fully cleared up their misunderstanding. They’ll get there.

    Kanako definitely wasted no time trying to get Hime to forget about Mitsuki and focus on the ones that matter instead (her), though I doubt things will be so simple. It was also nice to see Sumika take some initiative this week, though she too couldn’t quite get her efforts to be fully recognized.

    As for the ending, it seems history is going to repeat itself, and I’m thinking that Hime will have to come to her rescue again, just as she tried to do in the past. However, this time, she needs to make it clear she’s doing it for her sake. Though I’m sure it won’t go that smoothly either way, since we’re only halfway through the season. If it gets them to extend an olive branch though, that’ll be progress.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Lots on heavy luggage for our heroines to rummage through in an effort to restore a semblance of normalcy in their lives. Won’t be easy but hopefully they’ll get there.

      Kanoko’s inner beast slowly taking control and Sumika actually working were also highlights.

      Hopefully this second chance to right wrongs will mostly bring positive change.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    Another really good episode, each week I look forward to the latest installment in this gripping story.
    Hime calling Yano a liar and betrayer and you can just see the gears turning in the latter’s head that maybe, she’s also at fault too. Really well done argument scene, but unfortunately someone forgot his umbrella. Ah well.
    And at the end Hime is having war flashbacks when the events of the past are being replicated! This is your second chance, girls. Don’t mess it up!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. tbiscut74 says:

    Another Good Episode.

    Glad they at least started talking, at least a little bit. Baby steps.

    Excited for more.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Tayumayu says:

    spicy spicy drama, the chef sure to let em cook all nice *jk. and yeah…apparently something something called “grow up” can turn someone appearance/physique, mitsuki u sily gal u. hopefully they can clear the misunderstanding up yup.

    #ShipWars ring a bell?….ho boi…immediate war flashback

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Jeanettelith says:

    Mitsuki’s only complaint from viewers is that she didn’t trust Hime as a child. I am extremely curious, how can trust a person who lies at every step and at every occasion? Just because? And why did Mitsuki have to believe Hime at that moment, knowing that Hime was a liar? Just because?


    • cirno9fan says:

      Mitsuki was jealous, multiple instances of her getting upset just seeing Hime with other girls, let alone the thought of Hime hanging out with someone else. It wasn’t just about “not trusting Hime”. Though that in itself was a real problem. Hime had been destroying her social life (even if it was a facade) for probably months (maybe weeks) for Mitsuki. Always turning down others. And Hime even played those same girls so she could just blow the day off and spend it all with Mitsuki, no work, no stress, just hanging out. The very day before everything went crashing down.

      Hime more than showed she had loyalty to Mitsuki and not to the other girls. Mitsuki at least should have talked to Hime about it instead of lashing out at her and getting everyone to hate her, immediately jumping to the scenario that hime had been lying to her all along and was some gundam mastermind who had been playing the long game.

      But they were both children. They made poor decisions, and suffered for it. Hime really should have found a way to communicate it to Mitsuki before she pulled off the “I’m quitting” thing. I’m sure, in her inexperienced mind, she thought she did, by what she said the previous day “I lie to others, and I would never lie to you”. To her, that was probably enough, and probably also a really huge thing to say. I’m sure that line was Hime giving her biggest show of loyalty she had ever shown anyone, and took a lot of courage to say.

      But the problem with life is, the worst things happen when you assume things. And that’s what Hime did.

      I see a lot of people talking about how bad it was that Hime is “lying” all the time, but most people do that. That’s how you survive in this world, even as a child. I refused to do that, and I got punished accordingly, but it was very freeing to just be me, even if it meant others would ostracize me for it, including teachers. Fortunately it got better once I hit middle school, but all of elementary I was bullied for refusing to hide my true self under a guise of “conformity”, especially by teachers and staff, but also by kids (to a lesser extent, except when I found my head slammed into a building wall I guess…). I can’t imagine how much worse it would be in Japanese society when there’s even more pressure to “fit the mold”.

