Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku Episode 5: Festival Antics

We got a school festival themed episode in Re-Kan last week so why not one in MGK also.

Seisa congratulating ErunaSeisa congratulating Eruna 2Our heroine

Our heroine doods and peeps continuing to work hard at being awesome.

Bummed floral club leaderSeisa eating

Something about Seisa eating put a smile on my face. As for Flower Guy he’s bummed because he’s lonely. Once again it’s up to our heroine to restore order because that’s what she does when she isn’t fawning over other women.

He died

Not many highlights in this segment other than Drama Club Pres’ wonderful performance and…

Well done SeisaWell done Seisa 2

Seisa outsmarting both Plant Guy and Art Guy. Good stuff.

Azumi Sagara

We also got to see what the energetic drama club member’s type of girl is. More on her later.

Eruna's drawing idea

Gee, I wonder who the girl Eruna was describing is? Hint: It’s her goddess.

Sup SeisaSlowly giving in

Keep it up Eruna! You’re doing great.

Eruna won her fight off screen as did nameless masked drama guy. As for energetic guy…

Pissed Seisa

let’s just say the music girl above will probably owe Eruna something next week.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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21 Responses to Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku Episode 5: Festival Antics

  1. automaticimperfection says:

    Music radio girl was super mean! Then again she might have a good explanation…or not… man I am excited about having the purple/pink? haired girl introduced, Otone? Also Eruna is gonna be on my top favourite characters this year without a doubt, she’s so so so so so so awesome and Seisa kinda reminds me of…. Mei,from Citrus but nicer!!! way nicer!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kracen says:

    Did you notice how Eruna had the portrait in her hand as she ran up to Seisa? I almost screamed at the screen when they didn’t show us the picture….
    As always, Eruna is awesome, easily one of my favourite anime characters of all time so far.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. elkat4 says:

    I’m declaring Eruna the chosen one: The great queen’s successor! Sure, she hasn’t mastered the art of wooing ladies yet, but she needs a little practice (particularly self-restraint). Once she’s conquered Seisa’s heart, no maiden will be able to resist her charms!


  4. goodboy64 says:

    Eruna is such a supernova of energy compared to the more timid and meek MCs we usually get. Her yuri tendencies are a plus too. Really enjoying this one so far, good thing I decided to pick this up a few days ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Overlord-G says:

      Eruna is a lesbian heroine we had been waiting a long time to see. One who is not ashamed of her sexual preference, is energetic and very likable. Sure she is a bit more perverted than necessary but that is also part of her charm.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hanneman says:

    Little by little Eruna is going to win Seisa’s heart, you’ll see. Also, something about the opening makes me believe that Eruna will fall in love with the gohic lolita. Of course she’ll be no match for the goddess in Eruna’s eyes.

    After that humiliation, i just want music club girl to get beat down by Eruna.


    • Overlord-G says:

      There is only one girl Eruna wishes to spend the rest of her life with. Any other is a bonus.

      I bet she will. No one messes with Eruna’s peeps!


  6. Luke says:

    I really am looking forward to see Seisa and Eruna engaged in somewhat relationship. They might have an incredible future together, but it all depends on how the plot keeps going.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yurimylove says:

    lol nice practice on the takoyaki ball! You’ll get to kiss the girl you want soon enough I’m sure

    Liked by 1 person

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