374th G-View: Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san

The main reason I never get tired of Girls Club (Cute Girls Doing Cute Things) anime is because there are so many different kinds out there. Very few of them are cookie cutter or basic. Most of them have something that helps them stand out from other similar shows despite following familiar tropes and traits. The following is another example of a Girls Club anime that stands out. Find out more as we take a look at Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san.

Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Promotional Art

Alternate Title: Ms Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood.

Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Yuri

Themes: Vampires

Number of Episodes: 12

G-Rating: 11/10

Plot Summary: Due to a strange incident, Akari Amano is rescued by a vampire girl named Sophie Twilight, and Akari becomes interested in her.

Akari will love Sophie forever

The main duo, Akari and Sophie.

I and other Girls Club aficionados without seeing the show or reading the manga described this show as “Kiniro Mosaic with Vampires”. Having seen the show in its entirety that is exactly what it is. One of the main differences, besides the obvious vampire stuff, is the “cranked up to 11” levels of gayness. KinMosa had a Japanese girl obsessed with cute British blondes. Kyuuketsuki has a Japanese girl obsessed with wanting a cute vampire to bite her neck. That is but a small example of how extra gay the show is. More on that later.

Sophie tired

The show is full of vampire lore and humor.

Let us first go over the vampire theme throughout the show. It features a lot of references to vampire lore from their strengths, weaknesses and rules of conduct. Examples include weakness to sunlight, no reflection when looking at mirrors, their rules regarding “entering houses” and much more. Fans of vampire lore from the traditional to the damning (Points toward a certain young adult novel series) is referenced throughout the show in both the educational and the well executed comedy. Also due to Sophie, and later Ellie, being centuries old do expect to learn a little bit about the world’s history from their point of view/memories.

Other attractions are the classic Girls Club fare from super adorable moments to traditions such as school festivals, chilling out and having some neat snacks (or mail-order blood in the case of the vampires) and of course some wonderful naughtiness. Oh, cannot forget to mention their semi-meta humor. One of the most notable examples is them occasionally reading and watching Girls Club and yuri media. Basically the show is adorable and humorous with a touch of sexiness.

Sophie reminiscing about black and white movies

Sophie remembering the silent film years.

Like most Girls Club anime the presentation is bright, cheerful and colorful. The animation is visually relaxing and the soundtrack disappears into the background. I do not mean that as a bad thing. Like the animation it is meant to cheer up viewers. Similar to most Iyashikei anime Girls Club anime are meant to put a smile on the face of viewers. The OP and ED are also adorable with the OP being upbeat and the ED relaxing.

Akari snuggling with SophieEllie and Hinata meetYuu and Sakuya

Lastly we shall quickly go over the yuri goodness without giving too much away.

-Akari X Sophie are the main couple of the show. Akari craves vampire flavored tacos while Sophie is the token “door that slowly opens” type of love interest. Akari never gives up but makes sure not to go overboard.

-Ellie X Hinata is the blossoming secondary (sometimes side) couple. They initially are not aware of it but deep know have a subconscious feeling they are destined to be together. Hinata is a super adorable tomboy and my favorite girl while Ellie is a girl loving mistress of yuri who may be a certain legendary vampire mistress that inspired Carmilla.

-Sakuya X Yuu are the side-couple of the show. They do not get much screen time together but when they do…

Overall Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san is yet another adorable and excellent Girls Club show. Its distinguishing theme of vampire lore and humor help set it apart from other shows like it. It has the expected adorable, cheerful and relaxing presentation, wonderful cast and the much appreciated “supercharged” lighthearted yuri goodness. A must watch for fans of this Slice of Life sub-genre.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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41 Responses to 374th G-View: Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san

  1. Umedyn says:

    A sweet slice of life with vampires, highly recommend. Still, in last episode I kinda wish [spoilers] would have [spoilers]. You who finished this show know exactly what I mean.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Alexis says:


    La primera serie que terminĆ³, dado a que la premisa es bastante sencilla no creo que requiera un anĆ”lisis profundo pero si muchos momentos divertidos, me quedo con aquellos en los que Ellie llevaba a Sophie a las ejecuciones porque es lo que hacen las verdaderas amigas.

    Me gustarĆ­a que le hubieran dado mĆ”s tiempo a Sakuya y Yuu, a estas dos lo Ćŗnico que les falta es firmar el contrato matrimonial, tener una esposa loca como Sakuya vale mucho la pena, me quedo con los momentos en que cantaba sus canciones tĆ©tricas.

    Los vampiros… necesitamos mĆ”s series yuri con esta temĆ”tica, conocĆ­a este manga y nunca imaginĆ© que la iban a volver anime. por lo que quiero creer que algĆŗn dĆ­a animarĆ”n Kyuuketsuki-chan to kouhai-chan de Takano Saku.


    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Ese fue un dia que Sophie nunca olvido. Muchas gracias Ellie por traumatizarla.

      Mas Sakuya X Yuu hubiera sido genial, si.

