Love Live! Nijigasaki 2.5: Return of Greatness

You know I thought an episode was excellent because I had to repeatedly pause to stop smiling because it hurt and catch my breath from uncontrollable laughter.

Shioriko discusses pre-show plans with drama club

We began with Shioriko mentioning plans for a pre-show the day before the Culture Idol Festival Bonanza featuring the drama club. The club leader was intrigued when Shioriko gave them free reign to decide what kind of play to put on. Soon after our heroines considered adding unit songs alongside their solo songs to SIF2. Shizuku asked Yu to discuss something else later.

Ayumu and Yu morningThe next morning Yu kinda looked like a mess. A worried girlfriend showed concern but she assured her it’s all good. She invited her on a shopping date to help her cool down but Yu had “other plans”. She asked to promise to go once she had time.

Let the fun commence.

Jealous Ayumu ReturnsOh yeah. She’s back. “Pleasing fans” didn’t subdue her hunger for Yu’s taco one bit.

Ayumu went shopping alone when she spotted Yu. Unable to help herself she followed when she’s shocked to see her meet up with Shizuku. Now. While episode 2.4 was good I was personally unsatisfied. The title hinted something tres magnifique but was a lie. Here’s Ayumu to save the day with her jelly mode! She had a look that thought “This girl did so not ditch me to go out with Shizuku, did she!?”

Jelly Ayumu and Giddy SetsunaConveniently Setsuna spotted Jelly Ayumu and asked what’s she doing. Her response? She’s worried Yu would pass out from exhaustion. “Nice save”. Setsuna didn’t question getting dragged along and was like “Oh joy! We’re playing detectives.”

So what was it Shizuku wanted to talk with Yu? She wanted to form a unit with Ayumu and Setsuna. Plus she had plans for them to be in her play. Big plans.

Beast Setsuna and Beauty AyumuShizuku: When I looked at them I had this vision in mind of Setsuna-senpai playing the Beast alongside Ayumu-senpai’s Belle. A riveting story of a beast shunned by society and the beauty who was allured by her “bad girl”-ness. What do you think Yu-senpai? It’s weird, right?


Shizuku: Oh? I knew you’d understand my vision!

Beast Ayumu and Beauty SetsunaOh but I think Ayumu-senpai would make a pretty good Beast too.

Yu: Yeah…She would…

My poor gut.

I was like “Oh. AyuSetsu shipping material. I’ve seen some of their art. Love Live! is a yuri shipping goldmine of a franchise after all.” Thankfully it didn’t interfere with the established bliss as I feared so no biggie. What’s more important was that SHIZUKU came up with it. What a wonderful mind indeed.

Ayumu, Yu, Setsuna and Shizuku at a mahou shoujo showThey couldn’t stay hidden for long as a girl almost tripped and the two leapt into action like the superheroines school idols were. Busted. Ayumu said they’re there to check out the Pretty Cure parody live-action play. Shizuku and Yu’s original plan was to check out a school idol memorial exhibit. After the show there’s still time so they agreed to have fun at the amusement park. Ayumu kinda got what she wanted after all. Good for her.

Setsuna quickly becomes NanaBy the way, a quick highlight was Setsuna switching to Nana when Shioriko called. What a pro.

Shioriko and her sisterShe apologized for calling on a day off when big sis wanted to go to the amusement park together but she wouldn’t have it. Big sis surprised her by announcing she’d teach classes at Nijigasaki for a bit. The Shioriko story intrigue continued.

Split shock Jelly AyumuAyumu and Setsuna were surprised but intrigued by the idea of forming a unit with Shizuku.

Shizuku: That’s a draft of my vision and wanted to discuss it with Yu-senpai.

Ayumu: Oh so that’s why you met up today.

Setsuna: I totally thought you two were on a date.

See above reaction.

Yu: Oh come on now! Teehee.

It’s time to check out the school idol exhibit. When Yu complimented the creativity and freedom they had to become whatever kind of school idols they wanted without fitting the mold Shizuku had a deep thought.

Lanzhu listens to Yu's piano testEarlier Lanzhu found Mia listening to Yu’s piano test curious why the usual loner Mia listened to someone else’s music. She too thought Yu’s skills were solid. Mia asked if she had another gig but she had other plans.

Lanzhu went overboard buying merchLanzhu’s other plans.

Ayumu told Yu to not go overboard buying school idol merch like “that girl over there” before they recognized Lanzhu. She joined them at a table listening to Yu go giddy over the exhibit. Lanzhu accused Yu of half-assing her music class studies and blamed the harem for spoiling her. Ayumu and Setsuna tried to defend their queen but Yu could handle it. She could tell Lanzhu’s concerned about her and said if what she needed to add her to the harem was git gud at music class to wait a little longer. An embarrassed Lanzhu walked off.

