Lycoris Recoil Episode 3: HQ Blues

Chisato was called to HQ and Takina tagged along. Read on to find out what I mean.

Mizuki outdone by Kurumi

We began the episode with Takina remembering what happened in the hostage situation. It naturally still bothered her. We also got a delightfully brief scene of Kurumi outdoing Mizuki without the latter admitting the petite cutie did a better job analyzing the photo than her or HQ. Suddenly it’s board game night.

Takina begging to come alongBest. “Pretty please?”. Ever. Master Mika’s “I wasn’t staring” reaction was excellent too.

Master Mika and Chisato invited Takina to play but she’s like “This isn’t work so no thanks”. Chisato tried to sweeten her but no go. The Master reminded our lovable blonde she had to return to HQ for an overdue check up. She wasn’t looking forward to it but enjoyed the privileges of a Lycoris license and played along. As soon as Takina heard she would visit the Commander she gloriously begged in ice princess fashion to come along. Knowing the commander was watching the surveillance cameras Chisato made sure to greet her in kind…

ErikaAt the entrance some lame gossip girls saw Takina and made fun of her failure and expulsion. The one who wasn’t laughing was the Lycoris she saved, Erika. However, she’s too nervous to approach her and didn’t get to all episode. Maybe next time. At least Erika tried standing up for Takina to her roommate so there’s hope. Takina pretended not to be affected by their dissing and stormed off to the shooting gallery.

Chisato and Fuki exerciseChisato went to the locker room and met up with Fuki. We’re at last blessed with a better look at Chisato’s body. Cultured yuri artists please get to work. So Fuki. Like Chisato said she’s a short fused competitive good girl. She meant well but was a stickler for the rules and loyal to HQ. Chisato wasn’t. During their physical exam we saw Chisato’s a lean mean fighting machine while Fuki could barely keep up. When the Commander popped in Chisato asked about Takina. She blamed her for killing the arms dealer but Chisato showed evidence HQ messed up too by sending the Lycoris late to the secret meeting. Fuki tried standing up for the commander saying communication with HQ got jammed but let slip the super computer got hacked. Our heroine was like “You messed up big time but threw Takina under the bus even though she didn’t kill the hostage?” As the commander snuck away Fuki said a Lycoris who didn’t follow orders was useless to HQ. She quietly added Takina’s replacement was on her way.

Otome SakuraSaid replacement introduced herself to Takina, Otome Sakura. Like the gossip girls she too talked trash until Chisato stopped her. When the commander appeared Takina requested returning to HQ but she pretty much said “Hell no. You didn’t follow orders. You messed up. Otome’s your replacement. You’re out. Deal with it”. She tried talking to Fuki but she repeated the “Lycoris who don’t listen are useless” thing. When Chisato stood up to her she challenged them to a mock battle to prove their superiority. Chisato accepted but Takina ran off. Best part was apart from stopping her Chisato paid zero attention to Otome’s pathetic dissing.

Chisato comforts TakinaShe found her at a popular fountain among Lycoris:

Takina: To be part of HQ is what orphans adopted by them aspire to achieve. When I put on this uniform I was-

Chisato: Happy? Yeah. Been there.

Takina: Then you understand, right? That was my goal…and it was taken away from me!

Chisato: You can serve and protect without being part of HQ.

Takina: Easy for you to say! They still want you back! I lost my raison d’etre.

Chisato: You chose to protect your comrade because you wanted to, not to follow orders. Besides, they kicked you to the curb because they don’t want to admit they messed up.

Takina: What? I have to confront the commander.

Chisato: No! She’ll feign ignorance. You know, I’m glad they kicked you out because I got to meet you.

“Gossip girls made fun of yuri. and Chisato doubled down on her snuggle”

Meeting you was one of the happiest days of my life! Tell you what. Come back to the cafe and work with us a little longer. If you really don’t enjoy being with us then feel free to come back here. There’s plenty of time to make a decision. It’s all up to you. Now if you’ll excuse me. I wanna whoop some bitches who dared insult you. You can join me if you want.

