The Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess Episode 2: Duels and Secrets

Like I said last time this show was made for me and despite predictable nuisances this episode that fact remains so.

Vill ready to help Komari get dressed

We joined our once in a millennium beauty Komari being cute again along with an eager Vill ready to help her get dressed.

We had a scene with the top 3 members of the Hunky Vampire Bunch. People would think I’d be upset at some of them being typical harem slime balls but I knew that would be the case the moment the macho army were introduced. Let me put it this way, I reacted the same way Vill did later this episode. In short, “meh”. What was interesting was after the meeting the creeper somehow got hold of a report and discussed it with the lycan. Basically it’s about a massacre from three years ago and Komari is supposedly the culprit. However, there’s another name in the report. Millicent Bluenight. We’ll see where that goes.

Mystery assassin lady againAs they went out on patrol they spotted mystery assassin who seemingly wanted to test their skills. After deeming them not much of a challenge she gloated and left. We’d see her again very soon.

Komari and BucephalusAfter more seductive Vill goodness she lured Komari out of bed at the promise of checking out cool beasts to adopt. Our heroine gleefully accompanied her maid to the barn and chose a dragon-esque creature called mizuchi that conveniently had an exclusive affinity for cute young girls because of course it did. Komari named it Bucephalus but I’ll call it Gary Busey for no particular reason. As she prepared to ride Gary Busey it wasn’t tamed so it went full throttle right away.

Blockhead dies againI thought Blockhead dying would be a running gag per episode but not really.

Vill catches KomariThe main reason I’m not concerned with the sleazy Hunky Bunch is because we know the ladies will be the main focus.

Alas Blockhead living up to his given nickname refused to accept death and tried to kill Komari over and over to increasingly painful results. Finally he challenged our main cutie to a duel.

Vill - 'tch'My aforementioned shared reaction to the Hunky Bunch.

Komari victoriousWords cannot do this “epic” clash justice. Best seen to be believed. Komari won as expected.

Vill relishes her rewardVill enjoying Komari's beautiful bodyAfterward Komari relaxed in the royal onsen thinking she should thank Vill for helping her win the duel. Ever the chad Vill wanted a more direct compensation. As our wonderfully honi maid relished the spoils of victory Komari noticed her hands were bruised. She tried to avoid the subject but her mistress demanded she explain herself. Basically all preparations for the duel weren’t painless. Komari tried her best to properly thank Vill for her hard work but inadvertently came off passionate. We then got a scene similar to that between Rae and Claire. How convenient both were in the 2nd episode.

Vill grateful for Komari's 'love'Komari: You get what I’m sayin’…right?

Vill: You love me, don’t cha?

Komari: Righhhht. So anyway, why do you want with me so much?

Vill: Because you are a once in a millennium/lifetime beauty.

Komari: Well yeah, but I mean there has to be something more to it, right?

Vill:…It’s because I committed a crime.

Komari: I know. You try to eat me daily without my consent.

Vill: (Thank goodness. It is not the right time)

Empress Ren chummy with KomariThe next day our heroines accompanied by the lycan hunk attended a ball pre Empress Ren’s invite. They continued to be all chummy with Komari who still didn’t know how to respond. When Ren got serious they were relieved to see our heroine out and about after what happened three years ago, worried she’d never come out of her isolation. They assured her they along with the loyal “Komarists” had her back. I too am a Komarist.

Komari meets the mystery womanAfter they left Komari to enjoy the party she’s approached by the mystery woman. Based on the preview of the next episode it’s time to make her move. Earlier in a bar scene she approached an annoyed Blockhead offering him a chance at victory were he to join her. The most important part was her introduction as “Millicent of the sublime Inverse Moon”. Could she be THE Millicent Bluenight or is she a “blue herring”? We’ll probably find out next time.

Hunky Bunch nonsense aside great stuff again.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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15 Responses to The Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess Episode 2: Duels and Secrets

  1. ObssesedNuker says:

    typical harem slime balls

    I don’t think I’d drop the jazzhands, rappin’ vampire into that category. I’m pretty sure he’s just vibin’. And likes to blow things up. I can respect that.

    (He somehow really stole the show for me. Insta-favorite character from style alone.)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Kotori Sonoda says:

    Really enjoyed this episode.
    Best part is when rapping guy challenged Komari to a rap battle… she obliges and actually does a pretty good rap! You rock, Komari!
    The animation of the fight between the masked lady Bluenight and the wolf man general was really cool, happy to see we are getting some cool fight scenes in this anime.
    The duel was really damn funny, I can’t help but laugh. Villhaze has really thought of everything there.
    And then we get a nice intimate moment between her and Komari in the bath. How sweet.
    Next episode seems like things are gonna be ramping up quite considerably!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. chikorita157 says:

    I don’t have much care about that mutinous guy who is seeking vengeance against Komari, at least he got the beating he deserves several times, and it’s nice to see Vill help Komari win without doing anything.

    Still, I wonder about that incident that happened three years, and it’s interesting that Millicent might have been framed for an incident caused by Komari or maybe Vill since she committed a crime. Should be interesting to learn more next time.

    Oh yes, the scenes with Vill and Komari are nice.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Vill took notes from Luigi to help Komari win and it was glorious. Obviously their scenes together are equally glorious.

      Very intrigued to learn more about the massacre three years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon – Episode 2 - The Unlikely Duel Challenge to Komari from a Disgruntled Officer - Chikorita157's Anime Blog

  5. Little Viktoria says:

    Absolutely gorgeous, just like the first episode. I adored the caressing of Komari’s belly, that’s such a precious and cute place ^^ And the “princess carrying/holding” scene was lovely too.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. cirno9fan says:

    Komari’s rap was great! She may not be strong, but I feel like she has a lot of capability to be an actual formidable leader. Seems next episode the facade is already coming off. I wonder if it’ll be a complete removal, or just a trick out of some sort?

    That bath scene o_o

    Really looking forward to more of the once in a million beauties Komari ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. LuzeP says:

    Because it’s only 2 episode I don’t have anything deep to say except I love Vill x Komari so much. Vill is so hot and Komari is cute but sexy. Soon Komari will realized that Vill is the one. Although she already warmed up to her. I got a bit annoyed by the background dudes especially Yohann but I get it, the anime needs some side plot. And I know the mystery lady seems like a villain but I keep imagining her also in love with Komari. That she’s wearing a mask quite literally and figuratively.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. yurimylove says:

    so cute when a girl gets “princess carried” by another girl.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nick says:

    Love the Vill and Komari moments, those two are quickly becoming another favourite couple of mine this season.

    Komari being excited about getting to pick her magic beast was a fun moment. Of course she picks one of the most extreme ones.

    That duel was always going to be one sided. That guy never stood a chance.

    Fun scene in the bath. Lots to love there.

    Exciting ending to this ep!

    Liked by 1 person

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