Valkyrie Drive Mermaid Episode 2: Sexy Wedding (NSFW)

Once again I won’t be watching the show censored so viewer discretion is advised.

Update: For viewers who do not know where to find the uncensored version there are two ways to do this. Keep in mind I will only say this once to avoid trouble.

First method: Go here. Then for viewers who are subscribed to Funimation and want to support the company watch both their stream and the RAW here so you can keep up with the action.

Second method: Wait till Sunday and hope for a possible download of the uncensored episode with subtitles included.

Changed my mind on calling Mamori Tokonome Virgin Breasts because it’s both mean and annoying to type over and over.

Short hair MireiTrouble for aqua blue

Mirei looks good with short hair but she mesmerized me with long hair so I’m glad she let it grow. Also who wants to bet the aqua blue girl isn’t dead.


Yeah even for most dommes and subs that’s too much.

Moth lady

Seeing Mamori question Miss Charlotte’s cruelty Mirei leaped into action but was caught off guard by both her and this Moth lady with her whips.

Mirei asking for Mamori's help againMamori refusing to kiss

Seeing it coming this time Mamori refused to let Mirei kiss her and she…used THAT yuri meme. For viewers who do not know it’s the old “But we’re both girls” meme. Mamori paid for her innocence. Oh and whenever that meme is used it usually means that the girl who said it will eventually see the light. Did I forget to mention last week that Mamori is omega kawaii? It’s been a while since I used that phrase. To me she is THAT adorable.

We got a flashback showing that compared to the teasing she’s getting on the island for being a virgin in her old school it was worse. Later a brief explanation that Norma, I mean girls infected with the Armed Virus are sent to one of five islands with the one where the story takes place being Mermaid island.

Okay. During the conversation between Moth girl and Miss Charlotte they clearly said that Mirei is the liberator. Darn them for confusing me last week!

The stooges return

So I’m guessing they’re the show’s stooges.

No I’m not going to ask how they recorded the entire Arm transformation complete with yuri effects.

Mamori's uniform shredded

Getting your uniform shredded for a wedding eh? Huh.

Mamori's wedding dress

What a cute bride Mamori made.

Mamori's arranged Liberator

Seeing the Mirei and Mamori team as troublesome Miss Charlotte arranged for Mamori to pair up with a Liberator of her choosing lest Mamori wanted for Mirei to be tortured to death. She’s so concerned she didn’t even give Mamori a chance to object.

Honeymoon suite

Now would be a good time for Mirei to make a surprise rescue.

Mirei's rescuer

Conveniently that’s when loli Cowgirl debuted to help Mirei loose as thanks for Team MiMo’s victory making her lots of money.

These are Mamori's

That face had “these are Mamori’s” written all over it.

Lady and The Lady getting frisky

Let me guess. Lady and The Lady helped because they want to challenge Team MiMo and not with other partners.

Miss Nukui on the offensive

In case it wasn’t made clear last week Arms are activated by having the Liberator arouse the Exter. Unfortunately because Mamori’s a main character her sexy level is greater than Nukui’s.

Mirei x MamoriTONGUE!Magic

That was Mirei’s cue to a debonair and me to laugh giddily. I haven’t been this giddy watching a show since Yuri Kuma Arashi, complete with smashing tables and maniacal laughter. Once again I hope this becomes full on romantic by show’s end. So far it is hinting at heading in that direction. Keep it up.

BTW, the moth girl’s name is Ange…BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Lastly, “Makishima Mirei…I’m fifteen”. PFFFFFFFT! I didn’t look up the cast’s character bios at all so…yeah.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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64 Responses to Valkyrie Drive Mermaid Episode 2: Sexy Wedding (NSFW)

  1. what is different between censored and uncensored


  2. Blaise Boegel says:

    Where did you watch the raw version? I can’t find it anywhere?


    • OG-Man says:

      That you’ll have to look up in…”t” sites.


    • OG-Man says:

      The t word is torrents of RAW episodes. If lucky they’ll eventually subtitle the uncensored version


      • Fipse says:

        They probably wont. Funi get their version from Japan and they wont distribute the uncensored version outside of Japan.

