Yuri Quickie: Uma Musume

Usa Musume.jpg

The power of yuri can turn any female into a gay gay, even a mare.

The reason why I labeled this as a Yuri Quickie instead of adding it to the Girls Club Bonanza 2016 Round 2 list was because I don’t know whether this will become an anime series or is simply a “Commercial that leaves me wanting MORE MORE MORE!” like the McDonald’s commercial.

Update: Update: It is a commercial for an idol-raising, horse racing simulator by Cygames. Also they have plans to start an animation company. This gives us hope that it could one day happen.

About OG-Man

Yuri and Slice of Life are my anime passion.
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38 Responses to Yuri Quickie: Uma Musume

  1. cirno9fan says:

    It’s probably set to be a mobile game. Considering it was by Cygames. They’ve had a decent amount of things turned into anime of theirs, so it becoming an anime eventually is not a distant dream. It being a project that comes with an anime and game is also something that is possible, but I wouldn’t count on that one.


  2. cirno9fan says:

    Oh, and small correction: It’s Uma Musume
    Not Usa
    Considering Uma = Horse, that makes a lot more sense xD


  3. Denny Sinnoh says:

    Oh, man. I hope i win the Triple-Crown so that I will be “put out to stud”.


  4. Error says:

    This is new. (for me) Girls as horses. ^^


  5. Alexis says:

    Hola… Tiempo sin escribir y no decir Oh God!

    Japón nunca cambies, justo cuando creía que ya habían antropormofizado todo, ahora sale este juego con yeguas y lo primero que se me vino a la mente fue… “Y no es más fácil hacer un juego de jockeys” pero conforme vi el trailer les fui tomando cariño a las potras, por ahí vi dos parejitas, una acosadora y su acosada y otra del tipo princesa-busca-princesa, muy lindas mirándose bonito y patinando sobre el hielo y si se fija por ahí anda la hija de Mahiru y Sumireko convertida en yegua y ahora quiero ver más de este show.

    Este inicio de temporada está muy productivo, leí la noticia de que van a sacar una serie llamada Yuri on Ice pero todos están divididos sobre si es algo como yuri kuma (porque hasta el logo de la serie tiene parecido) o sobre si el protagonista es hombre y se llama “yuri”, yo espero lo primero y que sea una serie del tipo, competencias de parejas que para ser más fuertes tienen que tener una “relación profunda” en donde una de nuestras protagonistas sea del tipo “te estuve buscando”y la otra del tipo “anata no mamoru”, hagan la promesa de ir a las nacionales y se enfrenten a otras chicas y la pareja rival todopoderosa sea una rusa con una japonesa tipo ojou-sama.

    Espero la siguiente temporada pasar más seguido por el blog

    Liked by 1 person

    • OG-Man says:

      Bienvenido de regreso amiga Alexis.

      Tiene muchisima potencial para ser un show grandioso.

      Yuri on Ice!! desde el inicio sospeche que sera sobre un chico o chica llamado/a Yuri.


  6. zuneko says:

    Oh wow, I can’t wait for this! >W<


  7. animehyrukai says:

    Yuri race horse betting, May the yuri be ever in your favor.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. JimJiminy says:

    First thought, oh an anime on horse raising possibly based in Churchill downs i would totally watch that. Then the girls mares, figured okay still working, then ice skating and idols mares, totally blew my mind and i just turned off the brain. Still great vid though

    Liked by 2 people

  9. elkat4 says:

    Racing horse-girls? Why not? They need to make an anime/game/visual novel where the main character is a girl who starts working on a farm only to realize all the animals are actually cute girls. (Yuri Farmville?)

    Liked by 3 people

  10. John Hayabusa says:

    Horse yuri action? Well I am guess down with this. Love the characters designs.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. this song sound like a little like lucky star

    Liked by 1 person

  12. maki says:

    well if isjust commercial ….. Japan commerce love yuri,,,?


  13. yurimylove says:

    BREAKING NEWS: anime adaptation confirmed! And the title will be — My little pony: yuri is magic XD

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Shoujo Aisha says:

    Swimming, ice-skating, ‘horse’ idols, who do all this while being really gay. This is really tripping my WTF sensors.


  15. AkumaChan says:

    WOAH are those legit animal ears??!! AND HORSE EARS?!?!! HORSE EARS EVERYONE! ITS REAL NOW!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. automaticimperfection says:

    Manga or anime, I’m in, idol horse-girls racing and ice skating with a right amount of lesbian. sign me in!

    Liked by 1 person

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