Yuri Quickie: SHY Part 1

I admit the reason I held off on watching this show instead of jumping in right away was because I thought it would be another edgy superhero “deconstruction” story but fortunately it was something else. Maybe it can become what I dread in Part 2 but for now let us take a quick look at the first part of SHY.

SHY Cover

So instead of another story about heroes being corrupted by life and society thus becoming cruel dictators enforcing the law in a police state believing only they uphold peace regardless of how many lives are lost…we got Superhero Kingdom Hearts, just far more streamlined and not needing a video essay or retrospective to explain its ultimately simple plot. SHY’s main story so far is straightforward. It is another “pseudo-utopia” setting where life is not perfect but close enough to peaceful. Naturally the antagonists, who I dubbed the “Legion of Emos” (Not exactly accurate but let us go with that for this Quickie), want to destroy said utopia because they believe society is oppressed and their solution is the true path to peace…which of course is very painful for everyone else, but you know, ends justify the means and all that.

The Kingdom Hearts stuff comes from the emotional focus from both sides. Yes we get super awesome “hero vs villain” clashes but the main focus is emotional. Exploring people’s hearts, understanding the good and bad in all of us and coming to terms with the joys and sorrows of people in the hopes of finding their balance. If Kingdom Hearts is not an accurate example than how about “Pretty Cure for teenagers”. Something like that.

Special shout out goes to the Magical Girl mini-episode. Brief but so good.

Point being expect some cool action scenes, superheroics and A LOT of emotional deep dives into the human psyche. It helps the presentation of the show so far is outstanding but I will go over that more in the future G-View.

SHY X IkoThe main attraction for me of course our main heroines’ relationship. Best way I can describe their relationship is Iko being SHY’s “Gwen Stacy”. I am talking about their relationship, not how their story plays out. Obviously I will only focus on what happens in the anime. So far, so good. I like what I saw very much and hope the ship grows even stronger in Part 2.

There. This time I did we got an actual Quickie and not me rambling. Really like the show so far. Stay tuned for a proper G-View after Part 2 airs in the near future.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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14 Responses to Yuri Quickie: SHY Part 1

  1. Jen says:

    Extremely fond of this show. It’s got a lot of heart and Teru/Shy is just so endearing and relatable. Her potential girlfriend, Iko is a sweetie too.

    The tonal shifts are something else though. It can get super dark at times. Kind of like both RWBY and Sympogear have done.

    But yea, anyone on the fence about watching it really should. It’s this season’s real sleeper.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I checked this show out simply due to curiosity, but I never expected that it’d become one of my favs of the Fall 2023 season. I loved the emotional depth behind every key fight and how even the ‘bad’ guys got some deeper dives, allowing us to understand where things went wrong. The heroes too, of course, were overall great in focus.

    That said, what brought the show over the line of really good to great for me was undoubtedly Teru and Iko’s relationship. As someone who’s always secretly (or not) favored Gwen as Peter’s love interest, the comparison made me happy. (Especially since their ending is NOT the same). I loved the massive leaps they made in their relationship from start to finish and I look forward to seeing them develop in S2.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Absolutely. Very nice mix of action and emotional drive.

      Naturally the main draw was Teru and Iko’s relationship. Loving its progression and excited for more!

      Yeah. When I think of a young superhero story couple my mind always goes to Spidey and one of his legend top two squeezes. I saw Gwen in Iko because I couldn’t imagine her saying “Face it, Tiger. You just hit the jackpot”. She’s more of a strong sweetheart like Gwen and less a saucy good babe like MJ.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Little Viktoria says:

    I only had time to see three or so epidodes, but SHY in her white superheroine form is super sexy. And I usually always prefer dark-haired girls ^^

    Liked by 2 people

  4. yurimylove says:

    I love how Iko’s always sticking to and supportive of Shy whenever she can. I sure hope we’ll get more yuri moments with them in the next cour.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. KitsuKyouno says:

    Shy will get a really good development later on

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    Really enjoyed the super heroics of SHY.
    Both Shy, Iko, and the supporting characters are all fun to see, all the heroes are very memorable.
    This part ended with an emotional moment with Spirit and her mother so perhaps all the heroes will get this kind of spotlight in future seasons! (hopefully we get multiple parts! a guy can dream)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. LuzeP says:

    I’m ashamed I’m a little late to the party. This show is so good. Although I do enjoy watching back to back episodes. The story straight to the point we don’t have to wait long before SHY becomes badass. Her shyness is adorable. And of course every shy girl needs an outgoing girlfriend. We didn’t have enough yuri moments but I’m pretty sure next season we’ll get plenty of it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Yeah. Me too. Hopefully it becomes more popular over time and more people prepare for the second cour.

      Shy is an awesome heroine and Iko’s a wonderful future girlfriend. We need more of them next time.

      Liked by 1 person

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