        Also, the OP seems to spoil a lot of things, not sure if I should write it down but it involves the Lady team…


      • OG-Man says:

        I was referring to torrent sites subbing it. Of course Funi won’t distribute the uncensored version.
        Also I highly doubt anyone is watching this show expecting a history changing plot.


  3. h4rosubfreak says:

    is there a uncut version of ep2?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Denny Sinnoh says:

    Now you’ve gone to far. I must see it!

    Sorry to hear the Funimation version is censored, I was going to check it out. Censorship iis not very “fun”.
    I’m dying here wanting to watch it on a website that will not kill my computer.


  5. cook ape says:

    were do you find the uncensored lots of sites are being fucked up


  6. OG-Man says:

    Posted instructions to help those who are still looking to watch the uncensored version. I will only say this once.


  7. SayuriCero says:

    It took me a while to find the uncensored version… Censored Valkyrie Drive is no good!
    I also hope it gets more Romantic by the end of the show I love where it heading so far. Mirie being 15 was a bit shocking x_x…. but all good no complaints.


  8. mirrorpurple says:

    Damn son, you watching these type of shows now?


  9. Guillotine says:

    I would’ve never expected Mirei to be the kouhai instead of the onee-sama

    But then again that makes this pair way more interesting


  10. Alexis says:

    I’m a happy mi laptop funciona de nuevo y además este capítulo estuvo de diez, Oh God! no sé si sobreviva al final del show, los estímulos son constantes y me gusta Mirei, pobre chica, entonces perdió a una compañera que por cierto también era muy atractiva y en cuanto a la ceremonia, OH God, se brincan el protocolo y van directo a la consumación, Mamori de 16 años? aja, yo creo que el chiste hubiera tenido más impacto si hubiera dicho que tenía 18 y Mirei 15… momento… ¿Mirei tiene 15? yo pensaba que tenía 20… aahhhh que utópico es el anime



    • OG-Man says:

      Este show si que nos estimula los hormones. No sera facil pero intentaremos a sobrevivir lo mejor que podamos.
      Pienselo asi, al menos Mirei es mayor que Yoko de Gurren Lagann. HUZZAH!


  11. Faust says:

    I can’t find the instructions to attach it to the “above link”
    I got the uncensored video, thanks, but not sure what to do for the subs


  12. KueKyuuQ says:

    She’s 15… she had short hair in that flashback… now features a lush and insanely long mane… Gotta love anime! (Srsly, such growth takes years!! – is it some herbal essences trick? but if so, she better not share shampoo with Mamori or else she might rust…). But taken the premise of the show into account, who am I to judge.. XD

    I must say, after two eps I am hooked. The two main chars are great and I’m looking forward to see their dynamic evolve. Mamori really is most adorable and Mirei is just too kewl~~
    Probably we’ll get more flashbacks so Mirei can deal with her past before fully committing to Mamori (who hopefully soon gets rid of the “but we are both girls!”-trope for the benefit of the equally clichee but much more preferable “she’s my prince~” one). But I can wait – is obvious, there’s gonna be sufficient tension, sexy bits and interesting fight-scenarios in the meantime.

    Am curious how this goes on. Thanks for covering it and bringing it onto my radar~


    • OG-Man says:

      Let us not question her growth hormones similar to Yoiko-chan and Yoko and instead cherish her sexiness.

      Both are great protagonists so far.
      She’ll see the light soon.

      It’s what I do.


  13. Prince&Teddy says:

    I fell off my chair when Mirei stated she was only 15. Barely over her tweens, yet the bombshell is already a master of lesbian techniques . What a whacked world.

    Now now little Mamori, since you two have already shared passionate kisses and more intimate acts in front of the audience, I think it’s time for you to move beyong the “but we’re both girls” self-denial stage. Come on, just admit that Mirei is your coolest and cutest kouhai prince!


  14. goodboy64 says:

    Damn… I remember seeing the PV for this a while back, kinda hyped on it but I forgot about it over time, only to see screenshots from this show all over tumblr and twitter. I might check it out now, based on what I see here.


  15. The Otaku Judge says:

    There’s no way this series will be released in the UK due to their prudish laws.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. x says:

    What at happy wedding but wrong groom and more story is revealed.
    I have to wait for the uncensored version on the website I use.
    Sentai Filmwork should have license it, less censorship problems.