      Todos deseamos que esa manga sobre vampira que no chupa la sangre de su amante, pero su esencia vital, reciba un anime en el futuro.


  3. tbiscut74 says:

    Man I loved this show! So cute and sexy! Had a smile on my face for the whole series run!

    The OP is so catchy! I catch myself singing it sometimes!

    Ellie is best girl for me in this show! A perfect Combination of cute and sexy! I Loved her cute design!

    Here’s hoping for season 2!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Jack Cactus says:

    Oh I sure hell would miss that “UMU!” sound from Sophie and all of those fluffy cuteness from the show. At the end of the day my favorite couple from the show is actually not among the main cast but rather a pair of side characters Yuu and Sakuya. There’s just something so intimate between them that gave off a husband-and-wife kind of vibe and I pray to Heavens that we’ll a spin-off special about them. (pleaseeeeeee)

    Although I’m a sucker for cute things but doesn’t mean I’m not critical when it comes to grading and TonaKyuu actually surprised me a lot. At first I thought it was goin to be a typical run-of-the-mill Cute Girls Doin’ Cute Things show but I was wrong. From the character chemistry to relationship, most things just clicked and Hinata because………Hinata. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, a perfect way for me to warm myself up for the regular intense JoJo Friday.


    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Sophie did Nero Claudius proud.

      They left quite the impression despite their limited screen time, yes.

      Hinata is love. Nuff said.

      We got a beach segment. Better than nothing.


  5. Makoto Itoshi says:

    The final scene in the show was the most romantic thing I’ve seen in a very long time, definitely my favorite show this season.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. ineedyuri says:

    Chuu Chuu Chuu. Catchy opening.
    The only bad thing is we never got to see Ellie do much blood sucking.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. tsubasasfamily says:

    This is one of my favorite SoL’s in a while. I feel like it can be hard to get REALLY excited over an SoL show just because the nature of it is to be kind of laidback and adorable, but this show did everything it wanted to do really well. Classic 4-koma-style humor, LOTS of actual yuri maintext moments, simple one-shot stories each episode without bringing in any convoluted overarching storyline, and lovable characters… really pleasant, cute, and sexy show to watch each week ^_^

    Liked by 3 people

  8. cirno9fan says:

    It was an incredibly cute sometimes ecchi show~

    Kinmoza with vampires with the gayness x10 I would agree with!

    Akari was ā¤

    Ellie was ā¤

    They were all great!

    Sorry I can’t say more, but I quite enjoyed it~

    Only lament is that the holiday episodes were not as good as usually you’d suspect from these shows. They ended things off on a really nice note!

    Definitely would be on board for another season!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Such a good, cute, funny, gay series we were all blessed by!

    …Too bad for Akari her fantasy remains unfulfilled, but good on her for finding another way to be satisfied despite such. A bit too easily satisfied, perhaps…

    And a romantic walk through the place they met not that long ago, and yet so long ago…a very nice way to end the series!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Pingback: 376th G-View: Anima Yell! | The Yuri Nation

  11. LuzeriP says:

    10/10 loved the show. I’ve read the manga for a bit then I forgot. I’m glad I forgot because the anime ten times more adorable. And gayer. I don’t know which pair I like the most. They had their own moment. But If I have to choose I’d go with Akari x Sophie. That ending scene was beautiful. Still hoping Sophie turns Akari to a vampire too and lived forever.

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Precisely why I rarely read long ongoing yuri manga nowadays. It’s better blind than “Oh! this happened in the manga!”. Not my style.

      Wonderful season finale for sure.

      One day Akari’s dream will come true.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. FantasyGirlKanna says:

    Well what can I say? It’s as fun as the manga šŸ˜€ It’s really cute and I enjoyed it. I would’ve wanted more of Yuu and Sakuya though but overall it’s great šŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  13. yurimylove says:

    I think Ellie has received plenty of free blood from otaku nosebleed moments she inspired.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. K says:

    That’s a good reason why Ellie and Sophie do not want to drink Akari’s blood. They really care about her that much. That, and they really weren’t interested in drinking her. Oh well, she has other ways of having her fantasy fulfilled.

    Ending the show with a reenactment of how they first met was nice. The way Akari reacted here was what should have happened when she first went looking for cute vampires in my opinion, but this was a way to show how close they’ve gotten over the past year.

    I had a great time with this anime. There were tons of funny moments here, especially with how vampire lore was used. Will watch if there’s more.

    You know, Hinata and Uki can be great friends since they could bond over how much they love Akari and Kohane respectively.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Nick says:

    A favorite of mine this season for sure, I’ll miss these girls and vampires a lot.

    Kiniro Mosaic with Vampires is actually a really great way to describe this show, I didn’t think of that until you mentioned it but yeah that’s pretty good.

    Overall I really enjoyed this show a lot, totally the type of show I love and it made my Friday’s something to look forward to each week.

    Akari and Sophie made a great couple and they played well off each other. She really loves Sophie so much and while Sophie might be a little slower on the uptake, by the end of the show they had warmed up to each other a lot. Just a great couple overall and they were so much fun to watch.

