Sakura Trick Episode 4: MitsuYano or AyatSuki

This episode pretty much solidified ST as a heart melting show for me.

Yuu's Wake-up kissesPoor Yuu fell right into Harupoppo’s trap. For being childish Harupoppo is one smooth criminal. Also, first gif assignment for my cameraman is all the wake-up kisses.

Mission accomplished.


Replace “KHAN!” with “TONGUE!” and you have my reaction to this latest kiss. Seriously, it’s like the kisses get more passionate the closer Harupoppo and Yuu get. Character developing kisses FTW!

Yuu's excuseWe now know what happened after MitsuYano/AyaTsuki’s blood pressure went through the roof: “I tripped and fell on top of Haruka”.

Yuu loves Haruka too but is too bashful to admit itYuu loves Haruka too but is too bashful to admit it. It ain’t easy being gay ladies and gentlemen.

Mitsuki KaichouAnother reason I want a legit beach episode. Last week’s pool episode didn’t count.

Lemon-sanMitsuki Kaichou does not remember Yuzu’s name. I’d like the Citrus manga more if THIS Yuzu and Kaede were the stars.

The truth is revealedThis scene pretty much explained why Mitsuki is voiced by “HER”. Anyway Mitsuki Kaichou wants Yuzu and Kaede to spy on Haruka and Yuu because she’s…concerned. Yes, that’s it.

Kaede's thoughts

Harupoppo's chanceThe spies were expecting Harupoppo to go on the offensive but she (Maybe without noticing) waited till they weren’t looking to strike.

OnegaiOne word: “Onegai.” Ahhh, Kotori has taught Yuu well. So Harupoppo goes to the store, the spies follow and cute stuff happens.

Now here comes the important part.

Oh myDidn’t see this coming.

Harupoppo's OutrageHarupoppo learned either Dragon Rage or Outrage.

What followed was a fight for the ages.

Mitsuki's reaction after reading the spies' reportOh she’s got it baaaaaad for Harupoppo.

SweetnessI have no idea how much more I can take before requiring medical assistance. My heart continues melting as I watch this show.

The second sketch begins with Shizuku telling Yuu, Haruka and Yuzu some ominous news…which is exactly why she pulls a Fred Jones and tells the gang to split up in pairs.

Haruka did not get the yellow tagHarupoppo's CurseHarupoppo learned Curse. Suffice to say the initial pairings didn’t last long. Oh and Yuzu’s reactions were priceless.

Mitsuki thinking about something funMitsuki denying her true feelingsMitsuki Kaichou secretly followed Yuu to keep an eye on her and “TAKAYAMA HARUKA!”. It went as well as expected.

Kisses to make the fear go awayDo I really need to explain how I felt during this scene? Do I!?

Haruka and her two loversAnd with this raging otaku boner worthy image to conclude this episodic I will see you all again next week.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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47 Responses to Sakura Trick Episode 4: MitsuYano or AyatSuki

  1. I actually like Mei and Yuzu 😉
    However, I agree that this episode cemented Sakura Trick’s place in my hearty. Is it bad I slightly want Haruka to leave Yuu for Mitsuki? HA.


    • Overlord-G says:

      Mei is a dork, plain and simple.
      It’d be interesting if that were to happen. I doubt it will but it’s a cool “What if…” scenario.


  2. chikorita157 says:

    I find it funny that Mitsuki actually went so far and have someone else do the dirty work. Still, I’m at least happy that she knows what kind of girl Haruka is. Perhaps she become a rival against her younger sister over Haruka… I doubt it.


  3. Cyan says:

    I love this show so much! Good thing this show airs every week and not everyday, I think I’ll need an ambulance if I watch every episode continuously.
    I feel bad that Mitsuki already lost to her sister, I really like her character and hope she finds someone else because Haruka & Yuu are adorable together.
    Love how this show gets sweeter every episode.


    • Overlord-G says:

      It’ll at least be fun seeing Mitsuki struggling with her true feelings and get “accidentally” close to Haruka occasionally.


  4. kitsu260 says:

    Last pic ”Swag As Fuck”


  5. MR.KLAC says:

    4eps in yea too much to watch indeed by time IF sentai pull the trigger to show the dub indeed they will make more give us press panic button & the YES YES YES for all yuri lovin on it.


  6. mutopis says:

    I sometimes wonder what goes into the meeting room when the writers are discussing their ideas for their script:
    A: “for the opening we should have Yuu kissing Haruka all over her, her hand, her head, her elbow, her knee… because she cant kiss her mouth”
    B: “how is that sexy?”
    A: “but it would look cute on screen!”
    they made something that looks boring on paper that looks very delicious on screen.

    Someone on /a/ actually counted their kisses, and as of this episode Sakura Trick already has 6 more lesbian kisses than all of Simoun

    I would take this as a hint

    this episode is full of interesting expressions.


  7. curaga444 says:

    Whoa, I don’t know there is this kind of anime in this season
    *Added to Watchlist* 😀


  8. Elizabeth says:

    I see now why Mitsuki acted the way she did last episode. I really like where this is going. Can’t wait for the next one!


  9. ArcaJ says:

    Yeah, kissing a girl’s knees? NOT something “just friends” do.

    We got to spend time with Yuzu and Kaede. They were a hoot! Their report on Haruka was surprisingly accurate. Yuu should really come out to her sister. Or maybe just come out to herself! Kissing another girl’s knees is the universal sign for GAY!

    Once again, Haruka’s fantasies come true. Is she like Yura from Stella Women’s Academy? Can she shape reality with the power of her imagination? Could she actually be a magical girl, and her wish was for Yuu?


