Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night Episode 7: The “Futures” Episode

Can’t have a show that delves into the lives of younglings without them eventually thinking about their futures.

Girls surprised to hear about Kiui's future plans

We began with Kano surprised to hear her homies discuss their futures after high school graduation. Yoru and Mei both planned to apply for a university in their respective field, music and art. Kiui’s was the most surprising, middle school teacher. As we’d later find out however, it actually made sense.

Kano and Kiui at driving school

Something else Kiui said that caught Kano’s attention was her wanting to get a motorcycle license. She tagged along. It was a smooth road to success for Kiui while Kano’s was tougher but she didn’t give up. What came next absolutely got my attention.


Later in the evening as Kiui watched Kano struggle she’s approached by a punk babe named Koharu. As far as I know this was a new character. For some reason she’s drawn toward Kiui. So intrigued was she by the pink cutie she ditched smoking to approach her. That and she instantly discovered her greatest secret. Besides that Kiui intrigued Koharu quite a bit.

Kiui scolded by a teacher

Later that night Kano asked Kiui about her decision to become a teacher. Besides her classmates not understanding her greatness the final straw came when the teacher told her that kids eventually grew out of comics, cartoons and other nerdy otaku trends. Kiui thought her still loving them made her abnormal. Thankfully the journey up till now helped her realize the teacher’s the one who was wrong “What does ‘being normal’ even mean? Screw that noise!” The real reason for her career choice was the hope that she could help future nerds embrace their culture and not be ostracized for it like she was. When it was Kano’s turn to reveal her future goals however…she didn’t know. Even going for a bike license was a spur of the moment.

I knew the answer…Actually I had an answer in mind and hoped it would be THE ONE. More on that later.

The next day Kiui tried to apply for a high school graduate equivalency certification exam and even had a cute disguise ready but her old classmates recognized her and she heard them murmur mean things. She wasn’t ready to overcome her greatest challenge just yet.

Mei had an epiphany

Now it’s time to discuss Yoru and Mei’s parsts in the discussion about their futures. Although Yoru knew an art university was the goal she wasn’t exactly sure about the why. She knew who helped motivate her but the same could be said about Mei. The motivator was the same but the goal was not. In Mei’s case she thought for the longest time the only thing/person she had any interest in was Kano. Her piano playing was so she could help play better songs for Kano and Team Jelee. When it came to the piano she was quite good and it felt natural to her. However, one day she came in 2nd place in a competition and was surprised by her frustrated reaction. It was on that day she realized the piano wasn’t just a tool to help the team but it was part of her life.

Back to the other duo we were blessed with a reason to buy the Blu-Rays besides this being a great show.

Koharu offers the girls some groping action

Thank you so much Koharu.
During lunch Koharu convinced Kano to help investigate Kiui’s greatest secret. In hopes of getting an answer Koharu revealed her own. The reason she’s a punk goddess was tons of money spent on plastic surgery. Her breast implants alone cost 1 million Yen. Kano then paid closer attention to Kiui and may have solved the mystery of her greatest secret. I have more to say about Koharu and Kiui in a bit.

Koharu's mysterious tattoo

I’d love to learn more about Koharu but like a bespectacled surprise goddess from a certain rocker girls anime her presence was more to help our heroines find the answer they’re looking for. In Kano’s case Koharu’s advice about getting better at driving was about moving forward facing what’s ahead despite it being scary rather than finding yourself trapped somewhere you may never be able to escape from.

Koharu and Kiui exchange contact info

So the following is wishful thinking. In the last episode my spiritual sister noticed some interesting reactions from Kiui toward Mama Baba. They were subtle but her keen eye for anime lesbianism is one of the strongest I’d ever seen so I trust her intuition on matters like this. Then in this episode she trusted this stranger she only met a few days ago with her VTuber alter ego. Lastly while Koharu blessed the girls in the onsen she thought “Letting high school girls do this would get me in trouble, right?” She said HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS. Eventually Kiui’s going to college. This scene ended with the two exchanging contact info and learning they didn’t live that far from each other.