Shizuku playing the witchShizuku was strangely quiet until Lanzhu left. She thought about what she said and thought she did a bad thing not only pushing her ideas on them. Plus she was satisfied with her vision but had yet to do anything with it (or something like that.). Setsuna stepped up and had Ayumu join her in an improv Beauty and the Beast performance completely ad-libbed. Shizuku was inspired by them creating something so cool, I’d legit watch their action-adventure rendition if it were real, and joined in. She understood what Yu meant about school idols’ freedom to create and used it to move ahead with her vision. Ayumu and Setsuna were ready to go all in with their unit. We’ll probably have to wait till next time for A.Zu.Na to officially form and their performance.

Yu X Ayumu Ferris Wheel dateThe Ferris Wheel was under repairs in the afternoon but was fixed by the evening. Yu invited Ayumu for a ride. The school idol goddesses knew what’s up. They reflected on Ayumu agreeing to join a unit and Yu’s ready to support her. Ayumu asked her to come to her if she’s ever in trouble but Yu said she did so much for her already. It’s her turn to give back.

The episode ended with Setsuna hurriedly transform to Nana after a long practice when Shioriko noticed a familiar hairpin. Oh boy.

Favorite S2 episode so far.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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28 Responses to Love Live! Nijigasaki 2.5: Return of Greatness

  1. elkat4 says:

    This is by far the best episode yet (though I have hopes for next week’s episode):
    Writers: So how much gay do we put this episode?
    Director: Yes.

    Now I want a cross-generational spinoff where A.Zu.Na does their rendition of “Beauty and the Beast” with Riko and Ren in the audience, squealing their little gay heads off.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This episode had me grinning the entire time from start to finish. Jelly Ayumu made an excellent return and I think the payoff was much better this time around. She’s really not messing around about Yuu potentially getting too cozy with the other girls. She’s down with the harem at school, but outside and at home she wants her all to herself. LL has always been pretty gay, but this series, with these two especially, the Yuri feels so blatant. I’m here for it. That ferris wheel scene was sweet.

    The beauty and the beast segment was also super wonderful. I loved the visuals we were graced with and that entire acting segment was so enjoyable. I’m looking forward to seeing their performance hopefully in a future episode. Shizuku continues to impress.

    Definitely my favorite episode of the season so far as well. Also, to an earlier point you made in previous posts, Yuu really does look great with her hair down.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Oh yes. A more rewarding conclusion.

      As I told Elkat Nijigasaki continue to be the game changers of the franchise. We love to see it so much.

      Fingers crossed we see the performance. If I recall Shizuku is your favorite, correct?

      Even with messy hair Yu’s beautiful with her hair down.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Rozalind aria says:

    Gayest Episode so far
    I love it

    Liked by 2 people

  4. cirno9fan says:

    This really was the best episode yet!
    Ayumu’s yandere mode was in full force! It was really amusing how Setsuna just went with things XD And of course she was one of hte most excited ones at the hero show
    Lanzhu in total idol fan mode, not reacting in the least bit to the fact that she was seen like that. Expected more of a reaction, so it was interesting to see she embraced the idol fan aspect of her openly, not being the least bit ashamed of it, no matter if she looked completely and totally ridiculous XD
    Then after everything, Ayumu and Yuu finally got their ferris wheel date ❤

    And we ended out with Setsuna giving herself away!

    Next week should be something!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. CJ Apple says:

    Beauty and the (Cat(girl)) Beast yuri version is already better than the bad/not so good remake.

    Anime logic: Ferris wheel is out of order when all are together at day, but has been repaired for a romantic date scene for Yu x Ayumu at night.

    This reminds me of Miku x Hibiki in Sympho(gay)gear S5 and Cold Steel 4 in the theme park MWL (Mishy Wonder Land) in Crossbell before a VERY important choice/event., but better play for yourself to find out or watch it on YT.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ioni says:

    like usual when it’s focus on shizuku, it turn to have a “starlight” vibe

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    this was so hilarious, like my god
    It’s a goldmine

    Shizuku is thirsty as hell
    Lanzhu buying up idol merchandise is so funny too.

    Overall its a really great episode, my favorite so far.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. chikorita157 says:

    I find it hilarious how Ayumu seems that worried that Yuu is going on a date when it reality they are not. Still, some nice scenes with Ayumu and Setsuna with Shizuku trying to figure out how her play go. Makes me wonder if the love triangle with Yuu, Setsuna, and Ayumu is a thing.

    Still, seeing Ayumu ride the farris wheel with Yuu is nice. As always, Lanzhu is going to Lanzhu.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Nick says:

    Two part origin story for A・ZU・NA by the looks of it, but we got off to an excellent start this week.

    The return of Jelly Ayumu was great to see. Once she sees another girl taking interest in her Yu, it’s all over. Ayumu can’t be stopped.

