Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 1: Advent of the 4th Ensemble

My #1 hype show of Summer 2021 is here! Let’s see what Gen 4 of Love Live! (I’ll continue to address them as such) have in store for us. No. I couldn’t wait.

Our story began with our main heroine Kanon Shibuya serenading a beautiful song to her classmates. She also played the guitar. It looked like her dream to enter the top music class at the Yuigaoka academy would be a snap. However, at the entrance exams…

Saw art of Grumpy Kanon on Twitter. Thought it might have been her twin sister but nope, it’s her. Grumpy Kanon is lovely too. So yeah. She choked, hard. The reason was obvious but we’ll get to that later. I think she’s playing SIF All-Stars.

Kanon’s signature headphones were to block all happy music to not remind her of her failure. At least that’s what it looked like. At least she spoke to others and didn’t cast off society.

Despite her sadness deep down she still loved to sing, doing so when she thought no one was around.

Which of course meant someone heard her. It’s Keke Tang (pronounced Kuukuu Tong/Tahn). The first official Chinese Love Live idol who wasn’t a student card in the first SIF game. She could speak Japanese but appeared to gush in Chinese. Kanon was intimidated by her cheerfulness and tried to loose her.

A girl who I imagine is Kanon’s Kotori/You, Chisato Arashi/Chii-chan, spotted her hiding. Chisato’s uniform was that of girls who got into the top music class so white uniforms were top students and blue students basic ones. She worked at a takoyaki stand and aspired to become a great dancer but there appeared to be more to her than that. We may find out next time.

At Yuigaoka not only did Kanon find out Keke was in the same class as her but she wanted to start a school idol group. Of course she wanted Kanon to join.

Looks like Ren’s signature scoff pose.

As Kanon tried to politely refuse Keke’s invitation Ren Hazuki, the seitokaichou or authority figure of the school (appointed by her mother the headmistress) filled her role as the token “school idols are forbidden.” stubborn future member. With her the “Four Horsewomen of Anti-School Idols” was complete. Kanon stood up for Keke’s right to promote her club and like every other kaichou before her Ren didn’t have a good enough reason other than “You can’t and that’s final”. The only reason she won the argument was when asked if she wanted to become a school idol herself Kanon couldn’t give her a confident “Yes”.

Kanon’s a token “I love my family but they embarrass me” teenager.

Kanon invited Keke over to her family coffee shop for some cocoa. As Keke insisted she’s talented and CUTE enough to become a school idol Kanon explained why that wasn’t true. As alluded to in the entrance exam Kanon had stage fright. She could sing just fine when she felt like it but in big time situations such as a stage play in elementary school or the entrance exam she’d pass out. Keke backed off as Kanon offered to help scout other potential girls to join her team but we could tell she still wanted Kanon.

While scouting Kanon asked some girls, including Chisato and another important girl, Sumire Heanna. The latter scared her away with her grouchiness. She either really was this grouchy or a shy tsundere who scowled at people to leave her alone. My guess is the latter. Note that I didn’t look up any of the girls’ bios for an obvious reason. #BlindViewer.

With no new members found Kanon was about to call it a day when Keke stepped up again insisting Kanon should join. She saw her incredible potential but Kanon made it clear despite her love of singing she’s afraid of failure, not wanting to let everyone and especially herself down again. Keke kept pushing until Kanon pushed back. As Kanon ran off she felt more and more guilty until she turned back. Keke believed in her and would stay by her side no matter what. How could she turn down someone this willing to help support her dream?

We got a non-canon preview of what’s to come. Like every other time this happened throughout the series Kanon’s performance wasn’t entirely in her head as a crowd of ladies applauded her. There’s hope for her to one day overcome her greatest obstacle.

Great premiere! Looking forward to seeing how the other three eventually join the team.

PS: Be sure to keep a close eye throughout the episode for some neat stuff like Easter eggs and early sightings of Kanon’s future teammates before they’re introduced.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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22 Responses to Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 1: Advent of the 4th Ensemble

  1. Nick says:

    Excellent opening ep to this latest entry in the Love Live series!

