Yuri Quickie: Fumikiri Jikan

This will be a quicker Yuri Quickie than usual as Nation members only need check out two episodes to get the gist.

Fumikiri Jikan Main attraction.jpg

The show as a whole is a bunch of shorts about people at the railroad crossing. During that time one or both people have a conversation or inner monologue about something, usually the person standing next to them. The curious can check out the other groups if they so wish though only one of them is Yuri. That being the star couple of the first episode and the last one. It is about an energetic senpai and her soft-spoken kouhai. The senpai wants to make the most of their youth and asks her kouhai to do something so memorable it encapsulates their youth leading to the two yelling out their crushes, if they had one, while the train passed. What happens next I leave readers to see for themselves.

PS: I sort of recommend episodes 2 and 11 for maximum thigh power.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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19 Responses to Yuri Quickie: Fumikiri Jikan

  1. Jack Cactus says:

    It’s a bummer though since the yuri only last in 1 episode (and it’s the 1st ep, talking about first impression) but still, I think the gay girls couple is definitely cute and deserves their own 12 eps series.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nick says:

    Eps 2 and 11 are totally worth watching too because THICCCCC THIGHS.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. LuzeriP says:

    I watched episode 1 and 12. I feel like watching the whole series. Episode 12 was the cutest.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Giack31 says:

    Episode 1 and 12 are pretty good but the rest is kind of meh. At the same time it’s only 3 minutes per episode so I don’t take long to watch it

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Well, episodes 1 and 12 are among my favourites of the season…I’m glad gay cutie and her currently confused future girlfriend got another episode. The episodes in between range more from odd, yet sorta cute, to weird, with some feeling too short. Other favourites go to the Goth one and the Haiku one.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. yurimylove says:

    from now on i’m gonna pay more attention at railroad crossings when there’re 2 cute girls around đŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  7. B-M says:

    I really enjoyed episode 1 and 12 for the yuri! It was so cute and I’d love to see more of them.

    There were a few other episodes I really enjoyed, such as YAHOOOO and the siblings. Most of the episodes were at least good, but I honestly found the pervert a bit disgusting – though yes, those were a gorgeous pair of thighs.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. cirno9fan says:

    Generally it was enjoyable, but the perverted kid segments could have been done without. Too bad we didn’t get a full on ‘yes”, but at least it’s the start of something.


  9. The Otaku Judge says:

    Might check this out as it isn’t a big time investment. The first episode sounds sweet and who can resist thigh power.

    Liked by 1 person

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