  17. MarkS00N says:

    I was afraid their action scene would have lower budget, and when the action scene appear I thought my fear is right, but then the true action scene begin and I realize they know what their priority is and I approve greatly all those quality…
    Good job, Takeno!

    I also annoyed at first by the meme, but then I remember this anime use a lot of typical ‘trope’, so to speak, and I can sigh in relief because just like you I know her reaction actually will mean all will going well…

    So far so good and if everything goes smoothly, I hope this anime become successful…


  18. ch3n says:

    :[ damn it. at first i got lucky. my first episode is uncensored AND subtitled. but sadly, after 10 october they freakin changed it and my eyes fuckin hurts. guh. and appearently lady and the lady want to see how canon miremori so they helped mirei escape. and did u see them having a quickie while meifon the cowboy girl went to mirei??? lol. anyway, YES I LOVE THIS ANIME. I CANT BELIEVE THIS I ACTUALLY WANTED TO WATCH AN UNCENSORED ANIME. well mostly because some NSFW animes have guys in them, and to top it all, harem. eww. i am waiting for siren. i begged to my mom to give me new phone. bhikkhuni is AWESOME. and its a sibling pairing…hehe. anyway this series is a total mindblower. its great to see one of my fav yuri reviewer likes this series. also, i screamed like…a fangirl….when i watched this. my mom thought i was losing my mind and i got scolded.


    • OG-Man says:

      I don’t blame you for getting excited. The show can get quite intense with its content.
      Yeah I noticed but it was too far away to make a big deal of it.
      Hope you enjoy your new phone and make sure to work hard to show your mom you’re not lazy.
      Also make sure not to get into trouble due to loud “squeeing”.


  19. automaticimperfection says:

    Very easy to find uncensored version in spanish sites ❤ just saying

    also…what? it’s much better than I expected hehe


  20. mutopis says:

    too much nosebleed.


  21. randomredneck says:

    Like hell she’s 15. I mean…jeez.


    • OG-Man says:

      She’s one year older than Yoko and much older than Yoiko-chan at least but really age only matters when it’s relevant to the main plot.


  22. K says:

    Well, this’ll be a day Mamori won’t ever forget.

    Charlotte’s brutal and aggressive. I didn’t like that trainer that she wanted Mamori to pair up with. The way she acted was so not like a trainer.

    Mirei’s younger than Mamori? That’s funny.

    Some bugs to uncover:
    1. So they get sent to the different islands because of the Armed Virus. I wonder if the virus has two strains because, otherwise, how would an Exter and a Liberator be determined?
    2. They really are like the Norma. So…do their families know where they are, especially in Mamori’s case since it just looked like they shipped her to Mermaid Island right after she was taken from her school.
    3. Mamori and Mirei are perfect for each other, as if there was any doubt. However, why did Charlotte declare them enemies of the state? That’s totally unfair! All they did was defend themselves from these girls attacking them without giving them a proper explanation for why they’re there in the first place. I guess it has something to do with Mirei being the rumored ‘Soldier’.


    • KueKyuuQ says:

      Hnn… I know, these were rethorical questions, we hope the show will answer at some point, here’s my take on things – not exactly answers, though:

      Mirei probably was at some point on another island, which is why she knew how to handle things, yet nobody on Mermaid knew her, and might also explain her flashback. Plenty viruses can have several symptoms, yet in Mamori’s flashback it sounded more to me like it was a deeper embedded thing, like a mutation of some kind…
      In the same flashback, the distraught mother left the impression on me, that she (and the father) didn’t know how to handle things and were utterly afraid of their child’s future. Maybe they’ve tried to keep their daughter’s condition secret so their daughter wouldn’t be taken from then, but eventually the government found out and snatched her straight off school..? That or the ‘condition’ only breaks out during puberty (for all the sexy trance stuff to work), so they’ve left her be until then…
      We don’t know yet what else is going on and the exact nature of the hierarchy and where exactly the other characters fit in. There may or may not be some power struggle going on, both internally as well as with the other islands. But Charlotte is obviously some twisted power-driven chick. Things seem to have been going on like this for a while already, and working to Charlotte’s benefit, pressuring newcomers to subordinate. They seemed all shocked, that Mamori and Mirei managed to get the “Drive” going almost instantly, not to mention displaying so much power they’ve easily defeated the supposedly strong and high-rated bdsm-chick and her fist-maze-exter. So, leaving Mirei and Mamori together could threaten Charlotte’s standing. But leaving Mamori’s powers uncontrolled or unused also wouldn’t be good. So Charlotte tried to pair her up with someone she felt she had commanding control over (the trainer), but hey, even there Mamori prooved too strong (shocking and also making Mamori an even higher prized weapon). Mirei displayed too much sense of moral and willpower already, when she tried not to use Mamori as a weapon in the arena-fight, so Charlotte rather chained her up to get her will broken or killed (whichever comes first), but then this strong-willed Liberator escaped and ran off with the strong Exter – Possibly the worst thing that could have happened to Charlotte!! Uncontrollable and insanely strong pair on the loose!

      I am at this point much more curious about Lady and The Lady. They seem to play their own little game from the inside out. Too high up to feel threatened, and seemingly left to their own terms, where they meddle… Are they trying to cause a revolution or (more likely) just enjoy the prospect of anarchy? Or is it something else entirely and much more insightful? …and did I see that right, or is the exter of the two that bike she rode? :3

      Liked by 1 person

      • K says:

        Thanks for the detailed reply. I know they might not be exact answers but they make a ton of sense given what has happened so far. As for one of ‘The Ladies’ being that bike…more than likely. Maybe.


      • OG-Man says:

        The blonde was talking to the bike in episode 1 so of course Miss Purple is the bike.


    • OG-Man says:

      Miss Charlotte didn’t care as long as she got Mamori under the government’s control.
      1: Magnetic attraction between two particular ladies.
      2: Parents exist. That’s all we’ll most likely be made aware of.
      3: Because they refused to cooperate and Mirei being the “Soldier”. That or KQ’s responses.


  23. the_elevator_man says:

    Cross Ange 2.0? Cross Ange 2.0. Look at prologue Mirei. Yep. Get the hype train ready. All they have to do is keep it from going off the rails. And they’ve done so . Even doing the small things (not going all-out on the snakes ep1 and measurements (vs physical) ep2).

    OP song oozes epicness. And kawaii blue-chan ain’t done. ED oozes…something, but I honestly don’t have a word for it. Funny though. This one, no one’s expecting a masterpiece. They are however expecting a ****load of hilarity and yuri. Bring it.

    Oh, speaking of bring it, what happened to the other couple in the very first trailer? They seem to be the sisters in another game, but they were in the anime trailer? They showing up?


    • OG-Man says:

      Naughty ones such as I are hoping this will bless us with what Cross Ange showed but did not fully deliver.
      It’ll be fun, badass and sexy. That is all most are asking for.
      Dunno if the twins will cameo at some point or we’ll have to wait till XSeed hopefully localizes the Vita game to see the duo in action.


  24. SilverFox says:

    For everyone wanting an uncensored version with subs there is one out now. It has the funi subs but is totally uncensored. Sounds quality with metallics and shattering things is a bit off but that’s worth watching it.

    The group that did the first uncensored subbing has not yet released their finished version so I dont know when a quality sound will come out.

    Anyway, loved the episode except for the attempted rape that obviously got foiled. The age scene at the end left me giggling. THe cutesy one is younger and smaller but the super sexy one looks like an adult. I’m awaiting more Lady and THe Lady scenes. Those two seem to be wanting something.

    Also, Charlotte’s a bitch, I don’t like her.


    • OG-Man says:

      Yeah everyone’s on their own next time. They want to watch the uncensored version early either follow the “two video method” or wait for subs. Their call.

      Mamori’s body belongs to Mirei and Mirei alone. The seeds are being planted for the Team MiMo love to blossom. The age scene was cute and funny. Lady and The Lady are certainly big draws right now.

      Miss Charlotte is mean.


  25. yurimylove says:

    this isn’t even yuri-specific cliché any more, it’s ye olde romantic drama stock of storming into the wedding and sweeping the bride away XD


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