493rd G-View: Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night

Needed to sleep and clear my thoughts before reviewing this one so here we are. Let us get right to discussing Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night.

Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night

Alternate Title: Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai (Japanese)

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Music, Yuri

Themes: Coming of Age

Number of Episodes: 12

G-Rating: 9/10

Plot Summary: The young artist Yoru Kurage has been on hiatus ever since a certain incident. In reality, her name is Mahiru Kōzuki. She became traumatized by the pressure of being “special” and instead decided to live a normal, standard high school life. However, things change when she meets former idol Kano Yamanōchi. The strong-minded Kano “graduated” from center position in the Sunflower Dolls idol group, where she was known as Nonoka Tachibana. Along with fellow outcasts Kiui Watase and Mei Takanashi, the girls come together to uncover who they really are.

JELEE's first real hit

From left to right: Kiui, Mei, Yoru and Kano.
Discussing the show is not difficult because it revolves around its main theme: Four girls ostracized by society for being different, not fitting with social norms or being too weird to be taken seriously by others. They either succumbed to the pressure of “being normal”, rebelled in secret or changed themselves entirely. Obviously I cannot tell readers which is which, as it is best discovered by watching. The beauty of the show is all four girls’ journeys are relatable to many out there during their teenage or even adult lives. The challenge of being someone the world will not easily accept and someone you yourself are comfortable with no matter what others say. You are you, detractors be damned. It of course is easier said than done. The journey to acceptance is an arduous one full of doubt, fear and anguish, whether to embrace one’s talents for one’s own good or stick to being just another cog in the machine so as few people as possible get on your case. Not everyone is strong enough to take that first important step. Seeing the girls try their best to change back to their true selves AND accept who they feel they are meant to be and what exactly they are fighting for is a very exciting, emotional and as mentioned a relatable viewing experience.

Besides our heroines there are various side-characters who over time have their own fascinating stories to tell. Most of these other ladies’ experiences play a role in aiding the main quartet find their own answers. Be sure to keep an eye on as many side-characters as possible because even some in the background play a vital role.

Team JELEE discuss a Halloween event

As the genre tags imply their journeys are full of laughs, triumphs, heartache and redemption, all compelling to watch. How many of them viewers like is entirely up to their personal preferences. It is difficult to describe all of them individually because they all share one thing in common. On the outside they are very fun friends to be around but on the inside they are emotional wrecks struggling to accept themselves and their role in the world.

Kano is the cool and charismatic hottie. Yoru can be both the main protagonist or co-protag as she has traits that qualify her for either role. Mei is the energetic mega fangirl while Kiui is the sharp tongued sassy one. It is just as fun watching their friendship grow as it is experiencing their journeys.

Terrified Mero

The presentation surprised me. Initially it was very colorful and everything flowed well but then there are moments like this that stopped me in my tracks with their awesomeness. I like to think the animators had the most fun in these scenes along with the musical performances. Speaking of, they were quite nice. Mostly chill jams with strong messages to relax to. I dug them.

Kano comforts Yoru

Now for the usual main event. Most of the Yuri, main dish and side-orders, were very good. Kano and Yoru’s relationship was similar to another musical main duo’s in their highs and lows, just without the “one argument per episode” shtick. They of course had their differences but over time their true feelings for each other shined through and continued to grow as they both puzzled over how exactly they felt about each other. Same goes for Mei’s and Kiui’s own Yuri tales. I already mentioned Mei being a mega fangirl. That already gives viewers hints of her story. Meanwhile Kiui’s may take a sharp eye to fully grasp the gayness. It is certainly an interesting one that had me all the tingle. Longtime readers of mine can take a guess what that means.

Which brings me to the conclusion. Without spoiling anything it was solid. Most of the gaps were filled while some things could have been elaborated a bit more with a 13th episode. As for “you know what”…longtime Yuri veterans can guess what to expect from the ellipsis. All I will say is that it was not bad.

