Filler Post: Nanoha-Verse Relationship Chart

Found this yesterday but didn’t think to share it. Later today however my freelance cameraman dug it up and so I decided to share it with everyone who is caught up and watching Nanoha Vivid to get a refresher on what the OFFICIAL relationships in the franchise are.

Of course for viewers who have not made it up to Vivid this chart will contain spoilers.

Nanoha-Verse Relationship Chart

Includes important details like biological/historical origins, social status and of marital status.

This also explained to me what Erio and Caro’s relationship is. Guess they’re not dating after all.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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26 Responses to Filler Post: Nanoha-Verse Relationship Chart

  1. josefcd904 says:

    Wait, wait, wait, Teana and Nanoha are in a probable relationship? Sure it was obvious for Teana and Subara, but Nanoha? I then continued to look. It did not show Amy in StrickerS so you could not really know that the two where married. How is there not any form of relationship between Caro and Erio? I could swear there was at least hinted of a romantic relationship with Hayate. Nanoha, and Fate, although much much fainter then with just Nanoha and Fate. Anyway, this was really interesting to see, good job at finding this.


  2. jianuzzi says:

    Good chart, but i really only see 3 real potental yuri pairings: nano x fate, ein x vivio, and teana x subaru. Needless to say, but nanoha and fate are the only reason my faith has stayed with the series. Any other development has just been an added bonus.


  3. Hazelnutpie says:

    The chart is a wee messy, due to the sheer number of characters, but pretty informative! And don’t you just love the Nanoha x Fate, Teena x Subaru and Einhart x Vivio pink lines? 😀

    Although I must say, I find the couple related to Einhart/Vivio strangely romantically tragic in a sense.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Overlord-G says:

      Messy but there are many connections between some of the characters and since StrikerS the cast has grown exponentially.
      It’s a Nanoha franchise tradition to include tragedies in some shape or form.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ibara says:

    Looks like my metro train line

    btw, here’s an upcoming all-girl anime (currently as seen) I found.
    「ダンスで世界を救う」 “Dance de Sekai wo Sukuu” (Save the World with [a] Dance)


  5. automaticimperfection says:

    So, where did that chart come from? It really helps clearing things out hehe, “romance prob” hahahaha ,loved it!!! not like we didn’t know,but it’s awesome to see it out there like that


  6. Timothy Bacchus says:

    This chart is an awesome find. Haha. Like, totes. It’s funny. Hahaha. I’m sorry for being Rude. There are more pairings created in fanfics so I was hoping I would see more in the chart. You know, for entertainment. Okay, forget it. I’m being silly. Anyway, still looking for potential pairings from popular fanfics like AlisaXSuzuka, HayateXCarim, SignumXShamal, CaroXErio, and some others. Pffft.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yurimylove says:

    poor Vita got left out >_< there should be a one-way arrow from Vita to Nanoha too eheheheh…


  8. Ricky Otaku says:

    Is this really canon?


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