435th G-View: Dropout Idol Fruit Tart

The best way I can describe the following anime is that it is a “Girls’ Club Melting Pot”. The interested can find out what I mean as we take a look at Dropout Idol Fruit Tart.

Ochikobore Fruit Tart

Alternate Title: Ochikobore Fruit Tart (Japanese)

Genres: Comedy, Idols, Music, Yuri

Number of Episodes: 12

G-Rating: 11/10

Plot Summary: First-year high school student Ino Sakura heads to Tokyo to pursue becoming an idol. She teams up with fellow Nezumi Dorm residents — unpopular former child actor Roko, musician Hayu, and model Nina — to form the new idol unit Fruit Tart. These dropout idols get back on their feet and enter the world of show business to prevent their dorm from being demolished.

Fruit Tart Members

Left to right: Hemo, Hayu, Ino, Roko and Nina.

So what did I mean by “Girls’ Club Melting Pot”? Well, the show is an amalgamation of other Girls’ Club (Cute girls doing cute things) series covered on this blog over the years:

I dare say Fruit Tart is a spiritual successor of each of these excellent series.

Fruit Tart Cheer Video

Let us go over the cute local idol stuff first. The girls each have color coordinated costumes with cute patterns and each girl represents a fruit. They have their rough start but come together to do what they can to save the Fruit Tart brand despite their manager, Miss Hoho, barely having enough money to afford the necessities for success (That and she is a big spender). Minor spoiler but as the show progresses it becomes about more than saving only their dormitory from closing down. Besides singing, dancing and other known idol activities the girls participate in some charity work to help promote their brand. This of course rewards them with more than just money as viewers will notice over the course of the show.

As far as drama goes there is not much. There are emotional moments of the girls supporting each other but at times leading to a South Park like “emotional speech followed by a (harmless in this show’s case) joke to break the mood” setup. Fortunately the setups are well implemented in that they feel more like “chill pill” jokes than “mood breakers”.

Fruit Tart Ino tights

Trust me. This is a tame example. There is some borderline Rated R sexiness here ala Hinako Note.

Ino's email scheme

Moving on the sexiness and humor, as mentioned in the sexy tights image of Ino above the show blends moe and ecchi similarly to how Hinako Note did. Almost every main girl and woman get to show off their solid to super sexy bodies. Size does not matter. Expect to see sexy interactions between the ladies alongside cute ones. Many of the jokes, yuri or otherwise, would fit nicely in Yuru Yuri/feel like they came from Yuru Yuri. As with all comedies the show will either have you on the floor like me or it is not what the viewer looks for in their humor media. Also because Fruit Tart’s parent company is called “Rat Productions” there are several references to a certain global media conglomerate that may one day take over the entertainment industry.

Being a colorful anime the presentation is very colorful also. From the ladies’ bodies to the various effects on the show (including occasional skinny cone bodies for some reason) everything looks lovely. The soundtrack is delightful with nice/amusing Insert songs from Fruit Tart and their rivals Cream Anmitsu. The OP and ED are fun to listen to also.

Fruit Tart Five

Let us briefly go over our five heroines:

  • Ino is the very spirited protagonist determined to become an idol. She will do all she can to support her teammates and fans on and off stage.
  • Roko is a 17 year old former child star who physically looks the same years later. Her mental growth is debatable. She likes to rightfully criticize Miss Hoho’s many poor decisions and remarks.
  • Nina is a timid former model around the same age as Roko. Has the opposite complex as Roko.
  • Hayu is former musician who strives to be the “cool one” but her mannerisms have the opposite effect. Not uncool. The theme of the show.
  • Hemo joins the group near the second quarter of the show. She is initially thought to be the “cute one” but quickly shows her true nature. No, she is not a mean-spirited yandere. Not really.

Each girl has a running gag either related to their complex or a specific condition.

I will leave the side-characters for readers to discover on their own. Personally only dislike two girls but I have a feeling viewers will find a favorite or two. Even though I do not care for two girls in particular they have their moments (one or two). Basically the cast is excellent overall.

Hemo explains Call and Response to Ino

Hemo’s hearts in her irises are not a “lovey-dovey” effect, they are part of  her eyes.