    Arca Jeth


  10. mutopis says:

    I fear I would never see yuri the same way, the series is taking lewdness at new levels making the rest too tame and bland.


    • Overlord-G says:

      Now now, no need to become narrow-minded. Let us be thankful this show exists but not go the Skyrim route and expect ALL sandbox RPGs to be like Skyrim. That cannot be done.


      • Hanneman says:

        Although i liked Skyrim, the Xbox 360 and PS3 version were absolutely horrid. I don’t know how i’ve had the patience to finish it. That’s why my favorite RPG of this generation was Dark Souls.


      • Overlord-G says:

        After the patches the PS3 version played well enough for me. You get the point of what I’m saying though.


  11. Hanneman (Baka) says:

    I don’t know why, but this episode made me go like in the premiere, throwing my fist to the air and screaming “YEEEEES!”.

    Dude, something happened this weekend that i think it would be interesting to share here:

    These last few months aired here in Brazil a novel that made quite a big sucess, and one of the protagonists was a gay man. The thing is, this Friday the final chapter aired, and there was a scene in which this protagonist kissed another man. You can guess what happened. My facebook feed page was overwhelmed with messages of the people saying it was disgusting and all that crap.

    My opinion on the matter: the kiss, in the context of the show, was unecessary. The story didn’t gave much development for the kiss to be meaning something. The truth is, it felt a really random, just like what a kiss in a porn movie means. The reason behind it was because in the last week there was a movement in the internet for the author to put the kiss in the novel, so it felt a little too forced for me to like it (as something with a deep meaning, of course).

    But then someone may ask: “You sure are a Baka, what moral do you have to say something like this? You’ve waited many months for a show where it shows lesbian kisses. Is it not the same thing?” Believe me, i’ve asked myself this question. But the difference is that i’ve waited for a show that deals with the kisses and all that. None of them feels a bit forced up in the viewer.

    Sorry for the long post, but i’ve felt like it was interesting enough to share it here with everyone.

    P.S. 1: I’ve changed my nickname to Hanneman, since it’s a lot more better than Baka, and it is a tribute to the great guitarrist Jeff Hanneman, and it’s a move in Mahjong, hehe.

    P.S. 2: I’ve made a tumblr for myself. The name it’s yuri-games-andheavymetal, if you wanna check. I’ve haven’t made any post, because of the lack of time and not knowing how to use it. But it will start sometime in this week, i guess. 😀

    Once again, sorry for the long post.


    • Overlord-G says:

      That’s cool dood. It was an interesting read. Let’s see…I think the kiss didn’t mean as much to you because there was no build to it in your opinion and it only happened because the fans demanded it instead of it happening naturally. That’s a fair reason to oppose it rather than the lame “eww” response.

      Your name doesn’t appear in the search engine. Click on my tumblr address and then the Follow button.


      • Hanneman says:

        That’s exactly why i didn’t liked it.

        All right, i’m following you now, and also mutopis. That search engine is not that good, i tried finding a specific SonoHana tumblr, and the engine didn’t showed it all.


      • Overlord-G says:

        Gotcha. I’m sure one will show up sooner or later. On all the yuri tumblrs I’m following, SonoHana CGs pop up every now and then.


  12. x says:

    more awesome if haruka gets both of them for a threesome or bad if Mitsuki stops them for being together in some random thing


  13. x says:

    that’s good then a threesome it is


  14. shawnxtx says:

    This anime is getting better with each episode. There is some display about ethical code in society issue where homesexuality is still difficult to open freely like Yuu. Anyway, our nation got to thank our yuri goddess from Modoka herself for this A+ show. It seemed Haruka may be the best harem lead and she is going to capture both sisters’ heart the same time.


  15. utalap says:

    I also loved it when Yuu kissed Haruka all over. Loved the way she whispered Haruka’s name each time I felt like I’m gonna faint. Oh damn. And I also loved that sunset lap-sitting scene from Yuu and Haruka. I know they don’t explicitly say they love each other but well… I don’t know what else that is.

    Mitsuki kaichou sure is interesting and I would like to see how she handles her imaginations of Harupoppo.


  16. Yurimylove says:

    “orange is the new yellow!” — is what Harupoppo would like you to believe XD

    I mentioned last week that I wondered about what happened after the funny blood pressure rising scene, I’m glad there’s a brief explanation this week, and it’s just as funny.

    While I remain resolutely rooting for Haruka x Yuu, some healthy competition is never a bad thing. I do hope that Mitsuki will some day find her very own TOSHINO KYOKOOO!


    • Overlord-G says:

      Yellow is brighter than black.

      Yuu was lucky Mitsuki fell for it. Harupoppo’s facial was what sold it for me.

      Mitsuki definitely deserves a girl to love.


  17. mari says:

    God, watching this anime is so surreal…. it’s like I’m dreaming it, it’s just too .. I can’t even describe it. Jesus


  18. JC says:

    “It ain’t easy being gay ladies and gentlemen.
    I’d like the Citrus manga more if THIS Yuzu and Kaede were the stars.
    I have no idea how much more I can take before requiring medical assistance. My heart continues melting as I watch this show.”
    My dear OG-Man, you always speak my mind, i have little to say about this chapter that you haven’t said here: just one thing, my insane NTR desire is growing and i don’t think it will ever cease…


    • Overlord-G says:

      I assume you are also a Mitsuki Kaichou fan and want to see her win Harupopo’s heart…as nigh impossible as that sounds.


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