Takina wins the match for her teamDuring the very cool mock battle Fuki could tell Chisato was going easy on them, especially Otome. She easily exploited her combat style patiently waiting for Takina to come, which she did. She even got some sweet bonus payback on Fuki too. Later Chisato asked why she aimed at her and not Fuki. It’s because she knew she’d dodge, lowering Fuki’s guard. Something like that.

Chisato and Takina cute photoThree great episodes in a row.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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16 Responses to Lycoris Recoil Episode 3: HQ Blues

  1. Cictor says:

    Takina landing a punch on that mf was the most satisfying thing ever

    Liked by 1 person

  2. chikorita157 says:

    Seeing Chisato hug and carry Takina is 😍. Nice to see Takina most likely defrosted.

    I find it funny how mostly everyone at the DA HQ are stuck up A-holes despite being incompetent. I figured that the commander will shift the blame on Takina for screwing up an important mission and throw their blunders under the rug. Also, nice to see Chisato and Takina defeat Fuki and Otome. I find it funny how they act so haughty, but actually not that skilled or strong.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Shiro says:

    I really love Chisato’s dialogue and this episode really goes in. In her banter with Fuki, she keeps doing this delinquent-like conversation, obviously enjoying her talks with Fuki. Fuki fights fully understanding how Chisato operates and how her full evade skills work, that’s why she almost hit Chisato when she shot facing backwards. They really DO get along despite their bickering.

    Also, Takina finally fully getting along with Chisato is sooo sweet. I want more. Please. MORE!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nick says:

    Lycoris Recoil continues to impress after its third ep!

    I was actually getting pretty upset with Fuki and the other girls trash talking Takina. It was a tough situation she was in and she had to make a tough call there. They don’t understand that.

    Chisato was fantastic this ep! She’s quickly becoming my top favorite character of the season. I love her energy so much and how she’s ready to stand up and defend those closest to her. She’s so selfless in doing that and this week that finally got through to Takina I think.

    That scene at the fountain was amazing. Chisato picked her up like it was nothing. She’s truly an incredible girl.

    Exciting mock battle at the end of the ep and that was some sweet payback as well.

    Gotta say this is by far my favorite show this season. I know Superstar S2 hasn’t started yet, but man it’s going to have to be on a whole new level to top Lycoris Recoil so far. But with the addition of the new girls, it just might be able to.

    Can’t wait for next Saturday!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      HQ did not make a good impression at all this episode. No wonder Chisato left.

      She’s a fantastic lead for sure!

      Best part was how “no fs given” she was. Like a middle finger to the stupid girls as she went bolder with snuggling Takina. So sweet and badass.

      Good for Takina.

      It’s excellent for sure.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    Oh god Chisato and Takina in this episode, oh so much. So sweet!

    Also Chisato playfully messing around in the mock battle going as far as to toss back a gun to the opponents. That girl is a real badass.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. opaco1234 says:

    You can see the different on the selfies as proof of her developments

    Liked by 1 person

  7. K says:

    It looks like Kurumi’s fitting in splendidly at LycoReco, hanging with the regulars and having tons of fun. Definitely not a reclusive hacker.

    Chisato continues to impress. She really doesn’t like going to HQ and I can’t blame her after getting a sample of how it operates. She can criticize how HQ does things all the day long and they can’t shut her down because of how good she is. It felt good watching her toy with Otome. That rookie didn’t know who she was messing with.

    As tense as it was between them, it felt like Chisato and Fuki enjoyed trash talking each other. I guess being former partners helps.

    It was rough watching Takina get insulted and put down by everyone at HQ except Erika, especially when she got the news that she basically lost her place there(just so HQ could save face). It was a good thing Chisato was there to pick her up figuratively and literally. After this, at least she might start thinking that LycoReco is her best place. By the way, that payback sucker punch felt so good. Fuki will be feeling that for a while.

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      It’s nice to see.

      Precisely. Otome deserved being embarrassed aa much as Fuki getting a knuckle sandwich from Takina.

      Fuki’s a good kid at heart, just needs to work on her social skills.

      ChisaTaki bonding was great to see especially after the crap HQ pulled on her.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. yurimylove says:

    the yuri is so uplifting this episode (haha i’ll see myself out)

    Liked by 1 person

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