Conclusion: Kiui is attracted to older women.

I do not know if we’ll see Koharu again but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Now on to the main event. Eventually Kano passed both the written and driving exams to get her license. The problem was she had no idea where she wanted to go first. Suddenly her phone beeped and the answer was clear…

Kano takes Yoru on a bike trip

She went to pick up Yoru who was with her classmates. The problem was she still had no idea where to go. Yoru pretty much confirming she’ll be the TOP was like “I don’t care. Wherever is fine.”

Yoru and Kano's beach date

Kano: So you’re applying to an art school, right?

Yoru: That’s right. I’m going for it.

Kano: I see. Everyone already figured out their futures…So why an art school?

Yoru: Because I want to learn to draw paintings I can be proud of.

Kano: Oh yeah. You did mention that before.

Yoru: Also there’s a certain someone I want to draw for. Someone who cherishes my drawings.

Kano: Huh. Never knew you had someone like that.

Yoru: That’s right. I guess I want to repay them for helping restore my passion for drawing. There was this one time they were so proud of my improvement they acted like it was their victory.

Kano: Wait a minute. Are you talking about…?

Yoru: Guess I’m someone who likes to properly reciprocate acts of kindness. So Kano, why did you want to get a bike license? Was there somewhere you wanted to go?

Kano: To be honest I realized I’m kinda aimless right now. Sure there’s the 100K subs goal but then what? Why do I want to sing?

Yoru: Why huh? Remember what you told me when I didn’t feel like drawing anymore? You told me to “draw for you”. Well then. How about you sing for me! Because I love your singing!

After seeing a real jellyfish for the very first time Kano at last found her reason to ride.

Kano: It’s because I want to take you on lots of trips, Mahiru!

Mahiru teases Kano again

Mahiru: Hmmmm? That’s a bold statement there.

Kano: W-what are you talking about?

Mahiru: Also you called me Mahiru. Care to explain?

Kano: I-i-i-i-i-it was a spur of the moment!

Later that night they’re pulled over for Kano not having permission to drive with passengers yet.

Great stuff as always.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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11 Responses to Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night Episode 7: The “Futures” Episode

  1. ArcaJ says:

    Yoru’s smug face is the best! This episode was all about “Moving Forward.” Kiui actually reaching out to someone, not in her social sphere. Mei, realizing that playing piano well was very different than wanting to nurture her talent and actually strive for that top spot.

    Yoru, after learning not to hack pieces of herself off to “fit in,” learned that moving forward as an artist, means doing the work and building her skills. Especially if she wants to thank that “certain someone” who woke up her artistic passions again.

    Finally, we have Kano, who realized that “Moving Forward” didn’t come with a Map. She had to figure out that she didn’t need to have her entire life plotted out to get started. She just needed a first goal. Getting her motorbike license was the first step. Next was taking Yoru for a ride. Even if the road ahead is winding and treacherous, it’s not so scary with a loved one along for the ride.

    I find it interesting that Koharu sought out Kiui first. (probably just a case of having excellent taste) She pretty clearly was trying to pick her up. Judging from the scars on her back (which is either from burns or a hastily removed tattoo) she’s also had extensive plastic surgery. I wonder what kind of trauma she’s lived through.

    While it would be nice if Koharu and Kiui became an item (after she properly get’s her certification and enters college), but it’s just right that they start as friends.

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Different roads to the future, all interesting. Best of luck to everyone.

      I’d love to learn more about Koharu but I’m not holding my breath.

      Yup. No rush. I just want to see them eventually hook up after Kiui goes to college.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This episode had a lot I could talk about, but I think I’ll sum up those thoughts more concisely.

    On Mei, it’s no surprise she wants to further pursue the Piano. While it started as a way to connect her to her idol, it developed into something special that she loved. I have no doubt she’s going to excel in her music and go very far.

    On Yoru, it’s also no surprise that she wants to pursue art school. The passion was always there, but she didn’t have the courage to stand up to her critics and own her art. She now has and she’s owning it. I believe she’ll take her art to new heights. That “special someone” was the catalyst she needed, but her success will be her own.

