Houkago no Pleiades Episode 5: Suppressed Maiden

Good to know Itsuki got a more detailed character episode than what we got in ep4.

The Lady in the Tower

Once again another anime in a school setting preparing for a festival, in particular a play. At least it’s not a cliche one like Romeo and Juliet. It’s The Lady in the Tower here to remind us that before mainstream media neutered Fairy Tales they were hardcore…whether in a good or bad way is subjective.

I'm a dirty boy

Aoi got the role of the prince by accident and Itsuki was voted to be the princess by majority. Elkat was right when he called her a yamato nadesico.

Minato and butterflies

This week’s visit to Minato’s garden wasn’t about discussing morals as it was discussing dreams, reality and reasons for being. It was weird yet interesting at the same time.

Itsuki feeling troubled

While “taking a drive” into space and being surprised at their growing magic Itsuki brings up her not wanting to disappoint others’ expectations which is why she chose to not do what she wanted most of the time.

Kid Itsuki

We also get a flashback explaining why she started holding back her desire to do what she wanted and how she got her magic.

Planet Saturn

After a mishap during a star fragment capturing formation the gang somehow ended up near the rings of Saturn. You know my thoughts on the animation quality so I need not repeat myself.

Awesome pictureDive into the rings

Viewers can guess how Itsuki overcame her suppression and helped get the fragment.

Itsuki's scar

By being a kawasexy badass of course.

 Next week, possible revelations.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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12 Responses to Houkago no Pleiades Episode 5: Suppressed Maiden

  1. elkat4 says:

    The most boyish member of the main cast being cast as the prince; predictable. The fact their school is co-ed? Hilarious. Also, Subaru, don’t try to deny it, you were going to vote for Aoi anyways, weren’t you?
    The princess who wanted to be the prince. An interesting twist to the Yamato nadeshiko Character type that I feel brings new life and makes Itsuki a little less “stereotypical”. I’m looking forward to where this bolder, braver Itsuki will go.


  2. JimJiminy says:

    I really liked how they fleshed her out with a story that I did not expect to go along with a Yamato Nadeshiko. Itsuki being the tomboy, who’d have guessed. Hoping for Itsuki to make more decisions, do what she wants, and rock the hat in the upcoming eps.


  3. cirno9fan says:

    I really liked the touch at the end of the episode of having her brother show up~
    It was definitely a nice episode. the wait for an episode around Ambassador continues….

    I personally don’t really see any merit in the SubaruxAoi ship, I want it to float, but it just seems like a losing battle at this point…Wonder if we’ll get the identity of the thief next episode maybe?


    • Overlord-G says:

      Hopefully that will be next week or the week after.

      If it sinks it was nice while it lasted. Shame but there are plenty of others to swoon over.
      Maybe we’ll finally discover whether it’s an evil twin or “it’s a boy/girl”.


  4. K says:

    Itsuki’s no dainty flower. She just didn’t want to appear to be a bother to others or too selfish (thanks to that traumatic experience years before) and so she went with whatever everyone else wanted. I think this also explained why she had problems exceeding her limits from episode 3 because she felt that she had to restrain herself. Her brother showing up at the end was a nice way to bring her arc to a close.

    I like that Subaru wants to help the others with their problems (even if they just tell her about them when she asks them specific questions). Wonder if the same will happen with Nanako.

    Next time, fortune might turn against our heroines and identities may be revealed.


  5. yurimylove says:

    From the moon to saturn… at this rate they’ll reach the Pleiades constellation in like 2 more episodes.


  6. pe says:

    how yuri is this show


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