    So much I want to say but I’ll keep it short.

    Kanon is so cute and I love her singing voice!

    I love the energy Keke has. She’s going to be fun to watch.

    Chisato is also super cute. Can’t wait for more of her!

    Ren and Sumire will be tough to win over but it’ll all be worth it in the end. Looking forward to learning more about them!

    Ah it’s great to be watching Love Live again!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Little Viktoria says:

    The city seems to be full of yuri couples… at least in my vision ^^

    All the main girls are lovely. Chisato is definitely the most eye catching, and lately every girl with red eyes has ended up being one of my favourites within their shows, so she has a good start. Kanon is such a pretty name and orange-haired girls have made good yuri harem leads before ^^ I hope that both Sumire and Kanon’s little sister turn out to be adorable tsunderes. The seitokaichou looks so predictable that I’m almost certain that she’s going to break the usual seitokaichou pattern in some way instead.

    Keke is really cute, I like her a lot and I’m happy that chinese girls in anime have evolved past their old stereotypes ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Remember that like the Saki-Verse men are an endangered species in the Love Live universe so you may be right.

      Looking at her mom and sister she’s more a brunette. Easy to mistake her for orange when two of the four past main girls were orange.

      No surprise your fav is Chisato given your preferences.

      China dresses are still sexy though.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. CJ Apple says:

    I already ship Kanon x Keke.

    Keke already meets her sister- and mother-in-law and is in Kanon´s room.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Alexis says:

    Y cuando regreso veo letras rojas en las entradas del blog jeje.
    Aquí está mi serie más esperada, todo bien, me gusta como empezó. Keke está llena de vida y espero mucho de ella, Como van a lograr que las tercas de Ren y Sumire se unan a la pandilla, no lo sé pero quiero verlo en los siguientes episodios.

    Cuando escucho “Yuigaoka”, “Liella” siento que “algo” me están queriendo decir guiño-guiño.

    Siento que esta alineación de cinco miembros puede dar tiempo a un mayor desarrollo de personajes y si es posible, incluir un equipo rival con mayor presencia.

    Cyao… Galaxy

    Liked by 1 person

  5. tbiscut74 says:

    This was a cute and great premiere!

    Looking forward to more.

    Also I freaking love Kanon’s pet owl so cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. cirno9fan says:

    Are we really?….is this actually??? I mean Nijigasaki did break the numbers with its cast, but it was only making it more, but is it seriously going to be a FIVE MEMBER GROUP!?!? They’re really going for something different here. Might mean a lot stronger character development in just the first season than normally is gotten.

    I Look very much forward to more, and Keke is adorable ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mauron says:

    In the Bang Dream! crossover:

    Kanon, Kanan, and Kanon walk into a maid cafe. Kotori greets them.

    I’ve been consistently misreading Yuigaoka as Yurigaoka… To be fair, I’m not wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. chikorita157 says:

    Yes, I waited for the episode to officially come out. Aside from that, the first episode is fun at least. It’s funny to see Kanon run away from the school idol obsessed Keke. The funny thing is when she speaks Chinese to Kanon, freaking her out more. Still, this makes me wonder if the pairing will become a reality.

    Yep, Ren can keep denying school idols, but she will give in eventually, like with Chisato and Sumire.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I really enjoyed this premiere. I like Kanon a lot and Keke is adorable. I’m looking forward to learning more about the other girls. Really great start.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. opaco1234 says:

    Oh, Kanon x Keke could become the first yuri couple make of Japanese x Chinese girls
    This franchise grow up so much since the first season

    Liked by 2 people

  11. yurimylove says:

    I love love live!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Translation of KEKE TANG Chinese Language in the 1st episode:
    What a lovely singing voice!
    Your singing voice was SO wonderful to hear!
    It was like the sound from the heavens!
    I listened to your song earlier.
    Would you sing with me?
    Let’s sing together! Let’s be school idols together!

    Why are you running away?
    I just want to be school idols with you!
    Will you become one with me?

    Liked by 1 person

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