Kindred Spirits on the Roof -Full Chorus- Release Date Announced

Kindred Spirits Full Chorus Release Date.jpg

The tweet and pic speak for themselves. Check out the ad below for a full rundown on what’s new in Full Chorus. Think of it as Kindred Spirits: Ultimate Edition.

The “Ultimate Edition” and upgrade patch (for peeps who own the original) are available for pre-order with an early (and Steam launch) discount.


Unfortunately it does not include the four previously released Drama CDs found HERE.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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11 Responses to Kindred Spirits on the Roof -Full Chorus- Release Date Announced

  1. Mauron says:

    I’m celebrating my birthday in the most yuririffic of ways next year!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ApricotEarthDragon says:

    That’s fantastic news. KSOTR is pretty much my favorite yuri anything ever so I couldn’t be happier about that. I was just wondering the other day if this was ever going to come out. The only thing that wasn’t so great about the original game was how little the excellent voice actors were used. Also, I wonder if this will include voice acting for all of the extra scenes that unlock after you finish the VN? Some of them were really nice and added a lot to the characters and story.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. NateC7 says:


    Liked by 1 person

  4. qorl says:

    Those drama cds are so expensive still…


  5. tsubasasfamily says:

    FINALLY. The wait will be worth it; now I can replay the game somewhat fresh with full voices! Excitement! We need more yuri ghosts (and vampires and monsters in general actually).

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The Otaku Judge says:

    I feel bad for early adopters. The original game plus the patch is more expensive than pre-ordering Full Chorus.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yurimylove says:

    Xmas present to self, get


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