    On Kiui, her dream of being a MS teacher was actually a surprise, but it also made total sense after she explained it. I think that some kids do need that one teacher who can be on their side and truly understand their differences. That can literally change lives. I also think she’d be super fun and caring, but just responsible enough too.

    Koharu was a total unexpected occurrence, but wow did she make an impression! She realized she was pushing the line, but I’m sure it was worth it for her and she knew the lines she shouldn’t cross. It’s very interesting she found herself so interested in Kiui, but also more interesting that Kiui seemed to take interest in her as well. I can honestly see the liking older women theory. Once she’s in college and settled, I’d love for them to date too because I honestly think they compliment each other. But friendship is a great place to start for now. I’ll be rooting for them!

    On Kano, she’s the only one of the group that hasn’t quite figured it out, but that’s ok! Some people think they know and spend their entire youth pursuing that thing, just to realize far too late that it’s not in fact their true passion. I can relate. I sometimes wish I’d taken more time to think about it instead of rushing blindly forward, so I think it’s great that Kano is taking it one step at a time. I believe she’ll find her path when the time is right, and it’s better to take it slow and find satisfaction, than try and impress or keep up with societal norms. I think she’ll be just fine with time.

    That said, I too had a very strong feeling that Yoru was her reason to get her bike license and I’m glad we were rewarded with that truth. It was great how she just rolled with it (heh) and went to pick Yoru up without a second thought. But I also loved how confidently and smoothly Yoru was climbing up on her bike and telling her to go like she’d been waiting her whole life for that moment. TOP indeed.

    Then they go to the beach and share another special moment, which leads into a really wonderful talk and she requests for Kano to sing for her the same way Yoru is now drawing for her. They are and will continue to be each others motivation and strive to be the others number one special person, and I think that’s one of the most romantic tropes there can be in any series. I can’t get enough of flirty Yoru either, it’s so great! She really is exuding TOP energy, to the point there’s no question about it.

    Watching the two grow closer and slowly fall deeper in love is so sweet. I love it!

    Really great stuff as always!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Their journeys toward their respective answers were all interesting. Kano’s journey is still ongoing but luckily she has a supportive soulmate by her side.

      Yoru successfully teasing Kano twice shows her TOP energy is strong. Love it!

      Fingers crossed we get a relationship progress report between Kiui and Koharu. Perhaps something in the epilogue or sneaky inserts here and there of their online escapades. Very grateful to my Nee-San for the observation last time. It made their interactions all the more special. You know me and age-gap Yuri.

      Pumped for more!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Kotori_Sonoda says:

    Ah, teh future.

    A totally scary thing, I totally get it. Dread from it, but it comes all the same…

    Fun ep, I like that we see Kiui and Kano interact a lot this ep, same with Yoru and Mei.

    Kano and Yoru’s scenes in the end of the episode were so sweet. Now it’s Yoru’s turn to lift Kano up.

    And the last scene with them being caught by the cop is hilarious lol

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai – Episode 7 - Thinking about the Future - Chikorita157's Anime Blog

  5. Little Viktoria says:

    I love Yoru and Kano so much! In a season full of wonderful couples, they are my favourite. A hot Kano showing up on a motorbike to take Yoru away on a romantic drive must have given Yoru’s classmates enough to gossip about the whole evening.

    I like how Yoru can say things directly to Kano, but every time Kano tells her something romantic back, Yoru teases her about it with that flirty smile.

    Also Kano taking Yoru to see the first jellyfish. Destiny!

    Kiui is hiding treasures… I usually like girls with modest chests, but when someone like Kiui has a surprise bounty, it’s really sexy ^^

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      True true.

      A most excellent dynamic indeed.

      Beach episode when? Probably not because Kiui won’t show her true power in public. She may have someone else in mind for that privilege one day.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. yurimylove says:

    if you like age gap yuri story, there’s a wonderful Thai live-action GL TV show “BLANK the Series” (I think it’s 16 years age gap between the 2 leads):

    Liked by 1 person

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