Now on to the usual main event. Rather than say which girl likes which I will sum it up the following. Every girl or woman either has a teammate or rival they have a crush on or a type. They like a girl or girls in general. For most it is obvious who they have the hots for while some viewers will have to pay attention during the quick profile rundown during commercials. Each girl in the cast appears in the episode title and to preview the next episode.During commercials they have a few seconds to introduce themselves so depending on the translation pay attention to their profile of some girls to learn what their type is and/or who they are in love with. Again for most their love is obvious but some viewers will have to check out the commercial profile.

I suppose the only nitpick I have is the show having one of the most “lure” finales of the season. I mean come on. Oh well. Nothing many Girls’ Club fans are not used to.

Overall Dropout Idol Fruit Tart is one of my favorite anime comedies of 2020. Most of the cast are cute, sexy and hilarious. The ecchi is on point for a moe show, the presentation is colorful and the songs are fun to listen to. There is plenty of humorous and sexy yuri to be found but like in every comedy the viewer’s enjoyment depends on their sense of humor.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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26 Responses to 435th G-View: Dropout Idol Fruit Tart

  1. cirno9fan says:

    You covered pretty much everything I could think of. It was hilarious, ecchi, cute, and yuri all combined in one very entertaining package~
    I liked everyone, not sure who my “favorite” would be. It’s a rough choice between B(roko), Hemo, and Ino. But they’re all fantastic in their own ways, even the supporting cast,

    I will miss this show, and just hope dearly that this can be one of the miracles and get a second season. Also very curious if the BDs will add much like Hinako Note’s BDs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      One day you will understand that no matter how hard you try you cannot change one’s disdain.

      The sad part is this will most likely be another excellent Girls Club anime deserving of a 2nd season but never get one. That is something I shed tears for.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Alexis says:

    Y aquí está la última serie que ví. Me gustó, hubo buena comedia de principio a fin, hubo muchos momentos pero me quedó con dos: cuando en el concierto de Fruit Tart parecía que estaban lavando el cerebro a sus fans y como “sacrificaron” a Roco para que tener la canción del Cream Anmitsu.

    El yuri estuvo genial, me quedo con la frase de Hayu-chan “Ino-chi: eres una jugadora que vas tomando todo lo bueno”. Si Hayu quiere ganarle a Hemo creo que es hora de usar el modo doncella. También nos dio a la segunda Riri de la temporada, super linda la chica. Tone-chan tiene potencial como una producer… a diferencia de Hoho. Me encantó como usaron todos los fetiches yuri para potenciar la comedia.

    Estoy un poco triste porque estas series han terminado. De esta temporada solo me quedó con D4DJ y Dragon Quest, no sé como va a venir la siguiente temporada.

    Que el próximo año sea mejor

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Esa cancion en particular fue genial, especialmente como reacciono el publico inicialmente.

      Senti lastima por Roko pero aplaudi su coraje. Su “sacrificio” valio la pena, si.

      Nos vemos algun dia en el 2021 o tal vez en la revisa final de D4DJ.


  3. tbiscut74 says:

    This was my other favorite anime of the season! I Love this series so much!

    This show was adorable, sexy, and hilarious! And so wonderfully gay! I could not stop smiling through every episode!

    I loved the OP and ED! They were so catchy! And I loved those adorable little mouse outfits that they wore during the ED!

    Personally I loved those skinny cone bodies that they turned into every so often. It was cute!

    I loved all the girls! They are all fantastic! But 2 stood as my favorites:

    Miss Hoho was Fantastic! She was sexy and hilarious! Major props to her seiyu for doing an amazing job!

    And of course Roko! I don’t have the words to describe how much I loved her! She’s heart meltingly adorable, a tsundere(ish), a women of culture, and most importantly, she’s purple! Bless her.

    I am dreaming of more of this wonderful show!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Funny, sexy and gay sums up this show nicely.

      The cones were certainly one of the more unique “funny body” designs I’ve seen in anime.

      Great top 2 there. Purple is the color of the gods after all.

      Most of us would LOVE more Fruit Tart anime but realistically the chances are slim, which is sad.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Little Viktoria says:

    Lovely series! I hope there will be a season 2 – the ending definitely left that possibility. I also hope this series guides the way to more of this kind of crazy, colourful, unashamedly ecchi yuri anime ^^

    It’s impossible for me to pick favourites. I love all the tiny petite girls (six of them! Paradise! ^^). But Ino is also such a huggable cutie, and Nina is perhaps my favourite tall girl of all time (normally I don’t feel much interest in tall girls but she is just charming ^^). And Chiko is a sexy devoted siscon. Oh and Tone… we HAVE to get season two with Tone in a swimsuit or underwear (hmm, who am I fooling… I want to see them all nude ^^). She looks fantastic with a ponytail.