    Shizuku has a very cultured imagination to come up with that play. Now I want to see the whole thing played out from start to finish. I love how into it Yu is as well. They’re all on the same page here for sure.

    The switch from Setsuna to Nana was hilarious and very quick. I’m a little bit disappointed that she didn’t somehow braid her hair in an instant when she answered the call and put her glasses on. That would’ve been perfect.

    Looks like next week we’ll finally get into the Shoriko drama and find out more about her and now her sister too who randomly showed up out of the blue. Also wondering if Shoriko doesn’t realize Nana and Setsuna are the same person, judging by what happened at the very end of the ep. I thought it was an established fact. Oh well, I’m getting ahead of myself here. I’m sure they’ll answer all of this next week.

    Speaking of Setsuna, she was definitely having the most fun on her detective outing with Ayumu. I love how into the hero show she was too. Setsuna is such a great girl.

    The stage scene at the end of the ep was fantastic! Loved seeing the girls act out their vision of the play. Almost at the formation of A・ZU・NA, just a little more drama to get through first!

    And of course the Ferris Wheel scene to close out the ep, that as amazing as well. Finally a moment for Yu and Ayumu along together. Love the way they look at each other, so loving.

    Next week looks to be another good one too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      It’s like QU4RTZ. I dig it.

      So glad she never left. Just waiting for a girl to dare hit on her Yu. Fantastic.

      Hope one day she’ll have something big planned for Kasumin and herself using that wonderful mind of hers. Yu loving the idea is icing on the delicious gay cake.

      No. Up till now none outside of the club know Setsuna and Nana are the same beauty. Shioriko may be the first.

      We’ve discussed several times how amazing Setsuna is. Much love for her.

      The hype for A・ZU・NA officially forming and their performance is real.

      They’re so set for life it warms my heart.

      Pumped for more.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. LuzeP says:

    I swear the yuri in this show is over the top. The love, the jealousy, the harem, the yuri fan! It’s like they read our minds. There are a lot of great scenes and my favorite is the Ferris wheels scene. At some point the camera angle made Yu and Azumu look like kissing. They are teasing us. The stalking scene is like the must-have scene in the Love Live franchise. I love Setsuna’s facial expression in this episode, she looks so happy. Best episode so far and looking forward to the A・ZU・NA debut.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      It’s a big reason why Nijigasaki are my favorite group in the franchise. They BARELY hold back the yuri. Even when they do there are the extra subtle notes like the Ferris Wheel kiss you mentioned.

      Setsuna’s pure joy throughout the day was precious.

      Hyped for their official formation next time.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. skydragonx8 says:

    Yet another great episode as always!

    AyuSetsuYu love triangle was all over the place this ep, whether it be AyuSetsu, AyuYu or SetsuYu fans of them definitely were happy one way or another! Also I love how Shizuku was just on the side lines looking in awe and thinking many things lol, probably many yuri related things.

    Also this being the small origin for A・ZU・NA makes me smile a lot!

    Also I definitely found it interesting that Shioriko and Kaoruko’s relationship is different compared to the game, cause in the game their relationship is kind of rocky (ofc it is fixed later on in the story) but in the anime their relationship is pretty okay and like usual sisters and I like that. Really do love the changes the anime made for sure.

    Next episode is definitely gonna be super interesting with how things go, cause Setsuna totally forgot to take her pin off and Shioriko found out so next ep will definitely focus on that and if I were to guess it will be Setsuna having to choose between student council stuff and ofc school idol stuff which she loves both which is yet another change from the game which I like. Looking forward to it!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. K says:

    Ayumu was keeping tabs on Yu and Shizuku because she was worried about Yu’s well-being. It’s not like she was jealous or anything ;). Setsuna, as unaware as she was of Ayumu’s true intentions, enjoyed tagging along.

    I also would watch Shizuku’s rendition of Beauty and the Beast. It was so interesting. Also, she has quite the imagination.

    Yu took Lanzhu’s biting criticism head-on and gave a reply that totally caught her off-guard. As expected, her harem protag power is nothing to scoff at.

    Lanzhu’s words did make Shizuku doubt herself but Setsuna was not going to let her efforts go to waste. That improv play was entertaining and it hints at the potential those three have when working together.

    Ah yes, the Ferris Wheel. A ride that is only accessible to destined(or near enough) pairs, meaning that Ayumu had nothing to worry about ;). Joking aside, Yu’s thank you gift to the club will be something phenomenal.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      What a thrilling adventure and later date.

      Quite right. Yu’s a force to be reckoned with.

      Excited to see A. ZU. NA in action together.

      Remember the school idol goddesses bless girls so who is to say it wasn’t intentionally fixed later in the evening.

      I hope Yu puts on a surprise performance.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. yurimylove says:

    i learned today that stalkers are called “detectives” in Japan

    Liked by 1 person

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