Overall Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night was a mostly excellent viewing experience. The main girls’ journeys were full of excitement, sadness, pain and triumph. Most of the side-characters also have fascinating stories to tell. The presentation was wonderful and the Yuri mostly delivered. Recommended to most viewers who enjoy a little extra in their Girls’ Club/Band shows.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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11 Responses to 493rd G-View: Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night

  1. tredaeci says:


    Again and again, this show impressed me with its depiction of social media. It’s neither entirely glorified nor entirely vilified. There’s always a bit of both, always nuance.

    Mahiru is able to share her art… but she feels insecure seeing the negative comments.Kiui is able to make money as a VTuber… but it looked like an addictive behavior when she blasted all that money on microtransactions. The group was able to “reach people through a screen”… but they had to cancel that one concert because they were getting threats.

    As for the ending… I was kind of disappointed. Like you said, it wasn’t bad. But the yuri remained coy, their relationship never becoming explicitly romantic, which is always a bit of a bummer. At least it wasn’t completely invalidated, but that’s a low bar.

    On the other hand, I can respect that Kano and Mahiru each had their own separate arcs that were resolved, that they were written as their own separate people.

    I’m also delighted that, even though they discuss the idea of not being able to hang out like that forever, they chose to end it on a positive note. Mahiru urges them to commit to staying together as best they can. It’s a refreshing choice given what we usually see as the alternative, when a group has to go their separate ways after graduation, making peace with the time they spent together. That kind of ending always reminds me of the old stereotype in girls’ school settings, where yuri is treated as a phase, their safe space only temporary.

    I also wish the final song was given the full video treatment, uninterrupted by dialogue, like the first few insert songs we got. The last episode felt kind of rushed, tying off pretty much every loose end.

    I did like this show a lot, and I wish there were more like it. Just don’t tease me with a kiss and not follow through with it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      An excellent observation regarding the depiction of social media. It was a nice touch indeed.

      What we got was solid but par for the course in shows without the Yuri tag. All we can do, as usual, is hope the next show with strong Yuri vibes goes further.

      The finale filled most of the gaps but definitely could have used a 13th episode.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You summed this up perfectly, and I really don’t have much more to add but this.

    Jellyfish was a story of embracing your true self, striving to pursue your dreams no matter the obstacles, learning to love yourself even when others tear you down, and remaining authentic to your quirks no matter how embarrassing they may feel. It was a story of finding your place in the world and the right people to join you along the journey. It was about finding that thing to motivate you and discover what defines you as ‘special’. All this, while finding love in a variety of unexpected ways.

    As for the Yuri, it was there. Calling this Yuri Bait is misguided. It was surely there, it just presented itself differently than initially expected. We could’ve used a bit more, but what we got wasn’t wrong. Not to mention all the other wonder representation.

    Overall, I enjoyed my time with Jellyfish, and I would recommend it without a doubt.

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Well said Dear Doctor.

      Yup. Only the inexperienced or narrow-minded would deny what was right in front of them. Obviously it could have been better but with how Yuri is in Japan and this being an original anime this will have to do. Besides, the side-dishes were at least quite tasty.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. LuzeP says:

    Spoilers alert

    Okay I don’t know if I should write this but I have to get this out of my chest. I don’t like how the show ended. I’m sorry but Mahiru could’ve done better. She just standing there watching Kano feeling miserable. And who helped her first? The one who got her kicked out of the group. Okay, she drew the jellyfish and to make it extra dramatic she stayed at Kano’s cold mom. Which I still don’t like her. Maybe I am being picky. It’s just, Mahiru, what about all those promises you gave to Kano?