    Ellie and Hinata were the couple that I liked the most, even if they didn’t get a ton of scenes together overall. I really liked Hitana a lot before Ellie showed up, I don’t always like the tomboy character but Hinata was super adorable and was impossible not to like. But then Ellie showed up and honestly she stole the show. I loved her soooo much. She was so flirty and lusting after every young beautiful girl she saw (okay mainly just their blood, but still) and I just really loved how she caught my attention every scene she was in. By far she was my favorite overall. We can only dream of how this show would’ve been had she matured a little more before becoming a vampire. Man, that small glimpse of older Ellie was glorious.

    Sakuya and Yuu were cute, but yeah not really around that much to really talk about. Still cute though and they were nice to see when they were around.

    All in all I just really loved this show and it’s one I’ll miss for sure. I’d love to see another season at some point in the future. Final score for me was a solid 9/10.

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      I hyped the show as “KinMosa with Vampires” a lot early on.

      It was a blissful show for sure.

      Akari and Sophie are on their way to becoming a wonderful vampire couple. Just gotta give them some time.

      Ellie and Hinata may have a longer road ahead to their destined wedding but they’ll get there. Hinata was the cutest and Ellie the sexiest, surprisingly. Maybe that’s what make them so good together. Very nice mix of “role reversal” and “opposites attract”. Older Ellie was incredible.

      More Sakuya X Yuu screen time was needed.

      Liked by 3 people

  16. chikorita157 says:

    Yes, this show is a cute and enjoyable show. There are a lot of cute moments with Akari and Sophie along with the other pairings. Too bad Sophie and Ellie will never turn Akari into a vampire, even if she wanted to. But I agree with the comparison.

    That reminds me, I need to watch the second season of Kiniro Mosaic someday.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Mauron says:

    Seasons 2-7 and Sakuya x Yuu spinoff when?

    Loved this show. Sophie was the most relatable character of 2018, and possibly all time (even though she’s a little older and has more body pillows than me). Ellie’s non-stop girl-hunting was delicious (just like that vampire hunter), and Akari and Hinata were great at keeping the gay going.

    Sakuya and Yuu and their daughter seriously needed more screen time. They still stole the family life yuri spotlight this year, and need their own spinoff.

    Side note: It just clicked with me that we had 3 or 4 gay Yuus in one season, depending on how you count.

    Does Sophie’s hair grow back the same way if you cut it? Akari could have a lot of fun with that.

    Ending the show with a recreation of their first date was adorable.

    My comments from now on will probably be a little less fangirly (at least until Zombieland Saga’s G-View).

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      An adorable, lovable and for some of them sexy cast of lesbians.

      All the more reason a 2nd season is needed. More from the yuri side-family.

      Let me see:
      -This show’s Yuu.
      -BiY Yuu.
      -Akanesasu Yu/Sexy Yu/Wild West Yu. These were the ones on screen. We don’t know about Twilight Yu and Waterworld Yu. Poo Poo Yu sadly wasn’t.

      Who else? Refresh my memory.

      From the looks of it her hair grows back in less than 24 hours to its default length before being vampirized..

      Very much so.

      I’ll review that one soon.


      • Mauron says:

        I had forgotten to add in Wild West Yu, so make that 3-5, depending on how you count Akanesasu Shoujo. Glasses Yu was better at hiding her feelings before she had competition from herself, so I wouldn’t completely count out Poo Poo Yu. I’d have to double check the episodes, but she may have just gone along with society’s “you must marry a guy at 17” thing.

        Liked by 1 person

      • OG-Man says:

        Most likely went along with the rules…begrudgingly.


      • Mauron says:

        I rewatched the introduction scene to Poo Poo Yu. She didn’t seem particularly happy about her marriage, but it had happened. It’s entirely possible she had the hots for Cacasuka, but she never made the same declarations as Glasses Yu.

        I’m putting her in the same category as Waterworld Yu – She’ll get her Asuka after our heroes visited that world.

        Liked by 1 person

      • OG-Man says:

        Good theory.

        Sure. that works.


  18. Giack31 says:

    Good anime. I fell like the comedy stats off really strong but then it gets pretty hit or miss towards the middle/end of the show.
    btw Sophie with short hair from the last episode is really cute.


  19. piano_cello_conducting says:

    As far as yuri shows go, I thought this was average. Maybe it was because I started watching this straight off from Manaria Friends and Izetta where the sexual tension between the yuri couples is very thick, but for me this show is something I can watch once (admittedly I occasionally lost motivation to go on) if I need a quick yuri fix. The show was too much fluff for me with no depth in the yuri relationships as they don’t really go far enough. I liked watching Ellie x Hinata but towards the end, I still don’t get Hinatat pining over Ellie. While Sakuya x Yuu were great initially, they appeared so infrequently that I almost forgot about them. As for Akari and Sophie, I never got more than just a friendly vibe from Sophie.


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