    All the girls are lovely. I guess my top cuties would be Hemo with her adorable eyes, the endlessly innocent maiden Hayu, and Roko with her feisty tsundere personality and beautiful eyebrows.

    I’m happy they even got to perform the broccoli song together (now I want to eat broccoli!), as well as the topless Hemo and of course Roko’s night with the Cream Anmitsu girls (somebody needs to draw doujinshi about what really went on). And I laughed so much at Roko’s reason for having her hairstyle ^^

    Liked by 3 people

    • OG-Man says:

      Realistically the chances of a 2nd season are slim but we can always hope for a miracle.

      Many lovely body types and more importantly none of the smol ones were kids but sexy petite short girls/women.

      Great Top 3 there.

      Broccoli is delicious actually, especially boiled in chicken stock.

      Probably lots of cuteness, lewdness and maybe some virgin’s blood?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. chikorita157 says:

    I knew this one will be an enjoyable Manga Time Kirara adaptation after reading the first volume and Ino showing signs that she likes girls, but denies it when Hayu reveals that there are girls in their school who are into girls. Also, there is Hemo who develops a huge crush. Still, I find it funny how the whole cast, including the rival Cream Amitsu having their own quirks as well.

    Still, I would like to see a continuation in anime form. I guess time can only tell.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Mauron says:

    Pervy girls and yuri, my two favorite things.

    Lots of hilarity and ecchiness. Excellent combination of course. A few kinks that I wasn’t into, but I’d totally indulge if we were close. And of course one I wouldn’t, but it’s anime. Of course we’re going to see that.

    Season 2 when?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: OG’s 10 Favorite Anime of 2020 | The Yuri Empire

  8. Makoto Itoshi says:

    Best show of the season ended and the only thing left to do now is read the manga. The translation is consistent so I’m sure they’ll catch up in a few months.

    This is the only series I know a yandere works absolutely wonderfully with the main character who is a huge pervert herself, the show is very unique for a lot of reasons, but this reason in particular was the main attraction to me. In most other manga or anime yanderes are the butt of jokes that have zero chance and are never taken seriously, but here not only she is on the same level as everyone in the group but also thanks to Ino’s personality being as degenerate if not more than her, their dynamic is as serious as the dynamic from any other serious couple. Not matter what Hemo does, Ino will always love her, because Ino probably would have done the same in her place.

    Roko was the third best character, she stole the final episode. Though Hayu’s episode was second best. In the last place is Nina, but when she is together with Roko they become a very powerful duo, so still love her because she is an important half of a pair.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      That’s because Hemo’s only part yandere. She’s not the “I’ll stab you to death if you cheat on me” type but won’t refrain from threatening raivarus. Currently Hemo’s in the lead when it comes to Ino’s harem.

      Roko is a treasure. Nina is the likeliest to hook up with her.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. ineedyuri says:

    Ino would make a terrible closet lesbian.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. yurimylove says:

    so many fun characters and hilarious antics, this is a winner! Special mention for Tone the tenacious otaku:

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Nick says:

    Another super fun and enjoyable anime, I’ll miss Fruit Tart quite a bit. As always cute girls doing cute things with a splash of sexy times and a healthy dose of yuri makes for a great time.

    You’re pretty much summed up my thoughts about this show very nicely, it helped get me through Monday as I could always count on it to bring a smile to my face after a long and stressful work day.

    I hope we see more of these girls in the future as their idol journey continues, I feel like there is plenty more story left to tell and so many more adventures to be had.

    All in all Fruit Tart hits all the right notes and it’ll definitely be a show I remember when doing my year in review series.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. K says:

    I finished watching all the episodes by the end of last year and it was hilariously marvelous. Your review described things quite excellently. I didn’t even know that HaNaYaMaTa’s creator was behind this so that’s a plus.

    The girls and ladies were all wonderful, especially Ino and Hayu. Hayu really surprised me with her cute shyness.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Giack31 says:

    I enjoyed this anime way more than I initially though.
    This was very funny, very lewd and very gay.
    Out of the main cast Hayu was probably my favourite, her pure heart and her love for Hino were so cute. I also really liked Hoho and Riri.
    By the end of the series some of the jokes were definitively overdone but it still remains a very solid comedy anime.

    Liked by 1 person

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