      This is precisely why they bullied Mitsuki in the first place, she refused to conform to fit others’ perception of one should be. Hime was just trying to avoid that. Probably wasn’t strong enough to endure the bullying, like Mitsuki was. It takes a lot to “be yourself”

      Liked by 1 person

  6. chikorita157 says:

    It appears that with each episode, the relationship gets worse with Mitsuki and Hime. I guess Hime telling all those lies is catching up to her even though she did it for good intentions. Still even if Mitsuki is mad at her, she still has an attraction to Hime, which is cute. I guess she finally realized that Mitsuki still have feelings for Hime and maybe vice versa. To still be mad about what happened several years ago is silly as people changed and they were children.

    Still, I’m very suspicious of Kanako by the way she acts and the fact that she had secret photos of Hime on her phone. Maybe she is the one that leaked their secret talk. Still, Mitsuki acting out of character and being distant to Hime makes everyone raise their eyebrows. Hopefully, Hime will come to redeem herself as it looks like another playback of elementary school of Mitsuki being bullied and having a bad reputation with Hime probably being her only best friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • cirno9fan says:

      I hadn’t even been thinking of that angle because I was too focused on the other things, but it’s very viable that Kanoko pulled it. While Mitsuki was jealous when Hime was getting other attention, it was not obsession, which Kanoko clearly has. And it really didn’t make any sense for that to get leaked like that when they were already closed, unless it was done by an employee.

      Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Kanoko possibly leaking information wouldn’t be unbelievable, no.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. cirno9fan says:

    Communication does indeed happen, and the seeds of truth were planted in both sides, but things aren’t ready to be resolved just yet. Now, as is usually needed for therapy, this prospective couple are going to have to face the past, in a much more literal sense (but still not quite literal) as the events replay themselves. Now, the question is: will Hime make the same mistake of quitting before explaining herself(even if this is the case, I don’t expect this to last, as the whole point is her being able to work in this setting), or will they communicate and find a better answer?

    It’s going to be especially hard for Hime, as it’s full on years of trauma coming back at her. Mitsuki experienced a single betrayal (A heavy one yes), while Hime experienced a heavy betrayal from someone she really trusted, and then her entire “world” until she finally got out of primary school. That’s a lot of things to weigh down her decision making, hopefully someone/s will be able to help steer her in the right direction.

    Especially considering, quitting will make it look even worse on Mitsuki than it is now. “you forced poor Shirasaki-san to leave!” etc. It would only fan the flames of ugly rhetoric.

    Should be very interesting from here…

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Indeed. Won’t be that easy to settle things not just because there’s still plenty of show to go but both were badly traumatized by that day, especially Hime.

      As Macho Chikorita mentioned could Kanoko have played a role in vilifying Mitsuki? We shall see as history repeats itself. This is their chance to change or reset history in a sense.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. yurimylove says:

    with the amount of hate he’s getting from yuri fans right now, i’d hate to be that poor guy who forgot his umbrella 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Nick says:

    Each week I’m liking this show more and more. While Mitsuki and Hime still have ways to go before they can full patch things up, I really like how we’re getting to see both sides to this drama unfolding. Feels like most of the time we’re only seeing one side to the situation, probably mainly for story purposes, but I like being able to see and hear both girls thoughts and feelings about each other play out. Hopefully that makes sense. We can see all the pieces there, things just need to be put back together properly and it’ll take a little bit of time before they both figure it out. At least that’s how I see it.

    Is this the first time we’ve actually seen Sumika working? I didn’t have time to go back and check each ep before this, but it feels like it might be. Good for her!

    Umbrella man really ruined the moment there. Like come on man, you could’ve waited until tomorrow to get it.

    Eagerly looking forward to the next ep and seeing where this compelling drama will go next!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      No worries. I get what you mean. It’s great to see both sides of the story and understand what both sides have to do if they want to try and make up.

      On screen anyway but yes. Incredible moment seeing Sumika work.

      He’s the most hated guy on the Internet for most of the week for good reason.

      Liked by 1 person

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