D4DJ First Mix Episode 7: Have a Boppin’ Christmas

After a week off our favorite DJs are back to celebrate Christmas. Let’s see how it went down.

Muni's not a fan of Christmas

We joined our heroines pumped for Christmas. Most of them as Muni wasn’t a fan. Before she shot down Rinku’s Santa hype we got another great long pause from Maho. This show’s really good at those.

Reindeer Rinku and ReiMuni Santa

The long pause was to announce her idea of a Christmas show. Costume ideas were thrown around. I actually would have liked to see Maho as a Christmas tree.

Yuka's absYuka boasting about her abs

I didn’t think much about Peaky P-Key but Yuka instantly my favorite member. I NEED art of her showing off her muscles!

Maho's bad luck

Alas the next day Happy Around’s hype went down the toilet as Maho had bad luck because she couldn’t win a venue for their show in a lottery.

Rinku eating her sorrow away

I mentioned this before but the animation on this show is excellent. Rinku eating her sorrow away being a great example.

Rinku Meets Kyoko

As she gulped down her food PKPK leader Kyoko came up to her revealing she’d been watching her shows. As a big fan of PKPK Rinku was blown away. Next she talked about PKPK’s own upcoming Christmas show and since Happy Around couldn’t book a venue she invited them to theirs. The reason was they wanted to share this special day with as many fans as possible.

Young ShinobuYoung Kyoko

The reason Christmas was special to them was because the founding members, Kyoko and Shinobu, officially teamed up on Christmas Day. Kyoko’s dad collected records so she’s exposed to music from an early age. What truly inspired her to get into “DJ-ing” was remixes of one Shinobin. Long story short Shinobu, the quiet cynic, was Shinobin, Kyoko and her were next door neighbors and eventually the two came together in middle school.

Rinku joined Peaky P-Key on stage

Of the four Happy Around members Maho was the most pumped for the PKPK concert once Rinku showed them the tickets. The other two only came along because they’re invited. The big surprise came once Kyoko invited Rinku to perform with PKPK since she mentioned memorizing their songs and dances during their conversation.

Everyone but Maho enjoyed the show

This picture made me dread. Why? Because as Maho watched Rinku on stage and after the show she had a “Oh no. Rinku’s so good with PKPK she may leave our group!” mopey look. I was like “Really? We’re getting that episode next time? Have you SEEN Rinku? Does she look like someone who would abandon her friends just like that?” They better make the episode fun before the inevitable Maho tears. Other than that it was fun episode.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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8 Responses to D4DJ First Mix Episode 7: Have a Boppin’ Christmas

  1. Somebody says:

    I’m thinking it may be something along the lines of she feels Rinku maybe too good for their little group. One of her idols took notice of her talent so she may think she is holding her back. Or she could be jealous since she wants Rinku all to herself. Guess well find out on the next episode of d4dj.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nick says:

    Missed these girls so much, even if it was just a week away.

    Fun Christmas ep this week. Too bad we didn’t get to see the miniskirt Santa outfits, those looked very sexy.

    Really liked the performance this week too, that was awesome.

    Looks like we might get some drama next week, hope it’s not too much though.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. yurimylove says:

    I learned today that you must reflect on your bad luck for a week.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wait… where episode 6 at?


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