    I still like the show in general. One of my favorite of the season. The story is so real. A vtuber’s getting doxed. Social media is so mean and can destroyed people’s lives. Kano is a lovable girl. She loves her friends so much. Mahiru, she’s lack of confidence. Everybody loves her drawing but she never believed them. Although I do know an artist who looks like that. I feel like Kiui is so relatable to me. Watching people around me grow up and changed. meanwhile I still the same. But I never let that bothered me anymore. I’m happy. Mei, is the champion. I love her very much. She’s carrying the group on her own. With her determination, love for Kano, and money.

    The yuri is pretty strong. This is how I interpreted yuri with no yuri tag. the blushing, the promises, the “I’ll do it for you” line. It’s the same method with BL fans. Long time fans will know. Kano x Mahiru, they’re like 80% there and then they’re back to 60%. Kano’s love for Mahiru never withered but Mahiru’s lack of confidence on her drawing ruined the relationship. I just hope we’ll get second season and this time Mahiru will have to work harder. Kiui x Koharu, they’re definitely there. Again, we need that second season. Overall it was an amazing show. Great animation, great voice acting and great story.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      I look at Mahiru as a “behind the scenes” person. She did stuff in the back no doubt but sometimes it’s what you do in front of the camera that’s more important. Mahiru didn’t do enough. Both Kano and her made mistakes but Kano carried the relationship in the final act.

      Mom and Mero got off easy. That’s also true.

      Social media is both a blessing and a curse.

      Mei is best girl no doubt.

      Kiui’s story is so good because it had multiple meanings and touched the hearts of many.

      Kano too is a wonderful heroine.

      Mahiru was pretty good for most of the show but stumbled a little near the end. Still a cool kid.

      Absolutely. As usual in shows without Yuri tags we need to have eagle eyes and cherish whatever we get in hopes they don’t blow it by the end. They fortunately didn’t blow it but it definitely could have been better. A bonus episode filling the remaining gaps would be nice but I have a feeling we won’t get more than this. At least what we got was pretty good.

      Kiui X Koharu will surely make a fascinating couple.
      Kano X Mahiru need time to restore balance.
      Best of luck to the background couple.
      Mei needs a sweetie. Probably her new fangirl?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. cirno9fan says:

    I enjoyed it, but at the same time, things really started to feel transient, lost, mixed up, I can’t think of the right words, all around the last 4 episodes. the finale also felt quite rushed, as many have already pointed out. I don’t get what they were thinking having Mero do that moment. it was as forced as it gets. I don’t get why there was a moment where Mero was clearly a person in an abusive relationship, saying how she had to do it to please yukine, or she’d be worthless…when they were just going to back out on all of that and “yukine p is just a tsundere”. The problems go on and on. And I don’t even need to address the kiss that was then pushed to the background. Everything felt so mismanaged.

    But, even with all of that, it was still enjoyable. They did a good job. not a great job, but a good job. It was a solid original, but not one of the best out there. Had some serious potential, but sadly didn’t do such a great job with it. I’ll just say that much. Here’s hoping GBC keeps up the momentum it’s been pushing the entire time.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. OG-Man says:

    Like most praiseworthy shows it was pretty good with some kinks that needed to be ironed out.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I was not sure about this show before watching but I’m so glad I did watch, it’s absolutely brilliant. The plotlines and visuals are great and I liked the 10 minutes we got after the real ending to wrap almost everything up nicely (if only they’d included the romance in it too).

    I think Kiui’s story is especially compelling and I think her episode was my favourite – probably I should have seen it coming her being a liar, but even if I had, I don’t think it would’ve taken away from the emotional beat.

    Mero didn’t get the consequences she deserved and I wish she’d had at least something. I guess her having to wait so long before the Sundolls comeback was some kind of justice served but they could have said that explicitly. Or maybe I can just accept Mahiru’s excuse for her…

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai – Episode 12 (END) - The Aquarium Filled Live - Chikorita157's Anime Blog

  8. yurimylove says:

    Excellent review! I think you’ve nailed the essence of this anime. Personally, I’m slightly disappointed by the ending, but overall it’s still a very fun and enjoyable watch for me.


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